COVID UPDATE – January 1, 2022 – Pavilion


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 1 (1 resident | 0 staff)

MOST RECENT COVID CASE = January 1, 2022

We are sorry to bring the news that one resident at Pavilion has tested positive for COVID through a rapid test. This test was done as a result of exposure with a COVID positive individual. The resident has been instructed to isolate and monitor their symptoms. Support is provided to the resident by their loved ones.

Meals will be delivered to residents at their apartment suite until further notice.



Date:  December 29, 2021  

To: TE, TW, Pavilion Residents  

Re: COVID-19 Positive in Primrose Gardens – TAKE EXTRA PRECAUTIONS 


A resident of Primrose Gardens has been identified as COVID positive. Those in contact with the resident have been swabbed for COVID and are waiting for their test results.  

ALL APARTMENT BUILDINGS: As the Omicron variant of COVID becomes VERY prevalent in our community, the likelihood of contracting COVID-19 increases for us all. This is the time to take extra precautions to keep yourself safe. As a member of a vulnerable population and a resident on a campus-of-care, you need to exercise extra safety measures. 

EXTRA PRECAUTIONS: The Omicron variant of COVID is extremely transmissible and can infect those who have had all vaccinations (including 3rd booster shot) as well as those who previously tested positive for COVID. Take ALL precautions, including self-isolating for your own protection. Wear a medical mask (do not wash) provided in the foyer. Take 2 or 3 to carry with you so you always have one available. 

VISITORS: Your visitors must have a negative rapid test result before entering the apartment building/your suite. All (you and your visitor) must wear a mask at all times, including in your suite while visiting. Use hand sanitizer frequently and wash hands with warm, soapy water often. No unvaccinated people are permitted inside the apartment buildings, including your family members, housekeepers, service providers or friends. 

GET PREPARED FOR LOCKDOWN: This is a good time for your essential visitors to ensure you have EVERYTHING you need in your apartment. Ensure you have medications, groceries and clean laundry for the next 7 – 10 days. 

KEEP YOUR CONTACT GROUP SMALL: It is time now to reduce your contact with people to only those who provide you with essential services such as laundry, driving to essential appointments and grocery delivery. Visit with others on the phone instead of in person, even within this apartment building. 

WHAT IF YOU ARE FULLY VACCINATED? Omicron is infecting those who are fully vaccinated, including those who have the 3rd booster shot. Your illness will likely be more mild than if you were not vaccinated, but it can still be very debilitating or even cause hospitalization or death. 

ESSENTIAL OUTINGS: This is a good time to reduce your outings to essential outings only, such as medical appointments. Choose to watch church online or on Channel 10. Since the Omicron variant is so prevalent in our community, it’s better to have an essential visitor bring you groceries if possible.  

WHAT TO DO IF YOU HAVE SYMPTOMS? If you have any of the symptoms on the list below, go immediately to the Haida Center for a COVID-19 gargle or nasal swab test (PCR). Tell them that you live on a campus of care and that you are part of a vulnerable population. This will get you priority access to the testing. 

WHAT TO DO IF YOU HAVE BEEN EXPOSED TO SOMEONE WHO HAS COVID? Take a rapid test to see if you are positive at this time. If you are, go to the COVID test center for a PCR test to confirm the diagnosis. If you are negative, isolate and re-take the test in 24 hours. 

WHAT TO DO WITH TEST RESULTS? Phone Reception to report all test results, including rapid tests. If there is no answer, leave a voicemail message. 

RAPID TESTS: You may also ask for a rapid test from Reception or the Dining Team. This test is a simple test that will tell if you have enough viral load at that moment to indicate if you are positive for COVID-19. It is not a definitive test. A PCR test is still required (gargle or nasal swab).  

WHAT ABOUT THE COMMON COLD? The common cold is VERY intense this year. If you have cold symptoms AND received a negative gargle or nasal swab test, you likely have a cold. DO NOT SPREAD IT. Stay isolated until symptoms are gone.  

