Cohorting Staff
These units are on enhanced monitoring and are cohorting staff. This means that:
- you may not work on any other unit on the campus if you work on one of these 2 units.
- you will not be using the biometric hand scanner to sign in. All sign ins for work are done on paper.
Please note that these units are using separate entrances:
E2 Home – please use the door to the right of Entrance B – the door has a sign “A24” at the top of the door. You will go up the staircase, screen/sign in and enter into the dining room.
E2 Hospital – please use the staircase from the Chapel parking lot (off Brundige) and enter the patio that is just outside of the E2 Hospital unit. You will screen and sign in at that location.
COVID Rapid Testing
We have been participating in a pilot project with Fraser Health for rapid testing prior to staff or visitors entering the building. This project enables us to screen for COVID positive results from those who are asymptomatic. One of the staff who is COVID positive was discovered as positive through rapid testing pilot project.
We are expanding this project to help us keep our residents and staff safe, particularly as the prevalence of COVID is rising in our community.
This self-screening tool is much less invasive than the COVID NP Swab. It is easy to do this screen test on yourself. Trish Giesbrecht did rapid testing demonstrations on all units today. She has ensured supplies for all units, all kitchens and housekeeping through the manager, Leanne. If you are not vaccinated, you are encouraged to do this self-screening with the rapid test regularly. The best information for you will be if you swab yourself prior to every shift. The intention of this self-screening test is to catch a COVID-positive result when it’s asymptomatic. Staff who had the opportunity during the demo were excited to do this. Thank you for all the ways that you are keeping our residents and your co-workers safe!
If you have ANY COVID symptoms, do not come to work. Go and get COVID tested.
We are also planning to introduce this to visitors in the next week or so. This will ensure that any asymptomatic visitors can have this additional layer of screening to ensure the safety of the residents and the staff. The visitors who were given the opportunity today were excited to participate in another layer of safety for the residents and staff.
Not Vaccinated, Yet?
- Call: 1-833-838-2323 | Translators are available
- Seven days a week, 7 am to 7 pm (PDT)
- Tell them that you are a healthcare worker in long-term care. If you are unable to get an appointment, please contact Pearl Nucich, Executive Assistant: 604.851.1340