Summer Camp for Residents – Aug 24th

Residents can join us for Summer Camp in the Menno Home courtyard Thurs, Aug 24 from 11:30 – 1:30. There will be shuttle service provided between the apartments and the courtyard and entertainment by Garth Johanessen.

Increased Water Restrictions in Abbotsford

Due to prolonged dry weather the city of Abbotsford has raised the water restrictions to level 3. This will not cause any changes to resident care – showers, meals, and laundry remain the same – but residents and visitors will notice some changes to the campus grounds.

These changes include:

  • All fountains on campus have been turned off
  • Grass will not be watered and will go dormant and turn brown

It’s important that we all work together to follow the guidelines and help conserve water. What can you do to help?

For Residents:

  • Please let staff know right away if any of the taps in your apartment are dripping or leaking
  • You can still water plants on your balcony/patio using a watering can

For Staff and Families please remember to follow the city guidelines:

  • Lawn sprinkling is prohibited
  • All water features must be turned off
  • No washing cars or boats
  • No filling or refilling pools

The hanging baskets by the main doors of each building are on a drip system so they will not be affected by these changes. Thank you for working with us to be good neighbors. If you have any questions about water restrictions please contact Leonard Klassen – .

Masks Are No Longer Required!

You could hear the cheering down the hallways of Menno Place today as Dr. Bonnie Henry announced that she has lifted the mask mandate for Long Term Care and Assisted Living effective immediately! You can read the BC Government announcement here:

What Has Changed?


  • Masks are no longer required to be worn by long-term care and assisted living staff
  • Staff masking scaled back to Point of Care Risk Assessment
  • Staff may choose to wear a mask if they wish – highly recommended during Enhanced Monitoring
  • No longer required to actively screen upon arrival at work
  • Potlucks celebrations are a GO (if not on Enhanced Monitoring) with safe infection control practices


  • Lifting of visitor proof of vaccination
  • Removal of visitor Rapid Point of Care Testing
  • Lifting of visitor universal masking requirements
  • Removal of screening practices for visitors
  • Visitors may visit more than one resident and in all common areas
  • No restrictions on gatherings indoors or outdoors
  • Visitors no longer have to be screened in Independent Living, Assisted Living or Long Term Care

What Has Not Changed?


  • Hand hygiene practice essential
  • Masks use based on Point of Care Risk Assessment and standard precautions
  • Mandatory Immunization for staff
  • Staff to stay home if ill


  • Visitors to stay home if ill
  • Hand hygiene practice essential
  • Sign-in and Sign-out at each visit

Thank you to all staff for wearing your masks for all this time and working with us to keep our residents, families, visitors and staff safe!

The BC Office of the Seniors Advocate’s 2022/23 Long Term Care Survey

The BC Office of the Seniors Advocate’s 2022/23 Long Term Care Survey will be carried out at Menno Home between Jan. 31st and Feb. 16th. The surveyors are volunteers that ask residents about their quality of life, their experience of care, and their satisfaction with the quality of care and services they receive.


Immunization Clinic for Home & Hospital Staff on November 2 & 23

Immunization Clinic

Nov. 2 – 9:30am – 12:00pm for Home staff in Learning Centre

Nov. 2 – 1:00pm – 3:30pm for Hospital staff in the Hospital Conference Room

Nov. 23 – 9:30am – 12:00pm for Hospital staff in the Hospital Conference Room

Nov. 23 – 1:00pm – 3:30pm for Home staff in Learning Centre

Apartment staff immunizations will take place the week of Nov. 14th. Stay tuned for a confirmed date and time. 

ShakeOut BC – Thurs Oct 20, 2022


On Thursday, October 20 at 10:20am, Menno Place will be participating in the annual Great British Columbia ShakeOut.

This will be a 10 minute Code Orange Earthquake Drill.

A 2 min audio/video announcement will broadcast via the overhead PA system, desk speaker phones and live streamed on Ch59 (Home/Hospital MennoTV) and Ch10 (PG/TE/TW)

Instructions for Staff:

When you hear the Drill announcement (2min):

•  Drop, Cover and Hold On where ever you are.
•  Here’s a how-to video if there’s a desk or table nearby.
•  Here’s a how-to video if there’s NO table or desk nearby.