Do you have any of these COVID symptoms – even mildly? Get tested for COVID and let us know: Reception: 604.851.4000 

Fever or chills?  Cough? Unproductive cough? 
Sore throat? Runny nose?  Extreme fatigue or tiredness? 
Body aches? Muscle aches?  Diarrhea? 
Difficulty breathing?  Loss of sense of smell or taste? 
Loss of appetite?  Headache? Nausea or vomiting? 



COVID UPDATE – December 29, 2021 – Primrose Gardens


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 1 (1 resident | 0 staff)

MOST RECENT COVID CASE = December 29, 2021

We are sorry to bring the news that one resident at Primrose Gardens has tested positive for COVID through a rapid test. This test was done as a result of exposure with a COVID positive individual. A PCR test (nasal swab) has been done – results are pending. Tablemates of this resident have all tested negative to rapid testing.

Screening has been put in place at the entrance of Primrose Gardens.

This is the memo that will be distributed to all residents of Primrose Gardens:


Date:  December 29, 2021  

To: Primrose Gardens Residents  

Re: COVID-19 Positive in Primrose Gardens 


A resident of Primrose Gardens has been identified as COVID positive. Those in contact with the resident have been swabbed for COVID and are waiting for their test results. Residents who have been tested MUST ISOLATE until further notice from Public Health. 

DINING: While we wait for the test results and direction from Public Health, the dining room will be closed. Your meals will be delivered to your apartment suite until further notice. 

EXTRA PRECAUTIONS: The Omicron variant of COVID is extremely transmissible and can infect those who have had all vaccinations (including 3rd booster shot) as well as those who previously tested positive for COVID. Take ALL precautions, including self-isolating for your own protection. 

VISITORS: Your visitors must have a negative rapid test result before entering the apartment building/your suite. All (you and your visitor) must wear a mask at all times, including in your suite while visiting. Use hand sanitizer frequently and wash hands with warm, soapy water often. No unvaccinated people are permitted inside the apartment buildings, including your family members, housekeepers, service providers or friends. 

GET PREPARED FOR LOCKDOWN: This is a good time for your essential visitors to ensure you have EVERYTHING you need in your apartment. Ensure you have medications, groceries and clean laundry for the next 7 – 10 days. 

KEEP YOUR CONTACT GROUP SMALL: It is time now to reduce your contact with people to only those who provide you with essential services such as laundry, driving to essential appointments and grocery delivery. Visit with others on the phone instead of in person, even within this apartment building. 

WHAT ABOUT IF YOU ARE FULLY VACCINATED? Omicron is infecting those who are fully vaccinated, including those who have the 3rd booster shot. Your illness will likely be more mild than if you were not vaccinated, but it can still be very debilitating or even cause hospitalization or death. . 

ESSENTIAL OUTINGS: This is a good time to reduce your outings to essential outings only, such as medical appointments. Choose to watch church online or on Channel 10. Since the Omicron variant is so prevalent in our community, it’s better to have an essential visitor bring you groceries if possible.  

WHAT TO DO IF YOU HAVE SYMPTOMS? If you have any of the symptoms on the list below, go immediately to the Haida Center for a COVID-19 gargle or nasal swab test (PCR). Tell them that you live on a campus of care and that you are part of a vulnerable population. This will get you priority access to the testing. 

WHAT TO DO IF YOU HAVE BEEN EXPOSED TO SOMEONE WHO HAS COVID? Take a rapid test to see if you are positive at this time. If you are, go to the COVID test center for a PCR test to confirm the diagnosis. If you are negative, isolate and re-take the test in 24 hours. 

WHAT TO DO WITH TEST RESULTS? Phone Reception: 604.851.4000 to report all test results, including rapid tests. If there is no answer, leave a voicemail message. 

RAPID TESTS: You may also ask for a rapid test from Reception or the Dining Team. This test is a simple test that will tell if you have enough viral load at that moment to indicate if you are positive for COVID-19. It is not a definitive test. A PCR test is still required (gargle or nasal swab).  

WHAT ABOUT THE COMMON COLD? The common cold is VERY intense this year. If you have cold symptoms AND received a negative gargle or nasal swab test, you likely have a cold. DO NOT SPREAD IT. Stay isolated until symptoms are gone.  

