Purchase a Butterfly to Donate to a resident

There is such JOY in releasing a butterfly at our Annual Butterfly Release!

Residents enjoy having these butterflies on their hand, flitting around them, and watching them fly away.

“We do not remember days… we remember moments”

Do you want to purchase a butterfly for a resident to enjoy a special moment?

The cost of each butterfly is $30. The Recreation Team will provide a resident with your donated butterfly.


If you would like to donate a butterfly to a resident, CLICK HERE to purchase.

To learn all about our annual BUTTERFLY RELEASE CELEBRATION, click here.


Date: Friday, June 14, 2024

Time: 2:30 pm

Location: Menno Place Courtyard

Gates open at 1:30 pm | Butterflies available for pick-up at 2:00 pm

Refreshments to Follow

A joyful time to release butterflies into the beautiful courtyard. Join with residents to share a special moment of excitement as butterflies are released by those who have pre-purchased a butterfly in anticipation of sharing this precious memory together.