Reminder to Staff Re: COVID+ Test

As you may know, we are encountering some COVID positive residents on campus once again. As a staff member you are responsible to protect your own health and health of the residents and other staff on our campus. Please take a minute to familiarize yourself with the current guidelines for staff who test positive for COVID. This information has been added to the top right corner of to make it easy to refer back to.

If the test is positive for COVID, you may not come into work while you have symptoms.

You can return to work when:

  • Symptoms improve and you feel well enough to work AND
  • You are afebrile (do not have a fever) for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications

Upon return to work staff must do the following:

  • A medical mask is mandatory for all staff in resident areas all the time. If you test positive, mask must also be worn in non- resident areas for 10 days from onset of VRI (Viral Respiratory Illness) symptoms, even if symptoms have resolved.

If you have any questions please contact your manager.