Rapid Test Protocols – Effective January 7, 2022

Staff Rapid Test Process:

  1. Due to the shortage of Rapid Tests in the community, staff are no longer required to rapid test prior to each shift.  Therefore rapid tests are no longer located at staff entrances.
  2. Staff who begin to feel symptomatic while at work may take a rapid test.
  3. Rapid Tests are now located with the Visitation Hosts and in the Medication Rooms.  You may ask a nurse or Visitation Host for one.
  4. Due to the shortage of rapid tests in the community, they are only available for use by staff.  They are no longer available to take home.
  5. If you are symptomatic before your shift, do not come to work.

Visitor Rapid Testing:

  1. Essential visitors are required to rapid test 2x every 7 days.