Booster Shots for COVID-19 help maintain and protect against COVID-19

Booster shots are now available for healthcare workers

A booster dose is an additional shot of vaccine that helps you maintain and lengthen your protection against COVID-19. When you get a booster dose, you’re helping protect yourself, your family, your loved ones, your co-workers and the residents here at Menno Place from COVID-19.

Why get a COVID-19 vaccine booster? A COVID booster shot is an additional dose of a vaccine given after the protection provided by the original shot(s) has begun to decrease over time. Typically, you would get a booster after the immunity from the initial dose(s) naturally starts to wane. The booster is designed to help people maintain their level of immunity for longer.

Who is eligible? Healthcare workers who received their 2nd dose on or before March 15th can get their booster at any time. In January 2022, boosters will be available to the general public and the availability will not be as accessible.

Book your booster shot: CLICK HERE

Read more about the booster shots: CLICK HERE

BC’s COVID-19 Immunization Plan is designed to save lives and stop the spread of COVID-19.

Report your booster shot: CLICK HERE