Effective immediately, we have ended the Registered Visitor program at Pavilion, Terrace West and Primrose Gardens.

Since March 2020, the Registered Visitor program has successfully provided support to the 250 residents of these apartments during a global pandemic. There have been NO instances of COVID exposure by visitors through this program. This effective program has kept our residents safe from this deadly virus that is most dangerous for those over 80 years old, particularly those with multiple health issues. It is with incredible gratitude that we retire this effective safety support program.

The Independent Living Apartments residents and their visitors will now be expected to follow the BC Restart Plan:, spiritual and social activities for Independent Living residents will follow this plan as well. As you know, the plan will move forward in four steps under the direction of BC’s public health officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry. These steps are dependent on: the percentage of vaccinated individuals over 18 years of age, number of COVID cases, number of hospitalizations.

Residents in these three apartment buildings will be receiving a memo today notifying them of this change.

  • The primary change today is that up to 5 people from different households can visit their loved one in their apartment.
  • Also, one household at a time (up to 7 people living at the same address) can come to celebrate a birthday.

We expect visitors to continue their vigilance in Infection Control Protocols, including mask-wearing in the building, hand-hygiene and social distancing. Please go directly to and from your loved one’s apartment suite and do not move around the apartment building. At this time, we have not opened the guest suites or guests to join in meals.

We anticipate that the 2nd dose vaccination clinic for Primrose Gardens and Pavilion residents will take place the last week of June. We will keep you posted on this. Terrace West has already had the 2nd dose vaccination clinic as they are in physical proximity to our Assisted Living apartment, Terrace East. If you wish to register your loved one through the BC Vaccination Registration, you may do that as well:

It is with gratitude that we thank the individuals who are responsible for the effective Registered Visitor program – thank you to Nik Van Egdom, Brenda Mertke and Leonard Klassen for implementing this plan to keep our residents safe. Thank you to Cheryl Dawes and Sharon Simpson for creating and implementing this program early into the pandemic. We know that there have been many sleepless nights, particularly at the beginning of the pandemic and recently as community prevalence / variants became a concern. We have prayed that COVID would not enter nor spread in our apartment buildings. With the layers of protection, including social distancing, mask-wearing and vaccination practiced throughout our community, we are grateful that we can end this program.

Thank you to God for His protection, to the residents for their endurance and vigilance during this time, to the families for your care and diligence, to the staff for your faithful practices of infection prevention and to the team who made this amazing safety program possible.

We have been waiting for a change that moves us back to “normal” and this is the first step in that direction. It’s a good day for us all! Please continue to be safe!

Please send any words of encouragement or gratitude to the Menno Place team to They will be passed along to these amazing staff!

What about Terrace East Assisted Living Apartments? We have not, yet, heard any update in protocols from Fraser Health. We will post them when we are made aware. Until then, we continue with social visits for families.


COVID UPDATE – May 5, 2021 – Terrace East (TE)


NEW COVID POSITIVE CASES  = 0 (0 residents / 0 staff)

TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 2 (0 residents/ 2 staff)

TOTAL NEW SYMPTOMATIC = 0 (0 resident / 0 staff)

SWABBED FOR COVID – All resident and staff COVID swabs returned negative – Terrace East is OFF isolation!


COVID UPDATE – April 28, 2021 – Terrace East (TE)


NEW COVID POSITIVE CASES  = 0 (0 residents / 0 staff)

TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 2 (0 residents/ 2 staff)

TOTAL NEW SYMPTOMATIC = 0 (0 resident / 0 staff)

SWABBED FOR COVID – 24 residents swabbed for COVID-19 and ALL are negative

We are waiting for staff swab test results to be reported.

APRIL 26 – TERRACE EAST – Total COVID positive = 2

COVID UPDATE – April 26, 2021 – Terrace East (TE)

NEW COVID POSITIVE CASES  = 0 (0 residents / 0 staff)

TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 2 (0 residents/ 2 staff)

TOTAL NEW SYMPTOMATIC = 0 (0 resident / 0 staff)

SWABBED FOR COVID – 24 residents swabbed for COVID-19 today (2nd swab test)

APRIL 22 – TERRACE EAST – Total COVID positive = 2

COVID UPDATE – April 22, 2021 – Terrace East (TE)

NEW COVID POSITIVE CASES  = 0 (0 residents / 0 staff)

TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 2 (0 residents/ 2 staff)

TOTAL NEW SYMPTOMATIC = 0 (0 resident / 0 staff)

SWABBED FOR COVID – 24  residents – all results are NEGATIVE – YAY!  |  27 staff swabbed – 27/27 NEGATIVE!

