September 24, 2021 – TERRACE WEST (IL) OUTBREAK – New COVID positive = 0 (T=1)

COVID UPDATE – September 24, 2021 – Terrace West Outbreak


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 1 (1 residents TW | 0 staff)

There are no new cases of COVID to report today in Terrace West. All of the residents who were put on isolation by Public Health due to contact tracing have been swabbed and all tests have returned negative. These residents remain on isolation and await further instruction from the Medical Health Officer as they have been directly exposed to a COVID positive individual.

Here is the memo that will be delivered to Terrace West residents today. It will answer many of the questions that you may have about how you can support your loved one living in Terrace West.

Date:             September 24, 2021
To:                  Terrace West (IL) Residents re: Terrace West on Outbreak

We are sorry to inform you that a resident of Terrace West was diagnosed with COVID-19. The Terrace West apartment building has been declared on Outbreak. This means that there are specific enhanced infection control protocols that need to be followed to ensure that COVID does not spread further.

What does it mean for those on isolation? All residents who were in contact with the COVID positive resident have already been placed on isolation have all tested negative for COVID. They must continue to isolate and wait for direction from the Medical Health Officer. They have a cart outside their apartment door and anyone entering must wear full personal protective equipment.

What about those who are not on isolation? If you are not on isolation, you are asked to follow all enhanced infection control protocols wearing a mask when you are with anyone else, practicing hand hygiene, staying in your suite as much as possible and staying 6 feet apart from others. Don’t visit in each other’s apartment suites. This also means answering a Fraser Health nurse who will ask you twice a day if you have any COVID symptoms. Your noon meal will be delivered to your apartment suite.

What about visitors? Only essential visitors may enter this apartment building or your suite. The Medical Health Officer has to approve anyone to be an essential visitor. The process for application and approval is to phone Cheryl Dawes, Manager, Community Enrichment to explain your situation – 604.851.4020. Anyone who doesn’t live with you is considered a visitor including housekeepers, family, friend. Loved ones can enter the foyer to drop-off essential items such as groceries to you.

Home Support Services: If you receive home support services to assist you with activities of daily living (getting ready in the morning or night, showering, medicine) from Fraser Health, carry on as usual. If another organization provides you services, please notify Reception (604.851.4004) to ensure they are permitted entry as an essential service.

Can residents who are not isolated go out? Yes. You may leave the apartment building. This includes walks or going out with a loved one. It also includes medical appointments. This is a time to be cautious about going where there are large groups (stores, restaurants or church). This virus is very contagious and the elderly are still the most vulnerable to it. Use all your layers of protection: mask, hand washing, 6 feet distance.