GetVaccinated – Register for your 2nd Dose

Notification for second-dose booking has now moved to GET VACCINATED – registration is required

What’s Happening?
Second dose booking notifications were sent out on May 6, 2021 to anyone who is at least 13 weeks (91 days) out from their first does, has not had their second dose or does not have a second dose appointment booked already.
The system notifcations are sent after 13 weeks in order to ensure you are able to book your appointment at the 16 week due date.
Anyone who has received their first dose and has NOT yet been contacted to book their second dose, should register on the Get Vaccinated system as soon as possible.
Please register right away at and you will be notified via text or email when it is time to book your 2nd dose.
If you are past 13 weeks from your first dose and have not yet received a notification to book, please call the provincial call centre at 1-833-838-2323