Letting your guard down could be dangerous – what to do about Omicron

As the Omicron variant of the coronavirus is now transmitting in the community in British Columbia, we are reminded to be VIGILANT in our layers of protection.

Omicron is a new variant and a highly transmittable virus. Dr. Bonnie Henry, our Provincial Health Officer reminds us that we need to do the measures that we know work in reducing the spread of the virus and keeping ourselves safe. Although the initial perspective on this virus is that it is milder, Dr. Henry says that “milder” still means very, very sick – just not hospitalized at this point. It is important to keep yourself safe from this virus.

  1. Physical Distancing – it’s still 6 feet – this means that you remain 6 feet from others, even when everyone is wearing a mask. This includes public places like stores and restaurants. This is not happening in most stores or churches. Be as vigilant as you can with this. Be aware and make the choice to avoid large groups during this time, if possible. Shop online, get takeout, watch church online. Stay 6 feet apart from each other in the break rooms, especially when you take your mask off to drink or eat.
  2. Wearing your mask – always and properly – Menno Place provides masks for the safety of our staff – please use them as you’ve been instructed: pinch tight on the top of your nose, do not wear them under your chin, get a new mask when dirty or after you’ve taken them off, take a medical mask home to wear when you are in public (we know that they are better than cloth). In the Terrace East outbreak we saw no transmission to the staff – this includes the dietary staff who were serving the COVID positive index case several meals. It also includes the housekeeping and care staff who provided care and services to the COVID positive residents. There are many factors to this, including early detection of the COVID positive case. We know that mask wearing and hand hygiene were key to this success. In your work day, you only take your mask off when you are in the break room (for care givers) or in your office alone (those with office space).
  3. Hand hygiene – very often – Be very conscientious about this. Sanitize often and between times with residents. Sanitize at the entrance to any building (including stores and churches) and again when you leave the building. Wash hands for the full 20 seconds (sing Happy Birthday twice) with soap and warm water. Take your time. Encourage everyone in your family to practice hand hygiene. Put sanitizer at your home entrance and use it. Encourage your family members and guests to be in the habit of sanitizing before touching anything in your home.
  4. Rapid Testing – an added layer of detection – the rapid tests are key to preventing transmission among our residents and your co-workers. They take a full 10 minutes to get the results. Take the time. It will save you and many others the hardship of droplet precautions, enhanced monitoring or outbreak if we catch a COVID positive BEFORE the staff member enters a unit. This Omicron is HIGHLY contagious. You may be doing everything safely and STILL get COVID. Do this for yourself, the residents you serve and your co-workers.
  5. Vaccination – get every shot – Have you received your 3rd booster? It’s time to get all layers of protection if you haven’t. If you aren’t able to book, head to the Haida Ave.  COVID vaccination location and tell them you are a healthcare worker and you need your 3rd booster shot in order to keep yourself and our most vulnerable citizens safe.
  6. Symptom Monitoring – key to keeping others safe – if you have ANY symptoms of COVID, head to Haida Ave testing location and have a PCR test done. You need to be certain that you do not have COVID before entering the Menno Place workplace. It could be that you have the flu, but you HAVE TO KNOW for sure before coming to work. If you call Staffing, they’ll tell you to get your COVID test. Do it as often as you have a symptom. This is key to keeping Menno Place residents and your co-workers safe.
  7. Get your flu shot – only 13% of our staff have done this so far – The flu shot will not protect against COVID-19, but it will help reduce your risk of getting the flu and COVID-19 at the same time. Having both illnesses at the same time could put you at a higher risk for severe complications.

Exhaustion: We are all exhausted, both mentally and physically, from this pandemic. Our hearts sank to hear of a COVID positive and Enhanced Monitoring in Menno Hospital E1. Here we go… again…

We each have tools to fight this virus: We fight this virus with our vigilance and layers of protection. We each do our part. We can do it. We have done it. We can do it again.

Let’s keep Menno Place safe: Public Health experts are telling us that January 2022 could be the worst wave of this pandemic. We need to dig deep to find the motivation and resolve to do all that we can, each one of us, to keep January 2022 from being the worst at Menno Place.

