$10 Replacement Cost Waived: Nametag Replacement: February 14 – 19
Request Form: Scroll Down
Every Menno Place team member is issued a photo ID tag and a nametag when they are hired to work here.
Your nametag is either a magnetic or pinned nametag that is worn to clearly show your name to residents, family members and your co-workers.
It is to be worn while you are working and is located where it is visible and readable for others: chest-level either on your clothing or your lanyard.
ID Tag
The Photo ID tag has your your photo on it and gets you in and out of the buildings. It identifies you as a member of the Menno Place team. It does not replace your nametag to show your name to others.
In the event of an emergency and you arrive to provide assistance (such as an earthquake), your photo ID tag will be required by emergency responders in order to provide assistance to residents and staff.
Replacement Nametag Pick up – February 20 – 21
Please pick up your nametag on Feb 20th or Feb 21st between 8am and 4pm at the Menno Hospital Front Entrance desk. If you filled out the form on February 19th, please allow for 24 hours before picking up your nametag. If you are unable to pick up your nametag during this window of time, your nametag will be delivered to your location selected on the request form. MBS staff can pick up their nametags at the MBS office in Menno Hospital main entrance.
Please use the form below to make your request for your new nametag. Only your first name will be printed on your nametag.