Healthcare workers prioritized for 3rd shot – booster shot – book yours TODAY

Starting November 2021, COVID-19 booster vaccinations will be offered to health care workers with less than 42 days between their dose 1 and dose 2
 Staff must be registered in the Get Vaccinated system to receive an invitation to book an appointment
 To register, visit or call 1-833-838-2323.
 For more information, visit the BC Centre for Disease Control website

October 29, 2021 – PAVILION (IL) COVID EXPOSURE – New COVID positive =0 (T=1)

COVID UPDATE – October 29, 2021 – Pavilion COVID exposure


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 1 (1 resident PAVILION | 0 staff)

MOST RECENT COVID CASE = October 22, 2021

The Fraser Health Licensing audit returned with Moderate Risk level for the Pavilion (low, moderate and high categories). This means that we will put into place more signage, active screening at the entrance and continued vigilance with enhanced cleaning.

The two residents on isolation had negative COVID results for their test on Oct. 27th. We await information from Public Health on next steps as these residents continue to self-monitor. The entire building remains on Enhanced Monitoring. All residents who are on isolation report that they are doing well.

Meals continue to be delivered to the resident’s apartment suites. The laundry room is open. Maximum 3 people in the laundry room at a time. Wipe down all machines before using them. Wash your hands thoroughly.

The dining room is closed, lounges are closed and residents are not permitted to visit in each other’s apartment suites. Visitors must all be vaccinated fully.

Please communicate with your loved ones that they need to exercise caution in their activities: reducing the frequency of outings; reducing the number of people that they contact; wearing their mask over nose and mouth; staying 6 feet away from others; using hand sanitizer frequently and washing hands often.

Please report any symptomatic residents to Reception: 604.851.4004

October 28, 2021 – TERRACE WEST (IL) OUTBREAK – New COVID positive resident = 0 (T=5)

COVID UPDATE – October 29, 2021 – Terrace West Outbreak


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 5 (5 residents TW | 0 staff)


PASSED AWAY = 1 resident (October 26)

We are pleased that all of the swabs that were done on October 27th on the 3rd floor came back negative. This was what we hoped for! The next PPT will be done on November 1, 2021.

Please note a new date for the 3rd COVID PPT(point prevalence test) PCR test (swab or gargle): Monday, November 1st – time to be confirmed

What is a PCR test?

Tests such as molecular polymerase chain reaction (or PCR) tests detect the virus itself and diagnose COVID-19.

Dining Room Changes – Menno Apartments

Residents of Terrace East and Primrose Gardens received memos this week informing them of floor-by-floor dining in the dining rooms. Terrace West and Pavilion dining rooms are closed due to outbreak (TW) and enhanced monitoring (Pavilion).

In cooperation with Fraser Health, our team at Menno Place seeks to understand any points of concern with respect to transmission of COVID within our Independent and Assisted Living apartments. The dining experience in our apartments has been identified as requiring increased social distancing in order to provide the safest dining experience for our residents. In the Terrace East outbreak, the Medical Health Officer isolated all residents in the apartment building because all floors in the building were represented within short distance from the index case in the dining room. This isolation for all residents became significantly difficult for the residents as the outbreak transmission progressed. It is our hope that by serving meals to one floor at a time with enhanced cleaning between meals, we can continue the benefits of socializing during meals while mitigating the need to isolate the entire apartment building should a resident in the apartment contract COVID.

We recognize that this is difficult for residents. We have weighed this hardship against the hardship of isolation that was recently experienced by our Terrace East residents. At this time, with the prevalence of COVID in our community and the regional orders for Fraser Valley East, we have decided to put this floor-by-floor physically distanced plan into place for all dining rooms.

Floor-by-floor dining will begin on October 28th in Primrose Gardens and November 2nd in Terrace East.

At this time, there is no COVID exposure for residents in either Terrace East or Primrose Gardens.



October 27, 2021 – TERRACE WEST (IL) OUTBREAK – New COVID positive resident = 0 (T=5)

COVID UPDATE – October 27, 2021 – Terrace West Outbreak


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 5 (5 residents TW | 0 staff)


PASSED AWAY = 1 resident (October 26)

We are sorry to inform you that a Terrace West resident has succumbed to COVID. Our condolences go out to the family who were able to be with their loved one at the time of passing. There is one Terrace West resident and one Terrace East resident who remain in hospital battling COVID.

The most recent COVID positive case is on the third floor. The impact of this is that Public Health ordered all residents on the 3rd floor to be tested for COVID. This testing was done today by a Terrace East LPN. We thank this nurse for her service on her day off as COVID testing was not available for these residents through Fraser Health on our site. As the prevalence of COVID has increased and outbreaks have increased, the resources available through Fraser Health, including staff support has be allocated to the locations that are in greatest need.

Each day, we meet with the Fraser Health Outbreak Response Lead, our Infection Control Prevention Lead and our Public Health lead in order to ensure that there are clear protocols, processes and protections in place. We have cohorted staff to Terrace West in order to fulfill the Medical Health Officer orders and expectations. This includes twice daily wellness checks for residents, meal delivery and visitor screening.

We are grateful to have John Dyck, our chaplain working in Terrace West as he is connecting with residents in-person (in PPE) and by phone daily.

