Moving foward, you will receive one report for all units in Menno Hospital. With omicron at record-high prevalence in our community, we are facing daily changes in protocols and supplies (rapid tests). We thank each of you for your patience with our team as we organize and re-orient to the ever-changing information and protocols for residents and visitors.

HOSPITAL E1 – COVID Positive = 7 staff, 4 residents

NEW COVID POSITIVE CASES = 2 staff + 1 resident

TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 14 (5 residents | 9 staff)

MOST RECENT COVID CASE = January 13, 2022


We are sorry to report that we now have 5 residents who tested positive for COVID.

  • E1 Hospital is now on Blanket Precaution (a new term describing specific protocols)
  • All visits will be stopped except VERY ESSENTIAL visits
  • All communal activity including dining stopped
  • All residents placed on droplet precautions – isolation and full PPE for staff and essential visits
  • All families of affected residents will be contacted (primary contact).


HOSPITAL W2 – COVID Positive = 1 staff


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 1 (0 residents | 1 staff)

MOST RECENT COVID CASE = January 12, 2022


  • Point Prevalence Testing on W2
  • Nursing will communicate with affected resident’s primary contact
  • Enhanced Monitoring until January 14th if no further spread of COVID
  • No group activities until January 14th
  • Stagger meal times and ensure physical distancing during meal times
  • Staff to add goggles to mask wearing
  • Screening twice per day for staff and residents
  • Essential Visitors only at this time.


HOSPITAL E2 – COVID Positive = 1 staff


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 1 (0 residents | 1 staff)

MOST RECENT COVID CASE = January 12, 2022


We are sorry to report that we have a COVID positive staff member who worked on E2 Hospital.

At this time, only Essential Visitors may visit.

We will be reaching out to the primary contacts of affected residents shortly.


HOSPITAL W2 – JANUARY 12, 2022 – COVID POSITIVE total = 1 staff

COVID UPDATE – January 12, 2022 – COVID Positive = 1 staff


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 1 (0 residents | 1 staff)

MOST RECENT COVID CASE = January 12, 2022

We are sorry to report that we have a positive COVID staff member who worked on Menno Hospital W2.

  • Point Prevalence Testing on W2
  • Nursing will communicate with affected resident’s primary contact
  • Enhanced Monitoring until January 14th if no further spread of COVID
  • No group activities until January 14th
  • Stagger meal times and ensure physical distancing during meal times
  • Staff to add goggles to mask wearing
  • Screening twice per day for staff and residents


HOSPITAL E1 – JANUARY 12, 2022 (EVENING) – COVID POSITIVE T = 11 (7 staff; 4 residents)

COVID UPDATE – January 12, 2022 (Evening) – COVID Positive = 7 staff, 4 residents

NEW COVID POSITIVE CASES = 3 staff + 4 residents

TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 11 (4 residents | 7 staff)

MOST RECENT COVID CASE = January 12, 2022

We are sorry to report that we now have 4 residents who tested positive for COVID.

E1 Hospital is now on Blanket Precaution (a new term describing specific protocols)

All visits will be stopped except VERY ESSENTIAL visits

All communal activity including dining stopped

All residents placed on droplet precautions – isolation and full PPE for staff and essential visits

All families of affected residents will be contacted (primary contact).

Designated Social Visitor – Menno Home / Menno Hospital (Long-Term Care)

Designated Social Visitors

Every resident in Menno Home and Menno Hospital is permitted ONE designated social visitor. This is in addition to any essential visitors who have been previously notified.

Some residents have a designated social visitor on record from a previous visiting time during the pandemic. For these residents, we have re-contacted the previous designated social visitor.

Others have joined our community in a time when this was not required, for these residents we have contacted the primary emergency contact as designated social visitor.

Questions? Please contact Garry Janzen, Life Enrichment Coordinator – 604.851.1332 |

  • If you are an essential visitor and wish to add a social visitor
  • If you are a primary contact and wish to know who the designated social visitor is for your loved one
  • If you wish to change the individual who is currently the designated social visitor (primary contact makes the change)

When can you visit?

Visitation Hosts are welcoming visitors at all entrances from 10am – 6pm every day of the week.

If you arrive outside of these hours, please anticipate a wait as the care team comes to screen and let you in.

Screening for Visitors:

Visitation Hosts have a current list of designated social visitors to permit for visits.

You must be fully vaccinated to enter a long-term care home (2 vaccination doses) and provide proof of vaccination.

You will be screened for symptoms of COVID, have your temperature taken and be given a rapid test (inventory permitting).

The rapid test is pain-free and takes 15 minutes for the results.

Please allow for this time prior to when your visit begins.

When you pass the screening with a negative rapid test will be permitted to enjoy a visit with your loved one.

You will be asked to use hand sanitizer and are required to wear a mask at all times during your visit.


