General and Specific Instructions
- Retrieve the passing quilt
- Take out the laminated sheet for yourself to follow
- Download the song pre-selected by the resident – see PCC profile or ask family for a song
- Greet funeral staff, show them to resident’s room, explain the passing quilt ceremony, retrieve laminated instructions
- When the funeral staff are ready, re-enter the room and make sure the draping of the quilt is even
- Inform family and staff that the processional is going to begin – when all are behind you, start the song
- Lead the processional slowly toward the door, funeral staff push gurney – family to follow, staff to follow family
- When you reach the exit, stop and turn to the family and staff
- Read the selection and prayer / sentiments that is on the laminated sheet
- Remove the quilt, fold and return with laminated instructions to the location where it is stored
Download PDF of instructions – CLICK HERE
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Passing Quilt How-To Video
Watch the training video (above) to learn how to lead the Passing Quilt Ceremony.
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