Date:              October 4, 2021

To:                  Terrace East Residents

Re:                  This COVID Outbreak is over – now what? Step-Down Phase 2

We are thankful that the COVID outbreak in Terrace East has been declared OVER! We have now entered Outbreak Step-Down Phase 2. What does this entail?

Until October 18, 2021:

  1. You may leave your apartment suite. You must be physically distanced from others, remaining 6 feet from others. You may go outside in groups no larger than 4 people, physically distanced from each other. Stay on the Menno Place campus.
  2. If you have any symptoms, stay in your apartment and let the care staff know or phone Reception – 604.851.4004.
  3. Visitors may come to your apartment between 10am and 6pm, going through the screening at the main entrance. All must wear a mask the entire time that they are in your apartment.
  4. No unvaccinated service providers are allowed as per Provincial Health Orders. This includes housekeepers, caregivers, companions, foot care, hearing care, pastors, etc. There are NO exceptions. This is not a Menno Place rule, it is an order from the Provincial Health Officer.
  5. Outings – You may go to essential appointments only. You may not go out to any other events or appointments or public locations. Contact Reception if you have an essential appointment, such as dentist or medical appointment. You may not go shopping or to a friend’s house or to church during this phase.
  6. Bus Trips – these are not permitted in Phase 2 – Step-Down.
  7. Recreation and spiritual care can take place with only those on your floor in groups as large as 4 people who are physically distanced from each other.
  8. Dining Room – You will continue to stay in your apartment suite for 2 weeks to get your meal delivered on the hot cart


  1. Wear a mask wherever you go. This includes wearing a mask when you are in the hallway or outside of your apartment suite.
  2. Stay 6 feet apart from people. No hugging, shaking hands, sitting close to others. In a car, you are less than 6 feet apart from others – wear your mask even if you are driving with a friend or family member to go to an essential appointment (medical).
  3. Carry hand sanitizer with you and use it all the time – after you touch a door handle, use the restroom, use a tissue, touch a railing, touch the elevator buttons. Also – when you are near a sink, wash hands with warm soapy water for at least 20 seconds. Count each second. It’s a lot longer than you think!
  4. Sanitize your hands when you enter the apartment building. This is one way that you can protect your neighbours and the staff who live and work in your building.
  5. Monitor yourself for COVID symptoms – even the mildest symptoms are important to report. Report to Reception (604.851.4004) if you have ANY new or worsening symptoms, including runny nose, sore throat, cough, aches, fever, loss of sense of taste or smell, headaches, diarrhea, vomiting & shortness of breath.


In Terrace East, more people were exposed to the index case and 9 residents tested positive for COVID. Three of these have passed away from COVID and 2 are in hospital. We are very sorry to have lost these friends and neighbours. Please pray for those who are in hospital battling this disease.


We are pleased that Dr. Bonnie Henry announced that elderly seniors living in care homes or on a campus of care will be receiving a 3rd vaccine shot (a booster) within the next several weeks. This will give you an additional layer of protection from COVID.