Surge Learning – Sitecode Change

Effective October 15th, your Surge Learning sitecode will change to corp.


Sally Smith ==   corp.smits

Your password will remain the same and all other functionality will remain the same.

Need a refresher on how to login to Surge Learning? Click Here.

Resident and Family Centred Care

Resident and Family Centered Care

For 65 years, Menno Place has been caring for seniors with compassionate Christian care. Over the years there have been many changes in how our society cares for the elderly. In 1954, at the beginning of Menno Home care, the average age of an elderly resident was 64 years old! Most of the residents were able to drive their own car, collect eggs, garden vegetables and milk the dairy cows.

As we understand the psychological, spiritual, emotional and physical needs of each senior, our philosophy of care has shifted from primarily focusing on the medical needs of a resident to a resident and family centered care plan for each individual.

Menno Place has adopted the following definition of Resident and Family Centered Care:

“Providing resident and family centered care means working collaboratively with residents and their families to provide care and services that is respectful, compassionate, culturally safe, and competent, while being responsive to their needs, values, cultural backgrounds and beliefs, and preferences”.

This definition has been adapted from Accreditation Canada.

Our values – Stewardship, Excellence, Respect, Values-Driven, Innovation, Compassion, Encouragement – align with RFCC which makes this philosophy concept a good fit for Menno Place.

The four Core Concepts that support RFCC include:

  1. Dignity and respect: Listening to and honouring resident and family perspectives and choices. Resident and family knowledge, values, beliefs, and cultural backgrounds are incorporated into the planning and delivery of care.
  2. Information sharing: communicating and sharing complete and unbiased information with residents and families in ways that are affirming and useful. Residents and families receive timely, complete, and accurate information in order to effectively participate in care and decision-making.
  3. Partnership and participation: encouraging and supporting residents and families to participate in care and decision making to the extent that they wish.
  4. Collaboration: Collaborating with residents and families in policy and program development, implementation and evaluation, facility design, professional education, and delivery of care. (Accreditation Canada)

The RFCC philosophy focuses on the individual rather than on the condition, and on the person’s strengths and abilities rather than losses.

  • At Menno Place staff members respect the wishes, concerns, values, priorities, perspectives and strengths of the person and family. The value for human dignity is shown by caring for residents as whole and unique human beings, not as problems or diagnoses. To support the individual’s personhood, the team provides RFCC with a focus on the person and the relationship; not the disease.
  • What does RFCC look like in real life?
    • Speaking to the resident respectfully:
      • use the name the resident prefers
    • Engaging in social conversation, as appropriate, about events and experiences in the person’s life:
      • create memory boxes
      • family pictures
      • items from home in their room
    • Offering choices about how to accomplish the task:
      • Style of dress, makeup (does a woman who always wore makeup feel un-presentable without it?)
  • Greeting and expressing interest in the resident’s welfare, comfort, condition:
    • Knock before entering the resident’s room
    • Introduce yourself – “Hi, my name is……”
    • When I leave the resident’s room I ask – “Do you need help to the bathroom? Do you need something for pain? Are there any personal items you need within reach before I leave?”
  • Finding out what makes the resident’s life meaningful when making decisions about their care:
    • Together with the resident and family create and honor their goals of care
    • Individualized activities that connect to the resident’s previous interests (can a gardener enjoy looking at a seed catalogue if he or she can no longer physically plant seeds?)

Compassion Fatigue – Watch this Video

SafeCare BC Presents a Webinar on Compassion Fatigue

Stress that occurs as a result of trying to help others in need is often referred to as the “cost of caring” and can cause physical and mental exhaustion and emotion withdrawal.

Watch to learn more.




Dress Up Day – October 31st

Mental Health Awareness Day

World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day is observed on 10 October every year, with the overall objective of raising awareness of mental health issues around the world and mobilizing efforts in support of mental health.

This day provides an opportunity for all stakeholders working on mental health issues to talk about their work, and what more needs to be done to make mental health care a reality for people worldwide.

The topic of mental wellness is on the rise. Like our physical health, it’s something to be nurtured, developed and cared for. The more we talk about mental health, the more top of mind it becomes – especially at work. Our jobs play a significant part in our lives. The Menno Place Leadership Team wants to ensure everyone feels comfortable talking openly about mental health issues, without judgement or stigma and that people can get help when necessary. We support each and every one of you as you serve our residents here at Menno Place.

Not Myself Today© is a mental health initiative presented by the Canadian Mental Health Association (click here). It aims to change the way we talk about mental health and support our own mental health, as well as that of our colleagues. The different resources, tools and activities are all designed to raise awareness on the issue, reduce stigma, and ultimately to help us build a safe and supportive work environment.

At Menno Place we are excited to be on the forefront of organizations that are stepping up and making a difference in how mental health is supported at work. We were the first Long Term Care Organization in Canada to adopt the Psychological Health and Safety Standards back in 2014.  Join us and be part of this journey.

On this website, you will find on the mental health tab a number of resources. In addition, new this year is personalized access to the Not Myself Today website. Access is personalized and is not shared with anyone else. Here you will be able to access tools and resources to support your mental wellness.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to talk to me.

Thank you,

Karen Baillie, CEO

HCA Appreciation Day – Oct 18th

Winners Announced: Safety Education Expo

On October 9, 2019 the Safety Education Expo was held in the Menno Hospital Chapel. 64 team members took part in the event! The topics of the booths covered:

Infection Control
Emergency Response
Body Mechanics
A Culture of Safety
Preventative Maintenance
Mental Health and Wellness Initiatives
Resident & Family Centered Care
Recreation @ Menno
and SafeCare BC had a booth

Thanks to all the managers and staff who explained their booth and educated our team members on the safety initiatives at Menno Place!

Safety Education Expo – Oct 9th

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