Pandemic Pay Update

From Karen L. Biggs, CEO:

Most Menno Place frontline employees (excludes managers and other administrative positions) will be eligible to receive the federal government Temporary Pandemic Pay (TPP) for straight-time hours worked (Excludes overtime and paid leaves e.g. vacation, sick leave, education, etc.) in support of provincially-funded services for the period March 15 to July 4, 2020 as a onetime lump sum payment.

“Provincial funders are working with the Ministry of Finance to create a streamlined, coordinated approach to ensure eligible agencies have a clear process to follow and receive the funding for distribution to employees.”

It is the hope of the Fraser Health Authority to provide more detailed information to us by August 17, 2020 and presumably the funding will flow soon after that.

In the interim, TPP information is posted on  which will include some general updates periodically. I will keep you informed as I get further information from FHA.