Thank You to Staff from Anne Rypma

I believe many of the apartments staff residents and management knew that my family and I were effected in a big way by the flood this past November.

On Nov 16th the fireman told us that the water was coming and we had to leave our property.  It was hard to leave and we weren’t sure how long we would be evacuated. We thought the evacuation was more out of precautions so we didn’t pack much. All we did put some things higher up and left. Who would have known it turned out the way it did.


We had to go to Chilliwack and register there. We didn’t know where to go. A farmer opened up their home and welcomed us in and we ended up with them for almost three weeks. It was very hard waiting to hear how our house was effected! My emotions were all over the place as we struggled to come to terms with what we were going to face when we were allowed back home. We couldn’t get to our place as the roads were blocked and some were washed out.

This picture is from the first time we were able to see it for ourselves. It was overwhelming and shocking to see our home destroyed by water and debris. Going inside with waders on was surreal and I lost a lot of tears that day.

Now we are almost at the end of January. The water has gone down. We are back at our property and currently living in a fifth wheel inside our shop. We are cozy and warm.
Our house needs a lot of work and we won’t be living in it for at least 6 to 8 months.

I want to express my sincere thanks to my apartment family here at Menno place. The support I felt from so many — my coworkers, management and my precious tenants — has been so overwhelming and humbling and has brought me to tears. I am so proud to be part of this work community.  The prayers, gift cards, money, and the big totes were so helpful.
I can’t possibly thank everyone in person.

THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU!!!!  The road ahead is going to be a long one but we are hopeful to one day make our house a home once again. God has been good and I have faith he will continue to guide us through the next steps forward.

Much love,

Anne Rypma

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