We continue to communicate with Public Health. There is expectation that all staff and residents who were originally swabbed for COVID will be re-swabbed on April 25th.



COVID UPDATE – April 21, 2021 – Terrace East (TE)

NEW COVID POSITIVE CASES  = 0 (0 residents / 0 staff)

TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 2 (0 residents/ 2 staff)

TOTAL NEW SYMPTOMATIC = 0 (1 resident / 0 staff)

SWABBED FOR COVID – 2  residents (1 pending + 1 negative) | 2 staff (1 pending + 1 negative)

All residents and all staff who were swabbed with be swabbed again on April 25

Why are the Terrace West residents off isolation and the Terrace East residents still on isolation?

Terrace West residents were not directly in contact with either COVID positive staff member. The Medical Health Officer determined that they were not at risk and would not need to isolate.



COVID UPDATE – April 20, 2021 – Terrace East (TE) and Terrace West (TW)

NEW COVID POSITIVE CASES  = 0 (0 residents / 2 staff)

TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 2 (0 residents/ 2 staff)

TOTAL NEW SYMPTOMATIC = 1 (1 resident / 0 staff)

SWABBED FOR COVID – 24  residents – all results are NEGATIVE – YAY!  |  27 staff swabbed – 23/27 negative awaiting 4 more results

Terrace East remains on isolation and all who require full PPE continue to require full PPE for staff to enter their apartment suite. We are so grateful to our chaplain, Scott McKenzie for his ministry in Terrace East. He will be spending time with residents encouraging them as they go through this 14 day isolation. If you would like Scott to pay a visit to a resident, please email him:


The Medical Health Officer has assessed the situation and Terrace West is NO LONGER ON ISOLATION!

Registered Visitors may resume visits and support.

Today was an audit by Fraser Health to ensure that all of our practices support the safety of residents and staff. They were very pleased with the way that our staff team is managing the protocols and safety. Thank you to Cheryl Dawes and the amazing staff of Terrace East & West!


COVID UPDATE – April 19, 2021 – Terrace East and Terrace West

NEW COVID POSITIVE CASES  = 0 (0 residents / 2 staff)

TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 2 (0 residents/ 2 staff)

TOTAL NEW SYMPTOMATIC = 0 (0 residents / 0 staff)

SWABBED FOR COVID – 24  residents and all staff

There is no update of information today except to say that there are no new symptomatic residents nor staff. Some staff swabs have come back, all are negative.

We have received a number of emails from family members along with phone calls that prompts this next set of Frequently Asked Questions.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. My loved one lives in Terrace West and is in need of my help daily with medication administration. How can I help them? Will Menno Place provide them with this help? Answer: You may apply for Essential Visitor status through a conversation with Cheryl Dawes, Manager, Community Enrichment – 604.851.4020. This is a new kind of visitor for those living in Independent Living. All Essential Visitors must be assessed and permitted through Cheryl Dawes. You can read about Essential Visits on the Fraser Health website – CLICK HERE
  2. I need to get some important paperwork to my loved one in Terrace West. What do I do? Call Leonard Klassen, Life Enrichment Coordinator – 604-851-4006 to arrange pick-up of the paperwork from you to the resident.
  3. Why are residents on isolation when they have been vaccinated? This decision to isolate residents is made by Public Health. They have collected all the information about who was in contact with the initial COVID positive staff member and have evaluated the risk to the residents.
    We know that the chance of a double-dose vaccinated person becoming COVID-19 positive is a 5% chance (efficacy rate of 2 doses of Pfizer-BioNtech is 95%) and that it lessens the symptoms and severity of the disease if you are vaccinated.
    We expect as time passes and the evidence of how the vaccine protects people becomes stronger that there will be more freedom. Until the population is vaccinated to herd immunity (60-70%), it is likely that there will be continued caution.
  4. Why aren’t staff getting vaccinated? 94% of our staff are vaccinated. There are medical and personal reasons why a staff member may choose to not get vaccinated. It is important to remember that medical information is confidential. Staff are not required to disclose to Menno Place (employer) whether or not they are vaccinated. We receive the percentage of staff vaccinated from Fraser Health’s records. All healthcare workers are required to state their employer when they get their vaccination.



