Education Expo Winners

Congratulations to our Education Expo Winners!

Winner of the Ultimate Dining gift card – Victoria Avalos De Miron 

Winner of a Gift Hamper – Elizabeth Bartold

Winner of a First Aid Kit  – Sandra Kabaroff

Winner of a Gift Hamper – Sharenjit Gill


Other Winners:

  • First Aid Kit Winner – Harpreet Kaur
  • Tena (Inco) Raffle Winner – Jasmeet Aujla

CORRECTION: Line painting on October 13th in NORTH parking lots (Brundige Ave)

Line painting in the north parking lots has been rescheduled for today.

Again, all afternoon and evening shifts will be redirected to the front (South) parking areas off of Marshall Road. Visitors parking will also be opened up to staff.

Please ensure your vehicles are moved out of the North parking lot no later than 4pm.

Thanks for your cooperation.


Love It or Hate It?? – EXTRA HOT Tabasco Sauce!

Limited Edition EXTRA HOT Tabasco Sauce!

If this is something you love, let us know and your name will be entered in a draw to win this super hot, scorpion sauce. Draw ends Monday, Oct. 17 at 4pm.

Email and put Tabasco in the Subject line.


Dress Up Day

Cybersecurity Awareness Part 2: Keep your passwords safe!

Passwords are the keys to your digital castle. At Menno Place, we can make a huge difference by practicing the basics of cybersecurity. This week, let’s learn about Strong Passwords & Password Managers!

Influenza Self-Reporting – Report your decision by Dec. 30

It’s time to get your flu shot – please use these self-reporting forms to provide proof of vaccination or to indicate that you are not receiving the flu shot.

Volume 2022.20 – Article 16.01 Application Renewals

Menno Hospital – HEU Members

Article 16.01 Application Renewals


It’s time to update your 16.01 applications.  Many are no longer relevant and require updating.   Under the Facilities Subsector Collective Agreement a part time or full time team members may indicate to the Employer that they wish to relieve in another position should work of less than ninety (90) calendar days arise.

In your 1st Choice Vacation Package you received a new 16.01 Application form.  Please complete this form with your preferences, if you are interested in continuing in a 16.01.

All previous forms will be discontinued on November 1, 2022 so please submit your new form to the Staffing Office prior to this date.

Thank you,

Jeanette Lee

Director, Human Resources

Education Expo Winners

Congratulations to our Education Expo Winners!

Winner for the Ultimate Dining gift card: Victoria Avalos De Miron (HK Menno Hospital)

Gift Hamper – Sharenjit Gill

Gift Hamper – Elizabeth Bartold

First Aid Kit Winner 1 – Harpreet Kaur – HCA Home/Hosp

First Aid Kit Winner 2 – Sandra Kabaroff

Tena (Inco) Raffle Winner – Jasmeet Aujla

Support Services Appreciation – Sam Sahota

At Menno Place, support service workers play an integral role on the care team, and their hard work directly contributes to the best quality of care possible.

Menno Place’s Visitation Host, Sam Sahota, was featured by SafeCare BC in their Support Services Appreciation Day showcase!

Sam works hard to support the Visitation Program here at Menno Place. He desires to keep the families connected to their loved ones that live at Menno Place while keeping them safe through the screening program. Click HERE to read more!


October is Cybersecurity Awareness month! Part 1: Multi-Factor Authentication adds protection.

There are all kinds of ways to keep your online data protected. At Menno Place, we can make a huge difference by practicing the basics of cybersecurity. This week, let’s learn about Multi-Factor Authentication!