October 14, 2021 – TERRACE WEST (IL) OUTBREAK – COVID positive = 3
COVID UPDATE – October 14, 2021 – Terrace West Called on Outbreak
TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 3 (3 residents TW | 0 staff)
There are three COVID positive residents of Terrace West. One is in hospital. We worked today with the team in Terrace East to put individuals who have been exposed on isolation. Meals are delivered to resident’s apartment suites. If a resident could put out a small table or chair outside of their door, the dining team would appreciate this as a place to drop off the meal. As we prepare for swabbing (2nd and 4th floor as well as all who were in close contact with a COVID positive resident), the dietary team will not be able to hand the meal to the resident. It is difficult for a resident to pick a meal up off the floor, so this request is for a surface that will make it easier for the resident to get their meal.
Please pray for the seniors as they hear about this outbreak. We will put together a Memo for them tomorrow morning. Please pray for our team as we enter another outbreak. This is a dangerous time for our seniors as the DELTA variant of the virus is so very contagious and our seniors are vulnerable to the virus.
We have only just heard of the Outbreak status. We will communicate more fully tomorrow with answers to questions that you may have, such as essential deliveries and essential medical appointments.