Internal Job Vacancies posted on – Sept. 11th

Effective September 11, 2018 all Menno Place internal job vacancies will be available for you to see on the staff website.  This new initiative is in response to a team member suggestion that an online tool would make it easier for casuals as well as regular staff to keep up on the new job vacancies at Menno Place.

Go to the top navigation and click on “Internal Job Vacancies”.  A drop-down navigation will appear where you can choose to look at job vacancies in the Home, Hospital, Apartments or MBS. On this site you are able to see the current internal job vacancies, apply for a vacancy and see who the successful candidates are.

Who can apply for these vacancies?

All applicants must be currently employed at the location of the job vacancy for their application to be processed. In other words, if you work at Menno Home, you can apply for job vacancies at Menno Home.

Only the person applying can fill out the online application – you can not fill it out on behalf of someone else.

What happens when you apply online?

After you complete your online application for an internal vacancy, you will receive an email confirmation that your application has been received by Human Resources. The email will include your application information as well as the date and time it was submitted.

How will you let the successful candidate know?

Successful candidates will get a call from Staffing once the posting comes down. In addition, the successful candidate’s name will appear on the website.