How often can we change the designated social visitor?
Please call Garry Janzen to discuss any changes to the designated social visitor. At this time, with the high prevalence of COVID in the community, the protocols are intended to minimize the number of people who enter long-term care homes, reducing the opportunity for COVID to enter or be transmitted. As a result, changes to the designated social visitor will be made in the case of special circumstances.

How is the designated social visitor different than an essential visitor? 
An essential visitor has a role that is outlined in the resident’s care plan.

How do we know if our loved one has an essential visitor?
The essential visitor has been identified by the nursing team and notified of their designation.

How many designated social visitors can each resident have?
ONE designated social visitor per resident.

What if my loved one is palliative?
When a resident is palliative, all visitors are deemed essential and are permitted to visit.

Can we take our loved one on an outing?
At this time, we ask you to call the nurse to discuss any outings. The prevalence of COVID in our community is at a record-high and makes it much easier for an elderly senior to contract COVID and bring it into the Menno Place community. We do not recommend outings at this time.

Can we eat together on our visit? 
The resident does not have to wear a mask, so they may enjoy food and drink. The visitor must remain masked at all times with mask covering nose, mouth and chin. This does not allow for eating or drinking for the visitor.

Can a social visitor visit with multiple residents?
No. You may only visit with your loved one. Remain 6ft apart from all other residents and staff.

How long are these guidelines in effect?
Dr. Bonnie Henry, Public Health Officer will reassess these guidelines for essential and designated social visitors on January 18, 2022.

HOSPITAL E1 – JANUARY 12, 2022 – COVID POSITIVE total = 7 staff

COVID UPDATE – January 12, 2022 – COVID Positive = 7 staff


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 7 (0 residents | 7 staff)

MOST RECENT COVID CASE = January 12, 2022

We now have 7 COVID positive staff who have worked on E1 Hospital. These new cases are not related to the index case or other cases on E1 Hospital. No residents are affected at this time. Staff who worked during infectious periods are all being tested for COVID. We are are not surprised that staff are contracting COVID, particularly the highly contagious omicron variant and the high prevalence of COVID in the community.

As long as the positive cases are only among staff, public health does not consider this an outbreak.

We continue on Enhanced Monitoring for E1 Hospital:

  • COVID testing for any staff or residents identified through contact tracing
  • Stop all group activities
  • Stagger meal times and ensure physical distancing during meal times
  • Staff to add goggles to mask wearing
  • Screening twice per day for staff and residents

Please call your loved one’s primary contact for information or call nursing on E1 if you are the primary contact seeking specific information about your loved one.

HOSPITAL E1 – JANUARY 6, 2022 – COVID POSITIVE = 1 staff; T= 4 staff

COVID UPDATE – January 6, 2022 – COVID Positive = 4 staff


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 4 (0 residents | 4 staff)

MOST RECENT COVID CASE = January 6, 2022

We have 1 new case of COVID in a staff member who worked on E1 Hospital. This case is not related to the index (initial) case which means that the transmission didn’t occur from the index case. With record numbers of COVID cases in the community, we are not surprised that staff are contracting COVID, particularly the highly contagious omicron variant.

As long as the positive cases are only among staff, public health does not consider this an outbreak.

Please call your loved one’s primary contact for information or call nursing on E1 if you are the primary contact seeking specific information about your loved one.


COVID UPDATE – January 4, 2022 – COVID Positive = 3 staff


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 3 (0 residents | 3 staff)

MOST RECENT COVID CASE = January 4, 2022

We have two new cases of COVID in staff members who worked on E1 Hospital. One case is a contact of the index case. The other is not a contact of the index case.

We have tested 12 residents and 15 staff for COVID. Primary contacts have been notified.

As long as the positive cases are only among staff, public health does not consider this an outbreak.

Please call your loved one’s primary contact for information or call nursing on E1 if you are the primary contact seeking specific information about your loved one.


COVID UPDATE – January 3, 2022 – COVID Positive = 1 staff


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 1 (0 residents | 1 staff)

MOST RECENT COVID CASE = January 3, 2022

  • We will be testing 12 residents and staff who worked on Dec 31st and Jan 1st day shift with close contact with staff member
  • All exposed residents are booster vaccinated, so no isolation at this times, except when symptomatic.
  • Stop all group activities
  • Stagger meal times and ensure physical distancing during meal times
  • Staff to add goggles to mask wearing
  • Screening twice per day for staff and residents
  • If no further spread from this case, these measures can be stopped after 7 days of exposure( Jan 8th)


COVID UPDATE – January 2, 2022 – Primrose Gardens


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 2 (1 resident | 1 staff)

MOST RECENT COVID CASE = January 2, 2022

We are sorry to bring the news that a staff member has tested COVID positive. This is believed to be unrelated to the resident who is COVID positive.

