As we enter another influenza season all staff are highly encouraged to get the flu shot and COVID booster vaccine. Health care workers are at risk of exposure to infectious diseases while at work. However, many diseases can be prevented with immunization, including influenza. Prevention of influenza among our staff decreases sick-time, short shifts and extended work hours when we are short-staffed.
To make this process as easy as possible we will be hosting a staff vaccination clinic on November 17th from 1300 – 1600 in the learning center in Menno Hospital.
Please bring a piece of ID with your personal health number and remember to wear something with short sleeves so your arm is accessible.
Staff who are not able attend the clinic they are encouraged to go to their community pharmacy or physician and bring back the documentation to Menno.
Menno Place is required to report overall vaccination rates among staff. Please use the form below to report your vaccination status whether you have received the vaccines or are choosing not to.