You are amazing: Thank you for all you HAVE done and all you ARE doing. You are the HEART of Menno Place and we appreciate your skills, compassion and vigilance.

Blessings to you on this day and in this season as you prepare your hearts and homes for Christmas.

The Leadership Team

Dining rooms opening Dec. 20th in all dining rooms in the Apartments

Please click on the following links for the specifics related to each apartment building dining room:

Pavilion – CLICK HERE

Terrace West – CLICK HERE

Terrace East – CLICK HERE

Primrose Gardens – CLICK HERE


COVID UPDATE – December 16, 2021 – E1 Hospital Enhanced Monitoring


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 1 (0 residents | 1 staff)

MOST RECENT COVID CASE = December 16, 2021

All day staff who worked in E1 HOSPITAL who worked on December 10th and 11th are required to get a COVID PCR test immediately.

1 resident is on droplet precaution / 6 residents have been swabbed for COVID.

E1 Staff – Follow all of these requirements:

  • All day staff who worked Dec 10 or 11 must get COVID swabbed
  • Lunchroom is the Fireside Cafe for E1 cohorted staff ONLY
  • No access to Fireside Cafe takeout for E1 cohorted staff
  • E1 staff enter and exit the unit through the patio door ONLY
  • Manual sign in/out for E1 staff ONLY – located at patio entrance
  • Goggles are required at all times for staff
  • Change your mask after every break and when it becomes wet or dirty

For the unit on Enhanced Monitoring:

  • Communal dining will continue
  • Recreation activities will continue
  • Social visits continue – masks worn at ALL times – they are not permitted to be taken off when visitors are alone with residents
  • Unvaccinated visitors may not take residents out of the unit

The Omicron variant is VERY contagious and ALL staff MUST be vigilant in all the infection control protocols including:

  • six feet of distance in the lunch rooms
  • masks off ONLY when eating or drinking AND six feet away from others
  • rapid testing REQUIRED before every shift for all staff on the campus
  • masks worn properly – NEVER under the nose – tightly pinched and shaped tight to your nose




Booster Shots for COVID-19 help maintain and protect against COVID-19

Booster shots are now available for healthcare workers

A booster dose is an additional shot of vaccine that helps you maintain and lengthen your protection against COVID-19. When you get a booster dose, you’re helping protect yourself, your family, your loved ones, your co-workers and the residents here at Menno Place from COVID-19.

Why get a COVID-19 vaccine booster? A COVID booster shot is an additional dose of a vaccine given after the protection provided by the original shot(s) has begun to decrease over time. Typically, you would get a booster after the immunity from the initial dose(s) naturally starts to wane. The booster is designed to help people maintain their level of immunity for longer.

Who is eligible? Healthcare workers who received their 2nd dose on or before March 15th can get their booster at any time. In January 2022, boosters will be available to the general public and the availability will not be as accessible.

Book your booster shot: CLICK HERE

Read more about the booster shots: CLICK HERE

BC’s COVID-19 Immunization Plan is designed to save lives and stop the spread of COVID-19.

Report your booster shot: CLICK HERE


COVID UPDATE – November 20, 2021 – Pavilion OFF Enhanced Monitoring

We are pleased to announce that Pavilion has been declared OFF Enhanced Monitoring by Public Health.

Residents may return to normal activities, including having social vaccinated visitors, going out for activities and visiting with each other.

As always, our lives now have layers of safety to protect ourselves from getting COVID:

  1. Wear a mask in all common areas of Pavilion and anywhere in the public including when you go to church
  2. Follow Public Health Orders, including the specific orders for Fraser Valley East: CLICK TO READ
  3. Exercise caution when you are visiting with people outside of your immediate bubble – wear a mask, stay 6 feet apart, use hand sanitizer
  4. Hand hygiene – carry hand sanitizer with you and use it every time you touch a “common” area such as elevator buttons, hand railings, door knobs, grocery cart
  5. Social distance – we continue to use the 6 foot distance to protect ourselves from the unintended droplets that are imperceptible from others when they speak, etc.  – Remember that some people without symptoms may be able to spread virus. Stay at least 6 feet (about 2 arm lengths) from other people. Keeping distance from others is especially important for people who are at higher risk of getting very sick.

