Mental Health Check-In
Now, more than ever, it is good to take a moment, with some deep breaths, and check in on your mental health.
How do you feel during these last few months?
The Menno Place Health & Wellness Committee encourage all staff to use the tool below to help you take a look at your mental health and wellness in light of COVID-19.
The Canadian Mental Health Association has created this questionnaire to get you to quickly reflect on a few areas of your mental, physical and social well-being. In a dozen questions, they’ll ask you about sleep and eating, stress, mood and worry, substance use, social support, and thoughts of harming yourself. The check-in is anonymous and there is no right or wrong answer. The check-in is not a clinical test or one that will give you a score. You must talk to a health professional to receive a diagnosis. It’s a tool to help you identify and explore useful and free resources in BC based on your answers. If you think you might have a mental illness, it’s best to talk with a mental health professional.