The Medical Health Officer is very concerned about the transmission of COVID that has infected a resident on the 3rd floor. With this concern, he has ordered a 3rd point-prevalence test for residents in Terrace West. This will take place on Sunday, October 31st. All residents who have previously been tested along with all on the 3rd floor will be tested for COVID in the Terrace West Bistro. The staff will also be tested again. Some residents from the original isolation/droplet precaution order have been removed from isolation. Residents have

Please pray for the residents and staff who are cohorted to Terrace West. This is a challenging time. John Dyck reports that residents could use encouragement. Please give your loved one a call and encourage others in their life to do the same. This will be a real pick-me-up for them at this time. It was discouraging for residents to find themselves on continued isolation when there was strong hope that there wasn’t going to be additional spread of COVID.

Essential visitor status can be assessed and assigned for essential needs of a resident. Please call 604.835.9504 to talk about essential visitor status for your loved one.

Please remind your loved one in the apartments that Leonard Klassen, Life Enrichment Coordinator, provides announcements about COVID in the apartments every Tuesday and every Friday on Channel 10 at 11am.

Cheryl Dawes – Resignation

Cheryl Dawes, Resignation

We are sorry to announce the resignation of Cheryl Dawes last week from her position as Manager, Community Enrichment. Cheryl served in this leadership role for Menno Apartments. She began her service at Menno Place in February 2020, just one month before the COVID global pandemic was announced.

Cheryl’s service in her role touched the lives of residents, staff and families. She provided strong and compassionate leadership to residents and her team of care staff in Terrace East Assisted Living.

We thank Cheryl for her service of leadership during an unprecedented time of challenge.

Effective immediately, Trish Giesbrecht, former Manager of Menno Apartments is providing leadership in Assisted Living. She can be reached at 604.851.4020.

Residents and families of loved ones in Independent Living apartments can continue to call Leonard Klassen, Life Enrichment Coordinator to connect with respect to issues that pertain to residents in Independent Living: 604.851.4006.

If you wish to pass along your appreciation and good wishes to Cheryl, please send your message to:

Last day for partially vaccinated visitors – October 26, 2021

Today was the last day for partially vaccinated visitors to visit their loved ones at Menno Place.

Effective October 26th, all visitors to Menno Place will be required to be fully vaccinated.

Booster shots are coming – October 28th, November 1 and ?

We are excited to let you know that Menno Home and Menno Hospital residents will be getting their 3rd booster shot on October 28th!

Terrace East will be getting their 3rd shot on November 1st!

We have confirmation from Fraser Health that the Independent Living apartments WILL be included in the priority for 3rd booster shots – this includes Terrace West, Pavilion and Primrose Gardens.

We are also planning flu clinics for November for the residents.

We do not have any further information on whether or not staff will be prioritized for a 3rd booster shot. Karen Biggs, CEO, continues to advocate for this.

October 25, 2021 – PAVILION (IL) COVID EXPOSURE – COVID positive residents: (T=1)

COVID UPDATE – October 25, 2021 – Pavilion COVID exposure


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 1 (1 resident PAVILION | 0 staff)

MOST RECENT COVID CASE = October 22, 2021

We regret to inform you that there is a COVID-19 positive case in Pavilion. This individual as well as two who were in contact with the resident are on droplet precaution / isolation. No social visits for these three residents. The dining room is closed. Meals will be delivered to the resident’s apartment suites. The laundry room is closed.

Initially, we believed that the entire building would be put on isolation. We are grateful that this is not the case. Please communicate with your loved ones that they need to exercise caution in their activities: reducing the frequency of outings; reducing the number of people that they contact; wearing their mask over nose and mouth; staying 6 feet away from others; using hand sanitizer frequently and washing hands often.

Please report any symptomatic residents to Reception: 604.851.4004


October 25, 2021
Dear Residents and Families of Menno Place Apartments Pavilion Building,

We are writing to notify you that someone at Menno Place Apartments Pavilion
Building was diagnosed with COVID-19. The Fraser Health COVID-19 Public Health
team is working with the staff and medical staff at the home to identify anyone who
may have been exposed and to take steps to protect the health of all residents, staff
and medical staff. Our Medical Health Officer has not declared a COVID-19 outbreak
at this time.

This exposure does not mean that your family member is sick with COVID-19.
Residents, staff and medical staff will be screened twice-daily for any signs of illness.
Those who develop symptoms will be isolated, tested for COVID-19 and provided the
care they need. We will keep you up-to-date on any changes related to your
family member’s health status.

The health and safety of residents, staff and medical staff is our first priority and a
responsibility we take very seriously. To date, as part of our proactive management,
Fraser Health has worked to ensure enhanced measures are in place to prevent the
spread of COVID-19 at this home.

Your loved one may be required to isolate based on their exposure risk and COVID-19
vaccination status. We know that staying away from your loved one is very difficult
and we appreciate your cooperation with this request with the goal of keeping
residents, staff and medical staff healthy.

During this time, unvaccinated visitors are not permitted to have social visits on the
unit that is affected. Essential visits will continue. Staff and medical staff at this home
will continue to provide care and services to our residents to enhance their safety and
well-being while maintaining routines where it is safe to do so.

For general information about COVID-19, call 8-1-1, or visit HealthLinkBC:

If you have further questions, please contact Trish Giesbrecht, 604.851.4020.

Pavilion staff gym closed

Pavilion staff gym closed due to COVID exposure in Pavilion.

No exceptions.