We will provide information to you about returning to the dining room next week.

If you are fully vaccinated PLUS have the booster shot do you need to practice layers of safety? Yes. This is a time to be cautious as the prevalence of COVID is high in our community. There are several churches in Abbotsford that unintentionally became a place of COVID spread. You can read about Clearbrook MB Church’s experience here – READ HERE

As an elderly person, your risks for severe illness with COVID-19 are higher. If you have other health issues, this compounds the risk for you. With vaccination and a medical mask covering nose and mouth (available in the foyer), you have effective layers of protection to keep you safe when you are among others.

Should you wash the medical masks and re-use them? No. These masks are intended for single-use. They are provided to you at no cost through Menno Place. It is more important to protect yourself than to save money. If you wash them, you reduce their effectiveness and increase your risk of contracting COVID.

Thanks for all you do to keep yourself and others safe!



TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 2 (2 residents PAVILION | 0 staff)

MOST RECENT COVID CASE = November 4, 2021


Memo delivered to TE residents:


Dear Residents,

The flu shot will be available on Thursday, November 18th for all Terrace East residents who would like to have one. The shots will be given in the dining room.

Here’s what you need to do to get your flu shot:

  • Wear a short-sleeved shirt.
  • Bring your photo ID with you.
  • Wait in your apartment. Staff will come and get you when it’s time to come down to the dining room to get your shot.
  • We will start at 9:30am and expect the clinic to run throughout the day.
  • When you get to the clinic we’ll have a consent form ready for you to sign.

If you do not want to get a flu shot, just let the staff member know when they come to your door.

Lunch will be served to all residents in their apartments on Thursday. Thank you for being patient with us as we get these vaccinations done!

Menno Place and the Abbotsford State of Emergency – November 17, 2021

November 17, 2021 – Update re: State of Emergency in Abbotsford and Menno Place

Menno Place and our residents are safe with no risk of flooding in our buildings.

We have no break in our supply lines.

Some staff who live in other communities such as Mission or Chilliwack have been stranded. Some are staying at Menno Place in guest suites or with friends. Please contact your supervisor if you are in need of a place to stay.
There is currently a huge fire at Fraserway RV on the north side of the Sumas Prairie. Toxic smoke is blowing west, but not toward Menno Place at this time. All windows to be kept closed.
We will continue you to update you if information changes. At this time, we are grateful that all are safe and that we can continue as normal in our service of the residents.

November 15, 2021 – PAVILION (IL) COVID EXPOSURE – New COVID positive =0 (T=2)

COVID UPDATE – November 15, 2021 – Pavilion COVID exposure


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 2 (2 residents PAVILION | 0 staff)

MOST RECENT COVID CASE = November 4, 2021

Public Health had a meeting with the Medical Health Officer today to let us know that:

  1. Pavilion will continue on Enhanced Monitoring until Nov. 19th at midnight – this date will change if there are any new symptomatic or positive residents
  2. We will continue with enhanced cleaning, PPE audits, cohorting our staff to only Pavilion, 2x daily wellness checks and screening incoming visitors
  3. The dining room will be opened on a new schedule AFTER November 19th – details to be announced
  4. All residents in suites 201-214 are off droplet precautions! Isolation carts will be removed
  5. Social visits are allowed again for fully vaccinated visitors
  6. We do not need to do another point prevalence testing (PPT) for all residents and staff (YAY!)
  7. Our team will continue daily calls with Public Health to report the monitoring that we are doing for symptoms and the results of our audits

As we move forward through the winter season, we now have a much clearer picture of how a COVID outbreak or COVID Enhanced Cleaning impacts the lives of residents in the apartments. In this case, the first COVID positive in Pavilion was reported on October 22, 2021. This is a full month ago. Every life of every resident was impacted and all of the staff were pulled together to provide the required support. As you connect with your loved one, please emphasize the vigilance that is needed to protect their lives and the lives of everyone who shares their apartment building home. This includes mask wearing when they are with anyone who is not a VERY close and trusted person in their life; using hand sanitizer at every touch point like doors, elevator buttons and railings; avoiding situations where others are not practicing all the layers of protection (a church environment where people are unmasked); and practicing social distancing of 6 feet from others.

