The following is a memo detailing what to expect if you’re ever placed on droplet precautions (self-isolation).
We want to share the information so you have an idea of what is involved when you hear that someone has been placed on droplet precautions. Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to staying safe.
What to Expect while on Self-Isolation for any Apartment Resident on Droplet Precautions:
We have placed you on droplet precaution. Reasons for this include having COVID symptoms, testing positive for COVID, being considered a close contact of someone who tested positive, or public health requiring you to self-isolate. We have placed an isolation cart outside your door with personal protective equipment for anyone who is required to enter your suite.
We directly communicate this with you. We encourage you and your primary contact to be in touch with any specific questions or comments.
You must remain in your suite while on droplet precautions. You can request an essential visitor to support you during this time. Please cancel all non-essential appointments. Do not leave your suite to do laundry or take out garbage. Do not have anyone socially visit you in your suite. Do not come out into the hallway. You must stay in your suite. We will deliver your meals to you.
We have arranged for 2 wellness checks daily; one will be when we deliver the meal and another one will be a telephone call. In the event you ill are feeling very unwell, do not hesitate to call 911 for help.
You will remain on droplet precautions UNTIL we hear from public health.
The length of time varies. For example, if you test positive for COVID, it is typically 14 days. If you are placed on droplet precautions due to a building outbreak, the time varies and is determined by public health. We will update you as soon as we have any information for you. You must stay in your suite until you have been told you no longer are required to do so. At that time, we will remove the isolation cart from outside your door.