COVID POSITIVE – April 18, 2021 – Terrace East and Terrace West

NEW COVID POSITIVE CASES  = 1 (0 residents / 2 staff)

TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 2 (0 residents/ 2 staff)

TOTAL NEW SYMPTOMATIC = 4 (2 residents / 2 staff)

SWABBED FOR COVID – 24  residents and all staff

24 residents were swabbed for COVID today. Primary contacts for all residents have been contacted. These 24 residents are on droplet precaution and full PPE (personal protective equipment) is required to enter their suite. This includes gown, gloves, goggles, mask. This does not mean that they have COVID. This is a precaution to prevent spread.

All staff are required to be swabbed for COVID.

All residents in Terrace East and Terrace West are on isolation. No visitors, no leaving their apartment suite. If all is well and this does not spread, this isolation will end at midnight on May 1st. This will change if there COVID spreads.

We are following orders from public health who have gathered all pertinent information to assess the risk of the situation to other staff and residents in both Terrace East and Terrace West.

As you know, we locked down visitation March 16th, 2020 and have now passed the 13 month point since that date. We are pleased with the way that we’ve been able to manage outside visits for Terrace East which has not been possible for other Assisted Living buildings. Thank you for keeping your loved ones safe in these visits. There has been no COVID exposure through these visits. We are pleased with the very successful Registered Visitor program which has allowed all Independent Living residents to have up to 2 Registered Visitors. There has been no COVID exposure through this program. A tribute to the loved ones of our Independent Living residents!

We are MOST pleased with the opening of social visits on April 1, 2021. This was pure joy for our staff to witness the reunions of loved ones. The love expressed between residents and their families/friends was a daily emotional happiness for us. The staff in Terrace East and Terrace West have wept with the news of lockdown, knowing how difficult this will be once again for the residents they love and serve.

We are grateful to the Visitation Hosts who screened 199 visits from April 1 – 14, the first two weeks of social visits. 79% of the Terrace East residents received one or more visits. Many received many more. This open visiting was short-lived, but it will resume one day. For now, we are working in cooperation with Public Health to ensure that COVID does not spread any further.


Terrace West is also on COVID exposure isolation.

Terrace East staff – you MUST ONLY enter at the main entrance of Terrace East for in-person screening

You may not work cross-site at Menno Place or at any other healthcare facility during this COVID exposure isolation.

Please speak with your supervisor if you have questions.

You can read all the updates to residents, families and friends by clicking here



16- April- 2021

Dear Staff of Menno Place Terrace- East,

We are writing to notify you that an individual at Menno Place Terrace- East was diagnosed with COVID-19. The Fraser Health COVID-19 Prevention and Control team is working with the facility to identify anyone who may have been exposed and to take steps to protect the health of all residents and staff.

COVID-19 is a respiratory illness. It can spread through droplets when a person coughs or sneezes, or by touching the virus with your hands then touching your face before washing your hands. Symptoms of COVID-19 may be mild or severe. These may include low grade fever, cough, sneezing, and/or sore throat. More severe symptoms could include fever, difficulty breathing and/or chest pain. Most people will experience mild illness.

This exposure does not mean you are infected with COVID-19. Given the serious health risks of COVID-19 we have instituted enhanced control measures at the facility. We are asking all staff members to self monitor for symptoms. If you develop any symptoms, inform your supervisor, stop working, get tested and self isolate until results are returned as negative and symptoms have resolved (whichever is longer).

If you are a Fraser Health employee and had a Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) breach while working at the facility, please report the breach to Workplace Health at 1-866-922-9464 option #2.

Public Health will do a risk assessment, and based on the situation, may recommend that you get tested for COVID-19. Please await direction from Public Health before going for testing if you do not have symptoms.

We are taking steps to ensure that it is safe for you to continue to work at Menno Place Terrace- East. Fraser Health will be providing infection control support to the facility throughout this time. Residents are being closely monitored for symptoms and standard infection control measures are effective in protecting staff and residents from infection.

It is critical that you do not work in any other health care settings. The elderly are most at risk of severe outcomes related to COVID-19 and these steps are necessary to protect the health of residents living in other facilities.

Your health and the health of your families is important. If you have concerns about the safety of your working environment please raise them with your manager, your union representative, or WorkSafe BC.

For general information about COVID-19 call 811, or visit HealthLinkBC:

Jagdip Dhillon
Public Health Nurse
Fraser Health Public Health