We are grateful that there has been no loss of life in this Pavilion COVID Exposure. We are grateful that COVID didn’t spread widely through the apartment building as it has in other settings. We are grateful for the dedicated staff who work tirelessly in a COVID exposure environment to protect those who live in the apartment building.

We thank you all for your support and cooperation. A month is a very long time to live with restrictions. We are grateful that we didn’t have greater transmission which would have escalated this exposure to an outbreak. An outbreak requires most, if not all, of the residents to be isolated for a minimum of 2 weeks. Some of the residents in Pavilion and Terrace West experienced this extended isolation and it is extremely difficult.

Thank you for all you are doing to help your loved one stay safe – and to the residents for the efforts they are making to avoid situations that could expose them to COVID.

Contact Dan Janzen at 604-851-1350 with any questions.

PAVILION RESIDENTS: COVID Booster Shots (3rd dose) Wednesday, November 10th

Dear Residents, we have a last minute important update for you.

Fraser Health will be on campus on Wednesday, November 10 to give a third COVID vaccine shot (a booster) to all Pavilion residents who want one. We are grateful that we have been rescheduled so quickly.

Here’s what you need to do:

  • Wear a short-sleeved top on Wednesday.
  • Wait in your apartment. The immunization team will be going door-to-door and will come to your apartment to offer you the booster. We anticipate starting the clinic in the morning and expect it could take a good portion of the day.
  • Have your photo ID ready. We will have the form ready for you to sign as we come to your apartment.
  • We ask that you either have a chair available to put in your doorway, or use your walker to sit on. You will be asked to sit in your doorway/hallway for 15 minutes after your booster shot for observation.

Thank you for your patience as we make these arrangements. We are striving to make this as simple and efficient for you as possible.

If you do not want to get a booster shot, just let staff know when they come to your door.

If you have not received your first or second COVID vaccine dose yet, you can get it on Wednesday, just let the staff know when they come to your door.

If you have any questions please call Trish Giesbrecht, Interim Nurse Manager at

Independent Living (IL) Apartments Information: What to expect if you’re on self-isolation

The following is a memo detailing what to expect if you’re ever placed on droplet precautions (self-isolation).

We want to share the information so you have an idea of what is involved when you hear that someone has been placed on droplet precautions. Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to staying safe.


What to Expect while on Self-Isolation for any Apartment Resident on Droplet Precautions:


We have placed you on droplet precaution. Reasons for this include having COVID symptoms, testing positive for COVID, being considered a close contact of someone who tested positive, or public health requiring you to self-isolate. We have placed an isolation cart outside your door with personal protective equipment for anyone who is required to enter your suite.

We directly communicate this with you. We encourage you and your primary contact to be in touch with any specific questions or comments.

You must remain in your suite while on droplet precautions. You can request an essential visitor to support you during this time. Please cancel all non-essential appointments. Do not leave your suite to do laundry or take out garbage. Do not have anyone socially visit you in your suite. Do not come out into the hallway. You must stay in your suite. We will deliver your meals to you.

We have arranged for 2 wellness checks daily; one will be when we deliver the meal and another one will be a telephone call. In the event you ill are feeling very unwell, do not hesitate to call 911 for help.

You will remain on droplet precautions UNTIL we hear from public health.

The length of time varies. For example, if you test positive for COVID, it is typically 14 days. If you are placed on droplet precautions due to a building outbreak, the time varies and is determined by public health. We will update you as soon as we have any information for you. You must stay in your suite until you have been told you no longer are required to do so. At that time, we will remove the isolation cart from outside your door.