Good morning! This is a quick report to let you know how we are doing as we work through our COVID-Response Plan. The COVID Leadership Team is meeting twice a day for a huddle and to support each other in both morale and practical ways. We do this on Zoom. Housekeeping, laundry, maintenance, dietary, human resources – we are all involved. We have excellent communication and friendship in our leadership team which is so important in times like this.
We are very well prepared, particularly with PPE supplies. Staff morale is good. The staff who are working on E2 Home bring an incredible strength and confidence to their work. We immediately set up a separate entrance/exit that is exclusive only to this unit so there is no opportunity to mingle with other staff in Menno Home or the rest of the campus of care. Fraser Health was with our Infection Control Lead Nurse yesterday for several hours. They bring knowledge and practice that has evolved over these months since the pandemic began.
All families of Home E2 residents have received a phone call to inform them about the COVID positive residents. The families of the two COVID positive residents were informed immediately. When we receive all the swab results, we will phone all the families again to let them know what the results are for their loved one. Safe visits for all of Menno Home are cancelled for two weeks. Families have been gracious and understanding.
We so appreciate your prayers from across the campus – for protection, for wisdom, for strength. Our Menno Place prayer circle is a group of prayers who come together socially distanced on Tuesdays (cancelled for now) and by email to pray for Menno Place. If you would like prayer during this time, please let us know by filling out this web form:
We are grateful for you, our staff who are working diligently to fulfill your tasks with compassion and skill. Thank you.