Volume 2022.10 – HEU Application for Membership and Dues Collection

HEU Application for Membership and Dues Collection

On June 24, 2022, the Hospital Employees’ Union (HEU) was voted in to represent the Support Service & HCA team members at Menno Home as the exclusive Bargaining Agent.

Any Association dues that were deducted after that date will be refunded to the members.

Each member must complete an APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP and an ASSIGNMENT FOR FEES AND DUES form indicating you understand you are bound by the Constitution and By-Laws of the HEU and authorizing the deduction of HEU fees and dues from your wages.

The above forms are located in the staff lunch/break rooms on all units.  Please complete and return to either your supervisor or the receptionist at Menno Home by August 31, 2022.

Thank you,

Jeanette Lee

Director, Human Resources

Menno Place

Volume 2022.09 – Cultural Diversity Training

Cultural Diversity Training

Surge Learning

As we work with a diverse aging population, we seek understanding and respect to enable us all to work effectively with residents, families and/or caregivers who have diverse cultural backgrounds, religious beliefs, and care needs.

Surge Learning provides education in the areas of gender diversity and cultural diversity.

You will find this education on Surge Learning under :

  • Cultural Compétence and Indigenous Cultural Safety (5 courses)
  • LGBTQ (2 courses)

All team members will be assigned one course under each topic.  Feel free to take more courses if interested.

We encourage all team members to complete these courses and become better informed on how to work with our diverse resident population.

Jeanette Lee

Director, Human Resources

Looking to advance your career at Menno Place?

Looking to Advance your Career at Menno Place?

Menno Place provides support for the continuing education, development, and growth of team members in relation to their roles and advancement opportunities with Education Assistance Funding.

You can find the details of the program on Sharepoint under Policies & Procedures: AP 2.12 Continuing Education for Managers and Employees

Click here for instructions on how to login to Sharepoint – CLICK HERE

Mental Health Bingo Challenge Winners

Mental Health Bingo Challenge Winners

And the Winner’s Are…. Congratulations to Linda Weatherly and Joyce Wiebe for completing the Mental Health Bingo Challenge and being the prize winners! (Refresh your memory about this challenge – CLICK HERE) Let’s all continue to enjoy activities this summer that fill us with joy! Some of the activities they participated in were: yoga, go for a walk, pet an animal, dance, visit a friend, surprise someone with a treat, take a nap 🙂

What is happening to keep Menno Place cool during the hot summer?

Menno Place Addresses the HEAT

It’s summer again and we are working hard to keep Menno Place COOL!

As you know, in 2021, there was a heat dome that impacted our area from June 25 – 29th. Environment Canada stated that this was “a dangerous, long duration heat wave”. Menno Place put all of our Heat Plan practices into place, including providing hydration centers, fans, cooling cloths and bringing residents into common areas to cool down.

In the fall of 2020, Ottawa committed up to $1 billion through the Safe Long-term Care Fund to help provinces and territories to improve infection prevention and control in long-term care. Ottawa and BC announced an agreement to provide close to $134 million for British Columbia’s facilities that deliver long-term care through this Safe Long-term Care Fund.

As we provide services in the Fraser Health region, Menno Home and Menno Hospital were invited to submit proposals in three areas:

  1. Mattresses & Bedframes
  2. Furniture & Fixtures
  3. HVAC Upgrades.

With this opportunity, Menno Place leaders went into overdrive to get quotes for upgrades in these 3 areas. With respect to HVAC upgrades, we were encouraged to submit proposals to strengthen infection prevention and improve resident comfort in existing long-term care homes by adding air conditioning and improving HVAC systems.

Bas Kervel led the submission of proposals in this area, getting quotes and determining the needs in Menno Home and Menno Hospital. As a result, Menno Place was awarded:

  • $150,000 for HVAC upgrades in Menno Hospital
  • $178,000 for Menno Home “swing air-conditioner units”, and
  • $170,000 for Menno Home “mini-split air-conditioning”

Prior to the announced funds being awarded, Menno Place ordered the units and the parts in December 2021.

We have put in air-conditioning and are working on adding more as the parts become available. As in all industries, the supply chain has been impacted globally and we are waiting for some parts for the East wing of Menno Hospital. We are waiting for equipment for Menno Home south wing and for Menno Hospital W2.

19 “mini-splits” have been installed in Menno Home and are connected to the outdoor unit.

Our Maintenance Team continues their excellent work as they put in place the equipment and parts that have been delivered. We thank them for this important service to our residents and staff.

This summer has been cooler – and even the HOT days have been cooler with these improved upgrades. Thank you to all who made this possible!


Senior Living CaRES Funding Program – advance your career!

Senior Living CaRES Funding Program

Are you looking to Advance your Career in long-term-care? Check out the funding provided through the Senior Living CaRES Program. Up to 100 bursaries, each worth $2,500, is available to front-line sector employees (casual, part-time or full-time). Submissions are welcome July 15, 2022 to September 7, 2022.

Click here for the Senior Living CaRES Eligibility and Application Criteria PDF

Menno Place Summer 2022 – Staff BBQ Pics

Some pics from the Menno Place Team BBQ on July 14, 2022 – We APPRECIATE you!

Keeping Safe in the Heat – Extreme Heat

Keeping Safe in the Heat

Staff who are required to continuously wear PPE during extreme heat events—may face risks from heat stress, particularly in places of work that may not be air-conditioned or adequately ventilated. Be very aware of what you are experiencing in the heat.

Warning Signs of Heat Exhaustion

  • High body temperature
  • Excessive sweating
  • Dizziness
  • Lightheadedness
  • Confusion
  • Loss of concentration
  • Increased irritability
  • Darkened or decreased urine
  • Increased thirst
  • Swelling
  • Headache
  • Rapid breathing and heartrate

Preventative Measures

  • Wear loose, lightly coloured, and lightweight clothing
  • Drink lots of water
  • Take micro-breaks often
  • Stay informed and plan ahead
  • Avoid strenuous work and activities
  • Check in with yourself and others
  • Ensure fans or air conditioning (if available) are working properly
  • Consider a misting station or rest areas with air conditioning, fans, or shade

Heat exhaustion can accelerate into heat stroke which may include dry skin that doesn’t sweat, delirium, loss of consciousness, trouble breathing, low or high blood pressure, or seizures.

If Showing Signs of Heat Exhaustion

  • Move to a cooler, shaded location
  • Stop physical activity
  • Remove heavy, tight, or extra clothing
  • Apply cool, wet cloths, or spray with water or use icepacks if tolerated
  • Drink cool fluids
  • Seek first aid

If Showing Signs of Heat Stroke

  • Call 911 – heat stroke is a medical emergency
  • Move to a cooler, shaded location
  • Remove heavy, tight or extra clothing

From SafeCareBC

Staff Appreciation BBQ – July 14th

Staff Appreciation BBQ –  Thursday, July 14 

We want to celebrate you! Join us in the Menno Home courtyard on Thursday July 14th at 1030 to 1430 for our annual staff BBQ. We will be serving hamburgers, smokies and veggie burgers.

We appreciation you for your dedication, commitment, hard work, and the love you provide to our residents. Thank you!