COVID, FLU OR COLD – Protocols for Menno Place staff

What to do if you have symptoms of COVID, Flu or Cold

Be prepared for the upcoming COVID, Flu or Cold season by having COVID rapid tests in your home BEFORE you need them – BEFORE you have symptoms.
Pick up a box of tests FREE from any pharmacy.

If you have any of these symptoms, take a COVID test:

  • fever or chills
  • cough
  • shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • fatigue
  • muscle or body ache
  • headache
  • new loss of taste or smell
  • sore throat
  • congestion or runny nose
  • diarrhea
  • nausea or vomiting


If the test is positive for COVID, you may not come into work for FIVE days. Return on the SIXTH day after your positive COVID test if you are symptom-free.


If the test is negative for COVID, seek a medical opinion.
Consider how you manage other illnesses that you do not get tested for like cold and flu. Stay home if you are feeling unwell and resume your regular activities, such as work, when you feel you are able to manage them. If you have a fever you should stay home until it is gone without medication.


If the test is negative AND your symptoms are getting WORSE, test again for COVID. Follow instructions (above).

Call Staffing and let them know if your test is COVID positive. This information helps us to track the spread of COVID in any given area on the Menno Place campus.