Staffing Office Christmas Day Hours

Date: December 19, 2023
To: Menno Home, Menno Hospital and Menno Apartment Employees
From: Adrienne Alford, Interim Director of People and Culture
Re: Staffing Office Christmas Day Closure

Happy holidays all! Please note that the Menno Home and Apartments and Menno Hospital Staffing Offices will be closed on Christmas Day, December 25th. Staffing Team members will not be retrieving messages or checking email that day.

Who does this affect?

  • All Employees of Menno Home and Menno Apartments and Menno Hospital relying on the Staffing Team for scheduling support.

What do Employees need to do?

If you need to report an absence after 16h00 on Christmas Eve, December 24th, please report as follows:

  • Nurses, Health Care Aides and Unit Clerks: please phone the RN for your unit
  • Dietary Aides and Cooks: please phone Jacob Doss directly
  • Housekeeping and Laundry Attendants: please phone Leanne Tanner directly

All phone numbers can be found in the Menno Place directory linked in the top right corner of the staff site.

Our thanks and gratitude to the Menno Team Members who are devoting their time to serving residents over the holidays! You are appreciated!

Celebrating 70 years! View and Comment

Over the past 70 years Menno Place has provided trusted care to more 27,000 seniors. As part of the celebrations for the 70th anniversary we interviewed current and former staff and residents about the impact Menno Place has had in their lives. These stories span generations. Watch all four videos here.

Christmas Concert – December 18 2023

Join us for a Christmas concert with special guests Twice Shy, Monday, December 18th in the Menno Hospital Chapel 2 – 3pm.

Christmas Gift Policy, Donations and Fraud Awareness

‘Tis the season to celebrate, and for many of us that involves gift-giving. We recently reminded the Menno Place residents of our gift policy when it comes to staff and I want to share that with the staff as well.


Residents may wish to give a gift to the staff, here are some guidelines:

  • Gifts must be able to be shared by all the staff (e.g. chocolates, cards, pizza lunch, flowers).
  • Individual staff members are not permitted to accept gifts. If the resident insists or becomes upset take the gift to your manager immediately.
  • Financial gifts (cash/gift cards) to individual staff members are NOT allowed to be received.

If residents wish to make a financial contribution to Menno Place, donations to the Mennonite Benevolent Society can be made at reception (charitable donation receipts available).


There is to be NO fundraising, solicitation of gifts, or request for money at Menno Place (whether from or by residents or staff). There should never be any obligation or social pressure to make a financial contribution. Fundraising is NOT allowed at Menno Place (unless Menno Place announces and endorses an official project; this will be clearly communicated through a memo).


At this time of year, unsavory people are often more active in trying to get money and information from our residents. Please remind residents to be very careful with whom they share any personal information (such as banking information, birthdate, social insurance number) when receiving random phone calls. It is doubtful that a resident will receive a phone call from the CRA about an overdue account, from Amazon about a compromised credit card, or from a stranger asking for funds to help a grandchild get out of jail. If a resident gets a call like this, hang up and suggest that they contact the Seniors Abuse & Information Line 1-866-437-1940 or a trusted family member. A helpful brochure with more information can be downloaded by clicking here.


Ugly Sweater Day – Dec 14


Ugly Sweater Day – Thursday, December 14th. Go garish, go gaudy, go wacky and tacky!

Crazy Christmas Hat Day – December 8, 2023

It’s time to wear your zaniest holiday headwear. What will you choose? Hat? Headband? Fascinator? Something that lights up? We want to see it all. Take part in some festive silliness on Friday, December 8th.

2024 Vacation Request Submissions

Date: December 1, 2023
To: All Menno Home and Hospital Employees Holding Regular Full or Part Time Lines
From: Adrienne Alford, Interim Director of People and Culture
Re: 2024 Vacation Request Submissions

HEU members holding regular full or part time lines wanting to post into positions via provisions contained within Article 16.01 are asked to submit their interest, and preferences, to their designated Staffing Team, using either the Menno Home or Menno Hospital 16.01 form, no later than December 22, 2023.

Please remember that this pertains to blocks of 15 days or more.

1. Who does this affect?

Only HEU members of Menno Home and Hospital holding regular full or part time lines.

2. What do these members need to do?

Please submit your 16.01 form to your respective Staffing Office by December 22.

Thank you everyone!

UPDATE to Changes in Scanning In / Shift Reporting

Date: November 30, 2023
To: All Menno Home and Menno Apartment Employees
From: Adrienne Alford, Interim Director of People and Culture
Re: Change to Scanning In / Shift Reporting Process

Earlier this fall your People and Culture Team (P&C) shared that, for consistent practice with Menno Hospital, Menno Home and Menno Apartments would be implementing face scanning for shift reporting.

Employees without a face scan were asked to schedule time with our P&C folks to enroll in, and learn how to use, the face scanning machine.

1. What is the current status?

Currently, the majority of Employees are enrolled in, and successfully using, the face scanners located in Menno Hospital, Home, and Apartments. Thank you everyone!

2. What is the next step?

The hand scanners will be removed from Menno Home and Apartments on Monday December 18, 2023.

3. How does this affect Employees?

If you have not yet had a face scan completed, you must do so before 16h00 Friday December 16. Please contact Jessy Manhas at or extension 2230 to schedule an appointment. A member of our Team will be happy to enroll you at the P&C office located in Menno Hospital.

4. What will happen if my face scan doesn’t work, or if I miss my opportunity to enroll?

Missed scan forms will remain available for exceptional use. These will be available for pick up from the Menno Home/Apartments and Menno Hospital Staffing Office(s) to avoid clutter at the scanning stations.

Employees will remain able to enroll in face scanning on a scheduled basis by contacting your P&C Team.

Thank you everyone for your support! Post-implementation feedback is most welcome!

Staff Christmas Party – Thurs Dec 14th

All staff are invited to join us for a sit down, come and go turkey feast (& prizes!) to celebrate the season. The party will be in the Menno Hospital Chapel on Thursday, December 14th.

Memo: 2024 Vacation Requests – All Forms Needed Please!

Date: November 28, 2023
To: All Menno Home, Menno Hospital and Menno Apartment Employees
From: Adrienne Alford, Interim Director of People and Culture
Re: 2024 Vacation Request Submissions

In order to finalize 2024 vacation schedules, all team members of Menno Home, Hospital and Apartments are asked to please submit your vacation requests to your respective Staffing Office no later than 14h00 Friday December 01, 2023.

We have most, however are still missing some. In order to make informed and transparent decisions we do require all forms please.

1. Who does this affect?

Employees of Menno Home, Hospital and Apartment.

Nurses don’t be shy! We’re worried that we seem to be missing a fair number of your forms.

What do Employees need to do?

Please submit your 2024 vacation requests to your respective Staffing Office.

2. Then what?

Upon approval(s), enjoy your vacations…easy as pie!

Thank you everyone!