It’s time to update your 16.01 applications. Many are no longer relevant and require updating. Under the Facilities Subsector Collective Agreement a part time or full time team members may indicate to the Employer that they wish to relieve in another position should work of less than ninety (90) calendar days arise.
In your 1st Choice Vacation Package you received a new 16.01 Application form. Please complete this form with your preferences, if you are interested in continuing in a 16.01.
All previous forms will be discontinued on November 1, 2022 so please submit your new form to the Staffing Office prior to this date.
At Menno Place, support service workers play an integral role on the care team, and their hard work directly contributes to the best quality of care possible.
Menno Place’s Visitation Host, Sam Sahota, was featured by SafeCare BC in their Support Services Appreciation Day showcase!
Sam works hard to support the Visitation Program here at Menno Place. He desires to keep the families connected to their loved ones that live at Menno Place while keeping them safe through the screening program. Click HERE to read more! Kinvig Kinvig2022-10-05 15:55:422022-10-05 15:55:42Support Services Appreciation – Sam Sahota
There are all kinds of ways to keep your online data protected. At Menno Place, we can make a huge difference by practicing the basics of cybersecurity. This week, let’s learn about Multi-Factor Authentication! Kinvig Kinvig2022-10-05 09:00:372022-09-21 12:38:57#ShakeOut – The Great British Columbia Shake Out! October 20, 2022
Staff, residents and visitors wore orange shirts on September 29 and 30 to indicate support for the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation and Orange Shirt Day – read more 11:14:582022-10-01 11:31:57Orange Shirts on Campus – Truth and Reconciliation Day 2022
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation – September 30th
Menno Place is honouring Truth and Reconciliation Day on both September 29th and 30th consistent with our ongoing commitment to Indigenous communities. The official recognition day is September 30th. Please wear an orange shirt in recognition on either or both of these days. If you aren’t working on the 30th, please wear an orange shirt on 29th. CLICK HERE FOR INFORMATION ABOUT THE STAT HOLIDAY
Why the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation isn’t just another stat holiday – CLICK HERE
What is Orange Shirt Day? This day is also recognized on September 30 – CLICK HERE
What is the response of the Mennonite Community? CLICK HERE to read MCC Canada’s response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission – Calls to Action #48 and #49
6 ways to deepen your understanding of Indian residential school history
This article is written by Carolyn Ali and is published here
September 30 is a day of commemoration. Every year since 2013, Orange Shirt Day has aimed to raise awareness of the Indian residential school system in Canada. The federal government has now officially marked the date as National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, and the BC government has followed suit.
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation is an opportunity to recognize and commemorate the legacy of residential schools. So how can you use this day to advance your personal understanding of residential school history? Here are six places to start.
1. Read about residential school history
This summary by the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation explains why the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) concluded in its final report that the Indian Residential School system was cultural genocide. Residential schools were “a systematic, government-sponsored attempt to destroy Aboriginal cultures and languages and to assimilate Aboriginal peoples so that they no longer existed as distinct peoples.”
2. Know the historic timeline
Produced by Historica Canada, this five-minute video starts in the 17th century and highlights significant dates in the history of residential schools, all the way up to the release of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s final report in 2015.
3. Learn about residential school denialism
Co-authored by Dr. Daniel Health Justice, who is a Cherokee Nation citizen and Professor of Critical Indigenous Studies and English at UBC, this article emphasizes that we need “truth before reconciliation.” It presents 8 ways to identify and confront Residential School denialism, which obscures the truth about Canada’s Indian Residential School system in ways that protect the status quo.
5. Learn about UBC’s role in residential school history
When UBC’s Indian Residential School History and Dialogue Centre opened at UBC in 2018, UBC President Santa J. Ono delivered an apology to residential school Survivors and Indigenous people for the university’s involvement in the system that supported the operation of the schools. This statement explains why this apology is so necessary.×-700-px-1.png7001080News 05:00:022022-09-30 09:52:23National Day for Truth and Reconciliation – Wear an orange shirt on the 29th or 30th
Pacific Blue Cross (PBC) Beneficiary Forms Required
Human Resources is currently working on transferring Menno Home HEU members Extended Benefits Package from Manulife to Pacific Blue Cross as per the HEU Agreement.
The goal is to have the effective date of the new benefits November 1, 2022.
Go to the link and scroll down to Appointment/Change of Beneficiary Forms (close to bottom of page).Choose 2nd; Appointment/Change of Beneficiary for Group Life and AD&D.
On the form leave the Benefits Identification Number blank, and under Name of Employee Group and Class Code write: HEU/FACIL Class Code: 001
Beneficiary Type definitions located at bottom of online form or 2nd page of hard copy.
It is very important these forms are completed and submitted to HR right away. Failure to submit by the effective date will mean you do not have the Life Insurance Benefit as of November 1, 2022.
To ensure you are covered by November 1, 2022, please submit the completed Beneficiary form to Human Resources by October 7, 2022.
Jeanette Lee
Director, Human Resources Kinvig Kinvig2022-09-28 13:47:082022-09-28 13:47:08Volume 2022.18 – Pacific Blue Cross (PBC) Beneficiary Forms Required