September 12, 2021 – TERRACE EAST – New COVID positive = 2 (T=2)

COVID UPDATE – September 12, 2021 – Terrace East



We are sad to report that there are two COVID positive residents in Terrace East. The first COVID positive resident returned from a visit to Abbotsford Regional Hospital having had a COVID swab but without receiving the result of that swab. The resident was discharged and returned by family to Terrace East. Unfortunately, the result came back positive and additional residents and staff were exposed to COVID. Consequently, a second resident has tested positive. Families have been informed.

Residents of the 5th and 6th floor of Terrace East are now on droplet precautions.
This means that they are to remain in their apartment suites. All who enter their suites must wear full PPE.
All meals for 5th and 6th floor residents delivered to their suites.

No social visits for any Terrace East residents. No outings or exiting the TE building.
Essential visitors permitted – call Cheryl: 604.851.4020 if you are designated as an Essential Visitor.

Recreation activities temporarily suspended. A memo for residents will be handed out today and published on this site as well.

As we are in a time of high COVID prevalence, it is essential that everyone returning from Hospital (ER or admitted) receives a COVID test and obtains the results PRIOR to returning to Menno Apartments. Cheryl Dawes, Manager, Community Enrichment and her team are able to help residents and families navigate steps that keep residents and staff safe, including communication with Fraser Health.

MANDATORY MASKS FOR RESIDENTS: As a result of this situation, we require all Apartment residents to wear masks (mandatory) when they leave their apartment or when a visitor (IL) is in the apartment with them. It has been several weeks since we announced mandatory masks for all visitors. Medical grade masks are the preferred mask to be worn and are available at the foyer in every apartment for both residents and visitors.

WHAT TO DO IF YOUR LOVED ONE IS IN HOSPITAL AND THEN RETURNING HOME: We will be putting a poster on every apartment door that outlines what family should do if their loved one needs to go or return from hospital. As the apartment resident lives in communal living, their return from ARH puts at risk many others if they are COVID positive.

  1. INFORM MENNO PLACE OF HOSPITAL VISIT TO ER OR HOSPITAL ADMISSION – If your loved one goes to Hospital for any length of time (ER or Admitted), you must call our nursing team to inform them – Nursing Team: 604.615.7652.
  2. INFORM MENNO PLACE OF REQUESTED RETURN FROM HOSPITAL: Additionally, Cheryl and her team will provide the support you need to ensure that your loved one does not return to Menno Apartments with a COVID positive result. Do not discharge them or return from ER without the results of the COVID test. If they are COVID positive, Cheryl Dawes, Manager, Community Enrichment and her team will provide the support you need to navigate this situation while keeping others safe.
  3. KEEPING OTHERS SAFE: The protocols for a COVID positive resident include isolation in their room and full PPE (personal protective equipment) for the staff. It also includes enhanced cleaning of any objects touched by a COVID positive individual (railings, door handles, elevator buttons). If we don’t know about your loved one’s test result or pending test result, we can’t do everything required to keep other residents and staff safe.

ASK THE DAILY SCREENING QUESTIONS: As COVID prevalence has become greater in our community, it is all the more important to have these daily questions asked to each resident. We are encouraging family members to include these questions in your conversations. Click here for Screening Questions.

September 12, 2021 – MENNO HOME OUTBREAK – New COVID positive = 1 (T=38: 37/E1 : 1/W2 )

COVID UPDATE – September 12, 2021 – Menno Home Outbreak


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = Menno Home: 38 (22 residents / 16 staff) (37/E1: 1/W2)

PASSED AWAY: TODAY = 0  (T = 2 residents on E1)

RECOVERED STAFF =  (T=3 recovered)

We have one new COVID positive staff member today. This staff member is from the W2 unit and is the first COVID positive outside Menno Home E1. We are waiting for input from Public Health to determine next steps. We believe that this case is from an external exposure.

Report 1st or 2nd dose of COVID vaccination (if you haven’t already reported)

This for is only for those who HAVE NOT reported your vaccination status to Menno Place.
Fill out my online form.

