Stretch on Your Break!

It’s crucial to prioritize your well-being. The Health and Wellness Committee encourages you to indulge in a quick 5-minute stretch session during your break to rejuvenate both body and mind.

 Why Take Breaks?

  1. Recharge: Stepping away from your duties momentarily helps recharge your energy levels, ensuring you’re ready to provide the best care possible.
  2. Reduce Stress: Breaks offer an opportunity to momentarily detach from work stressors, promoting mental clarity and resilience.
  3. Prevent Burnout: By incorporating regular breaks, you mitigate the risk of burnout, safeguarding your long-term well-being and job satisfaction.

Benefits of Stretching:

  1. Physical Relief: Stretching alleviates muscle tension and stiffness, promoting physical comfort during long shifts.
  2. Boost Circulation: Engaging in brief stretches enhances blood flow, revitalizing your body and mind for optimal performance.
  3. Enhance Focus: A quick stretch session can improve concentration and focus, allowing you to tackle tasks with renewed vigor.

How to Incorporate Stretch Breaks:

  • Set a reminder on your workstation or phone to stretch on your break.
  • Click this link to follow along with this 5 minute stretch video
  • Encourage your colleagues to join you for a brief stretch session to foster camaraderie and support.

Remember, prioritizing your well-being enhances your ability to deliver exceptional care. Take breaks, stretch, and return to your duties refreshed and revitalized.

 Share any photos or videos of you and your colleagues participating in stretching. You never know, there might be a little something in it for you from us!
Email your photos to .