Do you have any of these COVID symptoms – even mildly? Get tested for COVID and let us know: Reception: 604.851.4000 

Fever or chills?  Cough? Unproductive cough? 
Sore throat? Runny nose?  Extreme fatigue or tiredness? 
Body aches? Muscle aches?  Diarrhea? 
Difficulty breathing?  Loss of sense of smell or taste? 
Loss of appetite?  Headache? Nausea or vomiting? 



COVID UPDATE – December 26, 2021 – E1 Hospital Enhanced Monitoring OVER

NEW COVID POSITIVE CASES = 0 staff or residents

TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 1 (0 residents | 1 staff)

MOST RECENT COVID CASE = December 16, 2021

E1 Hospital off of Enhanced Monitoring effective Dec. 26, 2021.

For Visitors: Mandatory Point-of-Care Rapid Testing effective immediately

Effective immediately:

A rapid test with a negative result is required to enter Menno Home, Menno Hospital or Terrace East.

This is by order of the Public Health Officer.

Visiting Hours:

The COVID rapid test will be provided by the Visitation Host between 10am and 6pm.

Visits for essential visitors can be arranged with the nurse outside of these hours.

In order to enter, visitor must show proof of vaccination, government issued ID card and a negative rapid test result


From the Ministry of Health:

In recognition of the increased transmissibility of the Omicron variant of concern and given the vulnerability of the Omicron variant of concern and given the vulnerability of residents in long-term care and assisted living, even when fully vaccinated themselves, individuals visiting long-term care homes (both essential and social visitors) must be screened for COVID-19 by receiving a rapid point-of-care (POC) test prior to their visit.

Rapid POC tests provide the opportunity to rapidly screen people for COVID-19, with results ready in approximately 20 minutes. These tests can help reduce the potential for introduction and spread of COVID-19 in long-term care. The rapid POC screening requirement for all visitors is in addition to the current requirements for visitors to be fully vaccinated and to adhere to infection prevention and control measures.

Visitors who receive a positive rapid POC test result, choose not to receive a rapid POC test, or who do not demonstrate that they are fully vaccinated will not be able to enter the long-term care or assisted living building, including passing through the facility to access an outdoor space.

There are no exceptions to the rapid POC screening requirement based on medical exemption from vaccination, essential or social visitor status, including compassionate visits related to end-of-life. The rapid POC screening requirement in long-term care excludes children under age 12.

Visitors who receive a negative test result, provide proof of full vaccination, and are compliant with masking requirements and other infection control practices will be able to enter a facility.

  • Visitors who are screened as having symptoms or who receive a positive test result will not be able to enter a facility. They are required to self-isolate and seek further direction from public health. Their test result must be reported to Public Health.
  • Individuals who receive an inconclusive test result will be required to undergo another rapid POC test.
  • There are no exceptions to the rapid POC screening requirement based on medical exemption from vaccination, essential or social visitor status, including compassionate visits related to end-of-life. Rapid POC screening in long-term care and assisted living excludes children under age 12.


Please ensure that you wait the full 15 minutes to see your test result before you enter resident space. We have recently found a positive test result in the biohazard garbage can (see photo) indicating that someone did not wait the full 15 minutes and entered the unit COVID positive.

You MUST wait until all the pink has disappeared in order to see this line form that indicates a COVID positive result.

All visitors are asked to arrive 15 minutes early for their visit to do a rapid test. One visitor was recently discovered to be COVID positive through this test.



COVID UPDATE – December 23, 2021 – E1 Hospital Enhanced Monitoring

NEW COVID POSITIVE CASES = 0 staff or residents

TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 1 (0 residents | 1 staff)

MOST RECENT COVID CASE = December 16, 2021

All results of the initial COVID testing came back negative for residents and staff.

One visitor tested positive through the rapid testing process.

Enhanced monitoring continues. If there are no further COVID positive staff or residents, we expect that we may come off of Enhanced Monitoring on December 26th.

