Password Changes Coming Soon

Practice change for IT passwords
Due to heightened cyber crime activity we are updating our practice for changing log in passwords. Your user ID will not change, but passwords will be forced to change every 4 months. This includes access to your computer log in, Outlook, PCC, Goldcare, and Senior Care. Stay tunes for further information and education videos. The change date will be Tuesday June 5th.

ELVIS is in the Building! May 25th

Fantastic Day for a Walk for Alzheimers

Hand Hygiene Winners & Staff Photos!

WE DID IT! COR Certified!

WE DID IT!!! COR Certified again in 2018!

Menno Place has once again completed and passed a comprehensive external audit on it’s Occupational Health and Safety Program and received a Certificate of Recognition through the BC Municipal Safety Association. This is a grueling 5 day process with 41 staff being interviewed on the safety practices at Menno Place and evidence provided that we follow through on safety initiatives.

2017 was the first year of certification where Menno Place received a grade of 89%. During 2017 Menno Place saw a reduction of 65% to our Injury Time Loss Claims! This year our audit resulted in a grade of 95%! Thanks to the leadership, the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committees and all the Staff for your work and attention to work safely at Menno Place!

Workplace Safety Scramble Winner!

Food Allergy Awareness Week

Stay tuned for more on Allergy Awareness Week May 13-19

Hygiene Contest – May 14th!

Food Bank Thank You & Contest Winner!

Thank you to all those who contributed to the Food Bank drive during the month of April!
It’s great to have our team take part in a worthy community need.

Congratulations to John Dyck for winning the draw for a retreat to the Executive Hotel Le Soleil in Vancouver!

Retirement Tea – Hilde Wiebe