Access to Practical Nursing Bursary Available to HCAs

On August 23 2022, the Ministry of Health (MoH) announced the Access to Practical Nursing Education Bursary. This bursary is for students and recent graduates enrolled in the Access to Practical Nursing (APN) program at a recognized BC-based public institution.

The APN program is a unique career laddering program for Health Care Assistants (HCAs) wishing to train as Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs). The APN program allows students to apply training and experience garnered as an HCA to accelerate their training as an LPN. Incentivizing HCAs to enroll in this program will help to retain HCAs in BC’s public health system and to expedite the number of LPNs available to support more immediate LPN staffing needs.

This bursary will be paid in equal installments each semester to new students, as a one-time payment to recent graduates, or as a combination of these two payment methods for mid-stream students, to a total of $10,000.

To find out more, go to

Congratulations on Your Retirement Thy!

Congratulations to Thy Daigneault, Health Care Support Worker, on her retirement after 32 years of service at Menno Home! Thys’ colleagues couldn’t say enough about her kindness to the residents and her generous spirit to her team members over the years. She always had a song in her heart and a cheery disposition and she will be missed!

Blessings to Thy in her retirement!

Upcoming Resident Care Coordinator Change at Menno Home E1

After more than 10 years of loyal service to Menno Home we would like to wish Debbie Jamieson a happy retirement and warm farewell as Resident Care Coordinator (RCC) on East 1. Debbie has been an amazing leader and support to the staff and a wonderful advocate for the residents on the special care unit. We will be honoring Debbie with a Tea on September 21st on E1 at 1pm.

We are also pleased to announce that Alyssa Sargeant will be taking on the RCC role after Debbie’s retirement. Alyssa is already in training and very excited with this opportunity. Please warmly welcome Alyssa in her new role.

Menno Place Video: Welcome Home

Watch and enjoy this joyful Menno Place video filmed last summer on our campus of care! Be sure to share the video from our Facebook page!

Love’m or Hate’m – Wine Gums

Do Wine Gums bring back good memories or would you rather forget them altogether?!?

Let me know if you love or hate Wine Gums. Your name will be put in a draw to win these candies. Email Put “Wine Gums” in the Subject Line

Deadline Aug 19, 2022 @ noon.

Resident’s Summer Party

We are having fun with the residents! Sorry, the food served is for the residents only but feel free to come and join us for some laughs and great music!

Staff Appreciation BBQ – July 14th

Staff Appreciation BBQ –  Thursday, July 14 

We want to celebrate you! Join us in the Menno Home courtyard on Thursday July 14th at 1030 to 1430 for our annual staff BBQ. We will be serving hamburgers, smokies and veggie burgers.

We appreciation you for your dedication, commitment, hard work, and the love you provide to our residents. Thank you!


Hearts and Hands Conference – Ticket Winners!

Congratulations to the winners! Menno Place will be sending the following staff to the Hearts and Hands conference:

  • Rapinder Benipal
  • Jody Fitzgerald
  • Jeffrey Reyes
  • Michelle La Liberte
  • Danielle Wall
  • Mikhail Nisenboym
  • Elzbieta Michaud
  • Lisa Wiens
  • Virpal Grewal
  • Jeevanjot Deol

Thank you to everyone for entering the contest. The Hearts and Hands Conference will take place at the Langley Conference Centre, October 26, 2022.

Car Show and Canada Day Celebration



All staff are welcome to join our Canada Day Celebration on June 30, 2022!

Car Show from 10:30am – 1:00pm
Entertainment and Lunch from 11:30 – 1:00

It’s time to celebrate!

Showing Appreciation

On June 24th Jon Chescoe from Ascension Benefits presented the staff on Menno Home E1 with a beautiful massage chair! Jon wanted to show the staff at Menno Home his appreciation for the hard work they do each day.

Thank you to Jon for his generous gift to the team at Menno Home. This gift will be enjoyed by many and is very appreciated!