Staff Flu Clinic Today – 1:30pm-4:30pm

Staff and Volunteer Flu Clinic:

November 21      1:30 pm to 4:30 pm     Menno Home       Learning Center

Rexall Pharmacy will be providing flu clinics at Menno Campus for any staff or volunteer to obtain their seasonal flu vaccine. Please make note of the following Flu Clinic dates, as our Nurses will not be available to immunize staff.  

You will need to bring with you:

  • Care Card.
  • Completed Flu Vaccine Consent (forms available at the Reception areas at each site and at the clinic). An accessible shirt with sleeves that easily roll up, or short sleeves.

Please note that there are flu clinics in the community if you are unable to attend those we are holding. If you receive your vaccination outside the facility, please provide a copy of your vaccination to your manager.

Thank you.