Phishing Email Test

Did you see this email in your inbox?

Did it look legit? Did you get a gut feeling that maybe it didn’t feel right?

If you didn’t click, and ignored/deleted the email – Congratulations! you avoided a PHISHING EMAIL SCAM

If you clicked on the link you would have seen this:

If you entered your user name and password you would have seen this:

Thank you for participating in Menno Place’s first education Phishing email.

Out of 510 emails sent, 101 were read, 45 staff clicked on the first link, 23 people entered their user ID and password. This means that 45 staff clicked on a link that could have contained a virus, and in addition 23 of you gave away your personal confidential information.

Always remember:

  1. Don’t use links embedded in emails. Go to the actual Web App link.
  2. Hover your mouse over the link to see what web address you will be routed to.
  3. Check to see if Sender address makes sense
  4. Check to see if Web address makes sense

Below is more information of what you can look out for to ensure your personal information and Menno Place’s corporate information stays safe.