Butterfly Release Celebration

Date: Friday, June 16

Time: Afternoon beginning at 3:00pm

Location: Courtyard

A joyful time to release butterflies into the beautiful courtyard. Join with residents to share a special moment of excitement as butterflies are released one by one by those who have pre-purchased a butterfly in anticipation of sharing this precious memory together.

Who purchases a butterfly for release?

  • Residents who would enjoy raising butterflies from larvae and releasing a butterfly
  • Family members who want to honour the life of a loved one who has passed away
  • Friends and family who want to honour the life of a resident who is living at Menno Place, creating a special moment and memory
  • Staff who want to remember a resident or celebrate the life of a resident at Menno Place

How much does a butterfly cost? What is the money for?

In order to release a butterfly on June 16, each participant will purchase a butterfly for $20. This covers the cost of the butterfly and is a fundraiser for the Recreation Programs at Menno Place. Buy Online

Why butterflies?

Butterflies provide a very special symbols of transitions in our own lives. We see the butterfly as a symbol of transformation and transition because of its impressive process of metamorphosis. The transition of a butterfly into something so very beautiful provides a symbol of hope for each of us as we see our own transitions take place.

The butterfly moves through the transitions from egg to larvae to pupa and emerges from the cocoon with grace and beauty. This reminder encourages us to move through our own transitions with hope and grace, embracing the next stage of life.

A butterfly’s metamorphosis is also symbolic of faith.The butterfly beckons us to keep our faith as we undergo transitions in our lives. We can see that toiling, fretting and anger are uselsess against the turning tides of transition. The butterfly invites us to recognize this for our own transitions.

What happens in the months prior to the butterfly release?

Initially, butterfly larvae will be purchased for each unit and building on the campus. Residents will have the privilege of watching the butterflies transition through the metamorphosis. There will also be opportunity for residents and families to participate in butterfly walls that will remind us of people we love – those that have passed and those that we continue to enjoy.

Families, friends, residents, staff and volunteers will begin to purchase butterflies that they will release in the ceremony on June 16th.

How do I purchase a butterfly?

At the Fireside Treasures Gift Shop, at Reception or online.

When is the Annual Sitewide Memorial Service?

Date: Friday, June 16th at 2pm

Location: Hospital Chapel

Each year, the chaplains put on a service that honours and remembers residents who have passed away in the previous 12 months.

You are welcome to attend, alongside the relatives and friends of the loved ones who will come to remember.