Fraser Health letter announcing Enhanced Monitoring on E1 Hospital

December 16, 2021
Dear Staff of Menno Hospital,
We are writing to notify you that an individual at Menno Hospital was diagnosed with COVID-19. The Fraser Health COVID-19 Prevention and Control team is working with the facility to identify anyone who may have been exposed and to take steps to protect the health of all residents and staff.

Symptoms of COVID-19 may be mild or severe. These may include low grade fever, cough, sneezing, and/or sore throat. More severe symptoms could include fever, difficulty breathing and/or chest pain. Most people will experience mild illness.

This exposure does not mean you are infected with COVID-19. Given the serious health risks of COVID-19 we have instituted enhanced control measures at the facility. We are asking all staff members to self monitor for symptoms. If you develop any symptoms, inform your supervisor, stop working, get tested and self isolate until results are returned as negative and symptoms have resolved (whichever is longer).

We are taking steps to ensure that it is safe for you to continue to work at Menno Hospital. Fraser Health will be providing infection control support to the facility throughout this time. Residents are being closely monitored for symptoms and standard infection control measures are effective in protecting staff and residents from infection. Staff will be required to use PPE (eye protection and medical grade masks) during this time regardless of their COVID-19 immunization status.

Please follow the provincial guidance relating to working in other health care settings. The elderly are most at risk of severe outcomes related to COVID-19 and following the guidance is necessary to protect the health of residents living in other facilities.

Your health and the health of your families is important. If you have concerns about the safety of your working environment please raise them with your manager, your union representative, or WorkSafe BC.

For general information about COVID-19 call 811, or visit HealthLinkBC:

Registered Nurse
Fraser Health Public Health

APARTMENTS – Social Leave Memo – Rapid Test required if going away overnight

MEMO delivered in Menno Apartments

Date:         December 16, 2021
To:             All Menno Apartments Residents
Re:             Overnight trips and rapid tests

Dear Residents,

As we get closer to Christmas you may be planning an overnight trip to visit friends and family. If you are away from home overnight or longer you need to do a COVID rapid test when you get home.

This is NOT the same as a full COVID swab test. The rapid test is an easy test that you can do yourself right here on campus. Rapid tests are painless, far less invasive and the results are available in 15 minutes.

If you are going to be away overnight:

  1. Get a rapid test kit before you go. Kits are available at reception, in the dining room, from the visitation hosts and from Tamara, Life Enrichment Associate, in Pavilion. Each kit contains the test along with an instruction card that shows you how to do it.
  2. When you get home, go directly your apartment and take the rapid test. Stay in your apartment until you have your test results. This will take 15 minutes.

If the test is negative, call reception to report your negative result. Then throw the test away and there’s nothing else you need to do. Welcome home!

If the test is positive call reception to report your positive result.  On the weekend, call the kitchen to let them know you need your meal(s) delivered. You will need to the COVID testing site at 32470 Haida Drive for a swab or gargle test. Isolate and follow the instructions from the testing site.

Enjoy your visits and thank you for working with us to keep everyone safe.

Merry Christmas!

We welcome Christmas Decorations on the campus – we could use the cheer

Once again, Menno Place is welcoming our community to come and decorate our campus.

As we near Christmas Day, we invite all members of our community to once again come with Christmas decorations to brighten every corner of our Menno Place campus. For 12 weeks, our staff were battling COVID (August 20 – November 12) and then were deeply impacted for an additional 3 weeks by the Sumas Prairie flood with many staff caught on the east side of the prairie. This included our Maintenance team who normally put up Christmas decorations everywhere on the campus. This year, it has just been too much.

Would you, the community that loves seniors and the staff who serve them, come once again and bring Christmas cheer? It meant SO MUCH to us last year.

We are inviting you to Deck our Halls! to Spread Christmas Joy! to Brighten the Hearts of the Frontline Workers! to Show Your Heart is With Us!

Please come any day between today and December 31st with decorations.

You can put them ANYWHERE around our campus. If you need access to the secure inner courtyard, please all Garry Janzen, Life Enrichment Coordinator at 604.851.1332 for access (this is for families of Menno Home residents only).

Bless you as you bless us.

Honestly, we could use the cheering on. Thank you.