Love? Hate? Who will win the delicious prize?

Something completely not COVID related… Love Them or Hate Them??

Does anyone eat these candies anymore?

If you love them let me know and your name will be put in a draw to win this bag of Licorice Allsorts.

Email Jeanette at

Put “Allsorts” in the subject line. Draw deadline Sept 24 @10am.

Draw winner to be posted in the Staff Newsletter 🙂

The Wellness Committee of Menno Place

September 20, 2021 – TERRACE EAST OUTBREAK – New COVID positive = 1 resident (T=8)

COVID UPDATE – September 20, 2021 – Terrace East Outbreak


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 8 (8 residents | 0 staff)

We are sad to report an additional COVID positive resident in Terrace East today. Most of the COVID positive residents are managing with relatively mild symptoms. Unfortunately, several have gone to hospital as the disease has progressed. Families are aware. Please be praying for these residents and their families as they navigate these difficult times. We continue to recognize that the elderly are the most vulnerable, even with the layer of vaccination protection.

As Terrace East and West are connected with a shared dining room, we have also been carefully watching for any symptoms among the Terrace West residents. Please ask your own loved ones about any mild symptoms they may be experiencing – CLICK HERE FOR SYMPTOM LIST. Although several Terrace West residents have been swabbed, none are positive. We are thankful for this.

Thank you for your support as we are vigilant about the protocols that need to be in place as we support the residents who live in Terrace East. If you are supporting a loved one in Terrace West or one of our other apartment buildings, please raise the level of protection for your loved one by using all layers of protection –  hand hygiene, fewer visitors, mask wearing at all times, vaccination.

A letter from Fraser Health to the Unvaccinated Staff at Menno Place

A letter from Fraser Health

The message below is for unvaccinated staff from
Dr. Aamir Bharmal, 
Medical Health Officer, Fraser Health &
Susanne Fox, Executive Director, Integrated Long-term care and Assisted Living services
Dear Menno Place Staff,

For many of us, the past 19 months have been the most challenging of our lifetimes. Thank you for your ongoing support of our clients and residents as they navigate both personal health issues and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

As we move into the fall, several new requirements have been put in place to support safety in our workplaces for those we serve. These Provincial Health Officer and the Ministry of Health requirements can effect your employment. Please ensure you review these requirements and speak with your manager if you have any questions.

Mandatory COVID-19 vaccination before October 12, 2021

On September 2, 2021, the Provincial Health Officer issued the Residential Care Staff COVID-19 Preventive Measures Order. The Order requires anyone working at a long-term care, assisted living or provincial mental health facility to receive their second dose of vaccine before October 12, 2021, as a condition of employment. Menno Place staff are required to comply with the Order. This means that if you have not received your second dose before October 12, 2021, you will not be permitted to work at a long-term care, assisted living or provincial mental health facility.


Failure to provide proof of full vaccination before October 12th is subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. Refusing to comply is a violation of the Public Health Act.

To be able to work in long-term care, assisted living or provincial mental health sites as of October 12, 2021, you must get vaccinated by these dates:

September 13, 2021 Deadline for first vaccine dose to ensure enough days to get vaccinated by October 12th
October 5, 2021 Deadline for second vaccine dose to be considered fully vaccinated by October 12, 2021                     
October 11, 2021 Deadline for second vaccine dose with daily rapid testing for seven days after 2nd dose until considered fully vaccinated on October 18th
October 12, 2021 Both vaccine doses required to work in Long-term Care, Assisted Living and Provincial Mental Health sites

Do not wait – get your vaccine as soon as possible. Walk-in appointments are open to anyone living in Fraser Health, including those without a personal health number. Find a location: or call 1-833-838-2323.

If you have questions about COVID-19 vaccines, visit the BC Centre for Disease Control website at:

Mandatory mask use for all staff

The Ministry of Health has updated the Policy on Mask Use in Health Care Facilities during the
COVID-19 Pandemic
, which states that all health care workers, regardless of vaccination status, must wear a medical mask at all times, including in common areas and break rooms unless eating and/or drinking.

Rapid testing for staff not fully vaccinated

Effective September 13, 2021, staff who are not fully vaccinated will need to undergo rapid testing for COVID-19 on every shift worked.

Staff are considered fully vaccinated seven days after their second dose. Staff who receive their second dose of vaccine between October 5 – 11, 2021 must continue rapid testing on each shift until they are fully vaccinated.

Menno Place is currently strongly recommending ALL staff in ALL buildings (regardless of immunization status) do rapid testing before every shift due to our Menno Home Outbreak. 

If you have any questions about these requirements, please contact your Manager.

Thank you for your support in protecting our most vulnerable populations against COVID-19.

September 18, 2021 – MENNO HOME UPDATE

Menno Home Updates

There will not be daily updates for Menno Home unless there is a change.
W2 Home will remain on Enhanced Monitoring until the Medical Health Officer deems that it is safe to go to routine infection control protocols. At this time, we are expecting that if there are no further COVID cases or symptomatic residents/staff this will happen by September 27th.

September 18, 2021 – TERRACE EAST OUTBREAK – New COVID positive = 1 resident (T=7)

COVID UPDATE – September 18, 2021 – Terrace East Outbreak


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 7 (7 residents | 0 staff)

We are sad to report an additional COVID positive resident in Terrace East. We continue to put into place all the infection control protocols that are required to keep residents and staff safe. These include enhanced cleaning, hand hygiene audits and personal protection equipment audits.

