MEMO: Sick Calls During the Holidays

To: All Menno Place Staff
From: Jessy Manhas
Date: December 12, 2024
Re: Holidays Announcement Regarding Sick Calls

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Dear Team,

In the past, we have noticed a pattern of increased sick calls over long weekends/ stat holidays, followed by staff working on the statutory holiday the next day. All staff scheduled to work on Christmas Day and Boxing Day are expected to report to their shifts as usual.

Due to this recurring pattern, we will be requiring proof of illness/doctor’s note as per the Collective Agreement from anyone who calls in sick on December 25 and/or  26, 2024. Additionally, if you call in sick on December 24, 2024 and then come to work on the statutory holiday, December 25, 2024, an investigation will be initiated by your Manager with a Shop Steward and a doctor’s note is mandatory. Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action and a risk of no sick time pay.

We appreciate your understanding and dedication to our residents’ care. Adhering to these guidelines will help ensure smooth operations throughout the holidays.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your department manager.


Jessy Manhas
Manager of People & Culture

Staffing Office Christmas Day Hours

Date: December 9, 2024
To: Menno Home, Menno Hospital and Menno Apartment Employees
From: Jessy Manhas, Manager of People and Culture
Re: Staffing Office Christmas Day Closure


Happy holidays all! Please note that the Menno Home and Apartments and Menno Hospital Staffing Offices will be closed on Christmas Day, December 25th. Staffing Team members will not be retrieving messages or checking email that day.

Who does this affect?

  • All Employees of Menno Home and Menno Apartments and Menno Hospital relying on the Staffing Team for scheduling support.

What do Employees need to do?

If you need to report an absence after 14h00 on Christmas Eve, December 24th, please report as follows:

  • Nurses, Health Care Aides and Unit Clerks: please phone the RN for your unit
  • Dietary Aides and Cooks: please phone Jacob Doss directly
  • Housekeeping and Laundry Attendants: please phone Nik Van Egdom directly

All phone numbers can be found in the Menno Place directory linked in the top right corner of the staff site.

Our thanks and gratitude to the Menno Team Members who are devoting their time to serving residents over the holidays! You are appreciated!

A heartfelt THANKS for your support on our first Giving Tuesday!

We are incredibly grateful to each and every one of you who joined us in our first Giving Tuesday campaign at Menno Place.

Flu Shot or Mask Required Starting Dec 9th

To: All Menno Place Staff
From: Kim Scott
Date: December 5, 2024
Re: Flu shot or Mask Required Starting Dec 9th


Hello Everyone.

Flu season is here and we are seeing many respiratory illnesses already in our community.

Starting Monday December 9, you will be required to wear a mask in all resident care areas if you have not received your flu vaccine. Staff are asked to report whether or not they have chosen to get a flu shot.

 You can click here to report getting a flu shot.


Click here to report your decision to wear a mask instead of getting the shot.

If you have not reported you have had the flu vaccine we ask you do so right away.

Thank you for all your efforts in helping to keep our residents and one another safe.

Menno Management

Menno Hospital – 16.01 Application Renewals

To: All Menno Hospital – HEU Members
From: Jessy Manhas
Date: December 5, 2024
Re: Article 16.01 Application Renewals



It’s time to update your 16.01 applications. Many are no longer relevant and require updating.

Under the Facilities Subsector Collective Agreement a part-time or full-time team member may indicate to the Employer that they wish to relieve in another position should work of less than ninety (90) calendar days arise.

Please complete the 16.01 form with your preferences, if you are interested in continuing in a 16.01.

NEW FOR 2025: You can complete this form online. Click here to submit the 2025 form for Menno Hospital staff.

All previous forms will be discontinued on January 01, 2025 so please submit your new form to the Staffing Office prior to December 23, 2024.

Thank you,

Jessy Manhas

Manager of People & Culture

Sujata Connors – Staff Prayer – Dec 5

For the second week of Advent, the focus is on hope. Andy shared several verses about where true hope comes from including Psalm 62:5 and we prayed for Sujata Connors.

The Christmas Door Decorating Contest is Back!

The contest is open to Menno Place staff in all buildings across campus and runs from Nov 22 – Dec 5, 2024. 

Missed Giving Tuesday? You can still help brighten lives

Giving Tuesday is December 3rd, but you can keep giving through December 6th. Together we can make real and positive change for our 700 treasured residents

And the Winner Is…

Thanks to everyone who participated in the Worklife Pulse Survey! This data is vital to the Menno Place leadership as they plan for the future and continue to make Menno Place a great place to work.

As promised someone will win a $100 gift card of their choosing and the winner is: TAMMY COMPTON! Congratulations Tammy!

Also, there was an extra push toward the end of the survey to see if we could hit 300 participants. We didn’t get all the way to 300 but we did pass 250 so the leadership decided to award a second gift card for $50.

The winner of the $50 gift card is: Aaron Russell! Congratulations Aaron!

Both winners have been contacted so they can choose where they want their gift cards to come from. Choices, choices.

Thanks again to everyone who took the time to participate in the survey.