Volume 2022.14 – Onboarding of New Facial Recognition Scanner and GoldCare Employee Portal

Onboarding of New Facial Recognition Scanner and GoldCare Employee Portal

HR is pleased to offer 2 new services to our Menno Team Members:  The Facial Recognition Scanner (to replace the hand scanner) and the GoldCare Employee Portal.

The Facial Recognition scanner will eliminate the need to touch the time clock and therefore discourage the threat of infection.

The GoldCare Employee Portal will allow each team member online access to their monthly schedule, Personal Information and be the place to submit your leave requests.

The first phase of set up will start with Menno Hospital on October 4, 6, 9.  There will be a sign-up sheet located at the Menno Hospital W1 scanner where you can book a time.  At the set up you will receive your GoldCare User ID, Password and be set up on the Facial Scanner.  You will be given a Basic User training tool on how to use the Employee Portal and an online video will walk you through the steps.

You can come during your shift, so ensure you let your supervisor know you will be leaving the unit for approximately 10 minutes.  Sign up by September 30, 2022.

Menno Home and Apartments will be set up at a later date to be determined.


Jeanette Lee

Director, Human Resources