Welcome Kim Wiebe – Social Worker – Menno Home
/in NewsKim Wiebe re-joins our team with a wealth of experience having worked in Long-Term Complex Care, Assisted Living, Convalescent Care, and Primary Care. She has a Bachelor of Social Work Degree from Dalhousie University, where she developed a trauma and legal informed practice. Her professional skill set includes clinical case management, clinical counselling, and motivational interviewing (and many others!). Prior to becoming a social worker, she held roles with Sources Women’s Place, Servant’s Anonymous Society, Veteran Affairs, and RCMP.
September 4, 2021 – MENNO HOME OUTBREAK – New COVID positive = 0 (T=29 / E1)
/in COVID-19 Update, NewsCOVID UPDATE – September 4, 2021 – Menno Home Outbreak
TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = Menno Home E1: 29 (21 residents / 8 staff)
Menno Hospital Livestream Memorial — Wednesday, September 8
/in NewsJoin Menno Place online in honouring the precious lives of those who’ve passed away between June 1, 2019 and August 31, 2021.
Save the Dates: Menno Place Memorials in September
/in NewsJoin Menno Place online in honouring the precious lives of those who’ve passed away between June 1, 2019 and August 31, 2021.
Volume 2021.02 – Recognizing the 2021 National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
/in HR Bulletin, NewsMenno Place looks forward to honoring September 30th as the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.
All materials available on the www.MennoPlaceStaff.com website are published for the sole purpose of keeping informed those individuals who work on the Menno Place campus. These materials may be shared with others who are also connected to the Menno Place campus in this same way. No content or material may be used or shared in any other context without the written permission of the Menno Place Director who oversees communications.