Congratulations! Accreditation with Exemplary Standing!

Following the Menno Place Accreditation on-site survey which took place October 17-20, 2022, we waited for the final decision of Accreditation Canada.

We have now received their decision: “ACCREDITED WITH EXEMPLARY STANDING”.

This achievement demonstrates Menno Place’s determination and commitment to ongoing quality improvement. Accreditation Canada applauds the Menno Place leadership, staff and accreditation team members for their efforts and dedication to the provision of safe, and quality health services for our residents.

Congratulations, team!!!

Achieving Exemplary Status takes everyone to put into practice the safety, policies and values of Menno Place! Well done, team!

At our Staff BBQ July 27th, we will celebrate this incredible achievement! Thank you, TEAM!

With gratitude for your diligent work,

Sujata Connors, CEO