Special Air Quality Advisory

Street Parking – Brundige Ave and Primrose St

There has been an increase in Apartment residents, families and visitors expressing challenges to find parking when they visit their loved ones in the Apartments.

In order to provide more visitor parking, we are updating our parking practice…


Help us collect some fun and interesting Menno Place trivia!

All Staff Memo: Social Worker Temporary Change

Staff BBQ Photos!

We had so much fun last Friday at the Staff BBQ! Here’s some pictures from the day!

Heat Stress Prevention

Staff Alumni Reunion – ALL Staff Invited!

That includes YOU!
RSVP to our Staff Alumni Reunion on Facebook! You don’t want to miss this party!

CIBC Run for the Cure – Sept 30th!

Join the Menno Place Team!
Presented by the Health and Wellness Committee

When: September 30, 2018

Where: Mill Lake

Our goal is to have 10 people or more sign up and participate!
You can either run or walk – no pressure! We hope you’ll join us!

The money raised at this event goes to support breast cancer research and you will receive a Menno Place Team CIBC Run for the Cure T-shirt.

Fee: $45.00 (submit fees to Teresa Halovich, Unit Clerk, Menno Home E1.)

Please contact Teresa Halovich at Menno Home if you have any questions.
Teresa.Halovich@mennoplace.ca or 604-853-2411 ext. 312


Quilted Comfort

Lavanda (Social Programs Officer at Fraser Valley Institute for Women) with Pearl Nucich – looking through all the quilts brought to Menno Place!

At the end of July we received a beautiful donation from the Fraser Valley Institution of Women.

For the past several months the women there have been learning to quilt by making lap blankets for seniors, and they brought their first finished set to the residents at Menno Place!

We love how connected this community in Abbotsford is, and we are so grateful for the care that is extended to our seniors.

You are part of our legacy!

What is your part of our legacy of care? We want to hear from you!