Current 2023 protocols are as follows. Please note that these are updated from when we were in the COVID pandemic.
Showing care and concern for each other is our overarching approach.
If you have any of the following symptoms (fever/chills, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, muscle/body ache, headache, new loss of taste/smell, sore throat, congestion/runny nose, diarrhea/nausea/vomiting), please do the following:
DINE IN YOUR SUITE: Inform us so that we can deliver your meals. Do not come to the dining room while you are sick.
During office hours, please contact Reception – 604.851.4000
On weekends and statutory holidays, please call the kitchen in your building after 9:00am.
Pavilion: 604.851.1373 Terrace: 604.851.4011 PG: 604.851.7398
MASK IN COMMON AREAS: Wear a medical mask when in common areas of the building (for example, if you are on your way out to an appointment).
NO GROUP ACTIVITIES: Do not attend any recreation activities while you have the above list of symptoms.
INFORM FAMILY/CAREGIVERS: Contact your family/care givers for any necessary support; call 9-1-1 if in medical distress.
COVID TESTING: COVID test kits are available from Judith (LEA) or Angela (Reception). COVID testing will be self-administered or with assistance from your family or caregiver.
POSITIVE COVID TEST: Notify Reception (604.851.4000) or LEA (604.851.4021) to inform Menno Apartments of COVID positive test result.
We will provide a PPE (personal protective equipment) cart outside your apartment door for 5 days. This is for the purpose of protecting Menno staff and/or home care workers who need to enter your apartment to provide service while you are sick. You can rejoin dining and activities on the 6th day after your positive test, provided your symptoms have cleared up.
Staff are required to wear medical masks in common resident areas.
Medical masks are optional for residents who have NO symptoms.
Visitors are asked to wear medical masks in all common areas (masks are available at the front entrances of each building).
As I stated at the beginning, showing care and concern for each other is our overarching approach. Let’s all do our part to avoid spreading illness. Thank you for your commitment to doing your part in following our protocols.
Leonard Klassen,
Interim Manager of Independent & Supportive Living