Which one is this? Cold or Flu?

flu2Which one am I?

Cold or Flu?

I give you a high fever of 102F to 104F.

I come on suddenly and last for 3-4 days.

I give you big headaches and make your whole body ache.

I make you feel week and extremely fatigued.

I make your nose run, your sneezes go and your throat sore.

I will make you cough – I can even make it very severe. It hurts to cough.

I can lead to pneumonia and respiratory failure.

I can make a condition you have much worse.

I can take your life.

What am I? Cold or Flu?

I am the flu.

What should you do to prevent spreading me?

Get your flu shot. If you do not have your flu shot now, you must wear a mask around our residents in Menno Home, Menno Hospital and the Terraces.

Wash your hands frequently – sing the whole Happy Birthday song before you rinse.

Stay home if you are sick. We don’t need to spread the germs.

Cough or sneeze into your elbow / sleeve.