All residents of Terrace East remain on isolation in their apartment suites. This is the safest place for residents is to e in their apartment suite.


Essential Grocery Delivery: We are pleased to open up grocery delivery to three days/week: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 1pm – 5pm. Please only deliver at the end of the day if you are unable to come earlier. Our Visitation Hosts will deliver the groceries to your loved one before 6pm when their shift is finished.

Television Announcements: John Dyck (Chaplain) and Leonard Klassen (Life Enrichment Coordinator) are now providing updates on the Channel 10 television station on Fridays at 11am. There will be a second time-frame, but it has not, yet, been scheduled. This will keep your loved ones in the loop about what is current at Menno Place and in their apartment as it relates to COVID. If there is a question that they would like answered, the resident or loved one can phone Leonard Klassen with the question: 604.851.4006 or email him:

September 17, 2021 – !!!!!MENNO HOME OFF OUTBREAK!!!!! – New COVID positive = 0 (T=38: 37/E1 : 1/W2 )

COVID UPDATE – September 17, 2021 – Menno Home Outbreak Called OVER!


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = Menno Home: 38 (22 residents / 16 staff) (37/E1: 1/W2)

PASSED AWAY: TODAY = 0  (T = 2 residents on E1)

RECOVERED STAFF =  (T=13 recovered)

RECOVERED RESIDENTS = all but 1 resident is off of isolation!

We are so pleased to bring you the announcement today that the Medical Health Officer has called the Menno Home Outbreak OVER!

Thank you for your incredible support, prayers and well wishes. Thank you to the amazing staff team that we have taking care of the elders in Menno Home! Thank you, especially, to the staff who worked to care for and support the COVID positive residents – we are grateful to you all!

As there was a COVID positive exposure in Menno Home W2, it remains on Enhanced Monitoring.

What happens now?

Menno Home E1, E2, W1

  • E1, E2 and W1 is off outbreak precautions.( one resident on E1 to stay on droplet until tomorrow)
  • Social visit may resume
  • Group activities and communal dining may resume.
  • Visitors must wear a medical masks (fully vaccinated visitors may take the masks off when they are with their loved ones, unvaccinated and partially vaccinated visitors must keep the mask at all times

Menno Home W2

  • On enhanced monitoring
  • Social visits may continue for VACCINATED VISITORS ONLY
  • Group activities and communal dining may resume
  • Essential visits as before
  • Residents with even mild symptoms will be swabbed

September 17, 2021 – TERRACE EAST NOW ON OUTBREAK – New COVID positive = 1 resident (T=6)

COVID UPDATE – September 17, 2021 – Terrace East Outbreak


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 6 (6 residents | 0 staff)

We are sad to report an additional COVID positive resident in Terrace East. This was the only swab that came back COVID positive from the point-prevalence testing done on floors 1-4, all others are negative result.

Terrace East staff team continue to put into place all the infection control protocols, working closely with the Fraser Health Infection Control Protocol lead. All residents of Terrace East remain on isolation in their apartment suites. The safest place to be is in the apartment suite. All who enter their suite are wearing full personal protective equipment.

We are pleased to open up grocery delivery to three days/week: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 1pm – 5pm. Please only deliver at the end of the day if you are unable to come earlier. Our Visitation Hosts will deliver the groceries to your loved one before 6pm when their shift is finished.

John Dyck (Chaplain) and Leonard Klassen (Life Enrichment Coordinator) are now providing updates on the Channel 10 television station on Fridays at 11am. There will be a second time-frame, but it has not, yet, been scheduled. This will keep your loved ones in the loop about what is current at Menno Place and in their apartment as it relates to COVID. If there is a question that they would like answered, the resident or loved one can phone Leonard Klassen with the question: 604.851.4006 or email him:


Independent Living Apartments:

The other apartment buildings are NOT on outbreak. Residents continue to use the dining room and have visitors to their suite. Be cautious as COVID continues to be transmitted in our community.

How can you stay safe?

  • Ask your loved one if they have any COVID symptoms, no matter how mild – see below.
  • Wear a mask when you are inside the building in common areas. For residents – only take the mask off when you are eating in the dining room.
  • If you are unvaccinated and visiting your loved one, you must wear a mask even when alone with your loved one in their suite.
  • Practice hand hygiene – sanitize upon entrance to the building.
  • Practice social distancing with others who you may encounter when you are in the building, including in the elevator and common areas.
  • Encourage your loved one to be cautious about going out. The prevalence of COVID has increased in Abbotsford and the less “going out” they are doing, the less opportunity to contract COVID. This includes attending church.

COVID Symptoms

ASK: Do you have NEW ONSET of COVID-19-like symptoms? Follow COVID-19 testing instructions if the answer is yes.

  • Fever (above 37.8C)
  • Cough
  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Chills
  • Sore Throat
  • Loss of sense of smell
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Extreme fatigue or tiredness
  • Body aches
  • Loss of sense of taste
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Diarrhea

What to do if your loved one has symptoms:

What are the medical exemptions for unvaccinated staff?

The Office of the Provincial Health Officer has now provided the list of medical exemptions for unvaccinated individuals.

The details are found here – CLICK HERE

If you believe that your medical issue qualifies under these exemptions, please go to your doctor and get a letter indicating that you qualify for this medical exemption. Provide this letter to Human Resources.