After the drill (5min):

• Sign Attendance sheet at the nearest nurse station or with the Leadership Observers in your area.


•  Look around and think about what could fall or move in the event of an earthquake.
•  What utilities/services could fail?
•  What to do if you a caring for a resident?
•  Are you prepared? Your family? More resources can be found at The Great British Columbia ShakeOut

Instructions for Leadership Team:

Leadership Team will be assigned to various locations as Observers and document participation of staff. All documentation should be forwarded to David Janzen.

For information about any of the Menno Place Code policies log into Surge Learning and search for “Code” in Courses Library.
Earthquake actions for Healthcare Providers and Patients
Earthquake actions for People with Disabilities


Love It or Hate It?? – EXTRA HOT Tabasco Sauce!

Limited Edition EXTRA HOT Tabasco Sauce!

If this is something you love, let us know and your name will be entered in a draw to win this super hot, scorpion sauce. Draw ends Monday, Oct. 17 at 4pm.

Email and put Tabasco in the Subject line.


ShakeOut BC – Thurs Oct 20, 2022


On Thursday, October 20 at 10:20am, Menno Place will be participating in the annual Great British Columbia ShakeOut.

This will be a 10 minute Code Orange Earthquake Drill.

A 2 min audio/video announcement will broadcast via the overhead PA system, desk speaker phones and live streamed on Ch59 (Home/Hospital MennoTV) and Ch10 (PG/TE/TW)

Instructions for Staff:

When you hear the Drill announcement (2min):

•  Drop, Cover and Hold On where ever you are.
•  Here’s a how-to video if there’s a desk or table nearby.
•  Here’s a how-to video if there’s NO table or desk nearby.

After the drill (5min):

• Sign Attendance sheet at the nearest nurse station or with the Leadership Observers in your area.


•  Look around and think about what could fall or move in the event of an earthquake.
•  What utilities/services could fail?
•  What to do if you a caring for a resident?
•  Are you prepared? Your family? More resources can be found at The Great British Columbia ShakeOut

Instructions for Leadership Team:

Leadership Team will be assigned to various locations as Observers and document participation of staff. All documentation should be forwarded to David Janzen.

For information about any of the Menno Place Code policies log into Surge Learning and search for “Code” in Courses Library.
Earthquake actions for Healthcare Providers and Patients
Earthquake actions for People with Disabilities


Congratulations on Your Retirement Debbie!

Congratulations to Debbie Jamison, Resident Care Coordinator (RCC) at Menno Home E1, on her retirement after 10+ years of service at Menno Home and over 26 years as a nurse!

Debbie’s team members shared memories of working with Deb and the many incidents that happened over the years on their special unit. Debbie’s most cherished memory is working with her amazing team. Debbie will be greatly missed! She looks forward to riding her motorcycle with her hubby and travelling over the next year.

Blessings to Debbie in her retirement!


Manulife ID for your members will become mandatory this Fall

We are now entering the final phase of the Manulife ID rollout for group benefits members.

Through the Fall, members who haven’t created their new Manulife ID yet will be prompted to do so when they sign in with their plan contract and certificate numbers.

This final rollout phase will be staggered through the Fall. Starting in October, members will be encouraged to create their new Manulife ID when they sign in, but the mandatory use will not be turned on at the same time for everyone.  Over the fall, all members will transition to the mandatory use of Manulife ID.

Members who have already created their new Manulife ID will have to use their Manulife ID to sign in.

Also, new members from small and mid-size organizations will have to set up their Manulife ID when joining their new GB plan starting in October. The welcome email they receive will have Manulife ID instructions and a link to get started.

Improved experience

We are excited about some enhancements that will make it easier for members to create their Manulife ID and connect their GB plans. There are now fewer steps and we’ve pre-populated some fields. We also have a more integrated experience for brand new members. They can now setup their Manulife ID and activate their new GB plan at the same time.

We started the rollout of Manulife ID last year, and we’ve been constantly working on improving the experience and process based on what we’ve learned from users.

Where are we today?

  • 35% of members have already created their new Manulife ID and now use it to sign in.
  • All members using our Group Benefits app or Manulife Vitality Group Benefits app are signing in with their new Manulife ID.

Members can find support materials and FAQs about Manulife ID here.