September 11, 2021 – MENNO HOME OUTBREAK – New COVID positive = 1 (T=37 / E1)

COVID UPDATE – September 11, 2021 – Menno Home Outbreak


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = Menno Home E1: 37 (22 residents / 15 staff)

PASSED AWAY: TODAY = 0  (T = 2 residents on E1)

RECOVERED STAFF =  (T=3 recovered)

September 10, 2021 – MENNO HOME OUTBREAK – New COVID positive = 0 (T=36 / E1)

COVID UPDATE – September 10, 2021 – Menno Home Outbreak


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = Menno Home E1: 36 (22 residents / 14 staff)

PASSED AWAY: TODAY = 0 (T = 2 residents on E1)

RECOVERED STAFF = 2 staff returned to work today (T=3 recovered)

There are no new COVID positives to report today and no deaths.
We continue to monitor the residents for symptoms and when there are symptoms, we swab for COVID.
There have been several instances of symptoms like a cough or diarrhea. All returned negative. Our care team are swabbing everyone even with the slightest symptom in order to ensure that we do not have COVID in any other resident or unit. We are grateful that all have been negative.
We continue to collect and gather results from the staff. This can be challenging as the staff’s COVID swabs are not reported directly to Menno Place. Instead, they are reported to the individual staff member who follows up with a call to Menno Place.
In total, over 450 swabs have been done to test residents and staff in Menno Home plus the 2nd round of point-prevalence testing for the E1 residents and staff.
Thank you to all of the nursing team who do the COVID swabbing and to the admin team who ensure that every sample has the correct identifiers for each person – and send them to the lab for analysis.
Thank you for your continued prayers for Menno Home – residents and staff. Today was a good day to see some of the initial COVID positive staff return to work.

September 9, 2021 – MENNO HOME OUTBREAK – New COVID positive = 2 (T=36 / E1)

COVID UPDATE – September 9, 2021 – Menno Home Outbreak

NEW COVID POSITIVE CASES = 2 (1 staff / 1 resident)

TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = Menno Home E1: 36 (22 residents / 14 staff)

PASSED AWAY:  1 death today, E1  (T = 2 residents on E1)

RECOVERED STAFF = 1 staff returned to work today

It is with saddness that we announce a 2nd death on Menno Home E1. Please continue to support, encourage and pray for the staff – they are very attached to the residents whom they care for and are taking these deaths very hard. There was also a death just prior to the outbreak, so they have lost 3 of their residents within the past several weeks. We are grateful for staff who are so present for the residents they serve and love.
We are now seeing the staff recovering and return to work. We welcome back to E1 Home one of the staff who was an original COVID positive reported on August 31st. We thank Fraser Health for providing staff to fill in when our staff were sick, contagious and unable to work. We are grateful for our daily call with Fraser Health. The COVID-Response Team
The only COVID positive results at this time are contained to Menno Home E1, Chalet side. See map below.
All swabs returned from the expanded point-prevalence testing on W1, W2, E2 are negative. There are some outstanding.
Menno Home E1 Map
Red = Chalet
Orange = Lounge

September 8, 2021 – MENNO HOME OUTBREAK – New COVID positive = 0 (T=34 / E1)

COVID UPDATE – September 8, 2021 – Menno Home Outbreak


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = Menno Home E1: 34 (21 residents / 13 staff)

PASSED AWAY: 1 resident E1 – this resident was palliative pre-outbreak

The only COVID positive results at this time are contained to the Menno Home E1 unit.
All staff and residents who tested negative in the first swabs done in Menno Home E1 are being tested again today.

TEAM FAQ: What should I be doing if I have received one dose? Am I vaccinated?

If you have received one dose of COVID vaccine OR you have received two doses of COVID vaccine less than 7 days ago, you are considered UNVACCINATED.

When do you qualify as vaccinated? When you have received TWO doses of COVID vaccine at least 7 days ago.

If you are partially vaccinated, you must follow the Provincial Health Orders for the unvaccinated, including mandatory rapid checks before each shift beginning September 13. This changes when you’ve had your 2nd dose and waited at least 7 days.


Get your BC Vaccine Card

1. First setup your BC Services Card app.  Setup has three steps.

2. Secondly, register for the BC Health Gateway.  Registration has four steps.


3. The BC Vaccine Card is accessible through the BC Health Gateway.  To get the card, first log into the Health Gateway (using the Services Card app to identify yourself).

  • The Health Gateway will show you one of three different “cards”

  • TIP:  Take a screen shot of the QR code on your phone to save the picture of it.  It’s much faster opening the picture on your phone, than opening the Gateway each time you need to show the Vaccine Card.