Please continue to be cautious when you visit, practicing all layers of protection. Unvaccinated visitors are not permitted in any of the buildings on the Menno Place campus. Vaccinated visitors must wear a mask at all times, including while visiting their loved one. Practice hand hygiene by sanitizing upon entrance to the apartment building. Remain 6 feet away from other visitors, residents and staff.

When rapid tests are available, they are mandatory for visitors. At this time, there is not inventory for visitors to rapid test prior to visit.

The Omicron variant is extremely contagious and is asymptomatic for several days prior to symptoms for those who are COVID positive.

Please encourage your loved one at Primrose Gardens to get all 3 vaccinations to increase efficacy of vaccination to 75%.

The dining room is closed until further notice. Meals are delivered to resident suites.


COVID UPDATE – January 2, 2022 – Pavilion


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 1 (1 resident | 0 staff)

MOST RECENT COVID CASE = January 1, 2022

Memo for Pavilion Residents – January 2, 2022 – This is being handed out this morning.


Date:                  January 2, 2022

To:                        Pavilion Residents

Re:                        COVID-19 Positive in Pavilion


A resident of Pavilion has been identified as COVID positive and is self-isolating. Residents in contact with COVID positive individual have been tested and are isolating.

DINING: The dining room is closed effective today. Your meals will be delivered to your apartment suite until further notice.

EXTRA PRECAUTIONS: The Omicron variant of COVID is extremely transmissible and can infect those who have had all vaccinations (including 3rd booster shot) as well as those who previously tested positive for COVID. Take ALL precautions, including self-isolating for your own protection. We have a record-high number of COVID positive individuals in BC and in our community. It is very easy to contract or transmit Omicron.

VISITORS: Your visitors must take all precautions before entering the apartment building/your suite. All (you and your visitor) must wear a mask at all times, including in your suite while visiting. Use hand sanitizer frequently and wash hands with warm, soapy water often. No unvaccinated people are permitted inside the apartment buildings, including your family members, housekeepers, service providers or friends. When rapid tests are available, they are mandatory for visitors prior to entrance. At this time, they are not available for visitors.

SELF-ISOLATION: This is a good time for your essential visitors to ensure you have EVERYTHING you need in your apartment. Ensure you have medications, groceries and clean laundry for the next 7 – 10 days. If you contract COVID-19, you will be isolating for a minimum of five days (for fully vaccinated) as per Dr. Bonnie Henry, Dec. 31, 2021 followed by five days of masking and essential outings only (no group activities, such as church or gatherings).

KEEP YOUR CONTACT GROUP SMALL: It is time now to reduce your contact with people to only those who provide you with essential services such as laundry, driving to essential appointments and grocery delivery. Visit with others on the phone instead of in person, even within this apartment building.

WHAT ABOUT IF YOU ARE FULLY VACCINATED? Omicron is infecting those who are fully vaccinated, including those who have the 3rd booster shot. Your illness will likely be more mild than if you were not vaccinated, but it can still be very debilitating or even cause hospitalization or death.

ESSENTIAL OUTINGS: Reduce your outings to essential outings only, such as medical appointments. Choose to watch church online or on Channel 10. Since the Omicron variant is so prevalent in our community, it’s better to have an essential visitor bring you groceries or order online if possible.

WHAT TO DO IF YOU HAVE SYMPTOMS? If you have any of the symptoms on the list below, go immediately to the Haida Center for a COVID-19 gargle or nasal swab test (PCR). Tell them that you live on a campus of care and that you are part of a vulnerable population. This will get you priority access to the testing.

WHAT TO DO IF YOU HAVE BEEN EXPOSED TO SOMEONE WHO HAS COVID? Take a rapid test to see if you are positive at this time. If you are, go to the COVID test center for a PCR test to confirm the diagnosis. If you are negative, isolate and re-take the test in 24 hours.

WHAT TO DO WITH TEST RESULTS? Phone Reception: 604.851.4000 to report all test results, including rapid tests. If there is no answer, leave a voicemail message.

RAPID TESTS: You may also ask for a rapid test from Reception or the Dining Team. This test is a simple test that will tell if you have enough viral load at that moment to indicate if you are positive for COVID-19. If you have a positive rapid test, you are considered positive for COVID.

WHAT ABOUT THE COMMON COLD? The common cold is VERY intense this year. If you have cold symptoms AND received a negative gargle or nasal swab test, you likely have a cold. DO NOT SPREAD IT. Stay isolated until symptoms are gone.

Do you have any of these COVID symptoms – even mildly? Get tested for COVID and let us know: Reception: 604.851.4000

Fever or chills? Cough? Unproductive cough?
Sore throat? Runny nose? Extreme fatigue or tiredness?
Body aches? Muscle aches? Diarrhea?
Difficulty breathing? Loss of sense of smell or taste?
Loss of appetite? Headache? Nausea or vomiting?