Menno Place Calendars available at Menno Hospital front entrance

Would you like a Menno Place 2021 Calendar? (no cost)

They are now available for self-pick-up at the front entrance of Menno Hospital (32945 Marshall Rd). They are in a clear plastic container, available to staff at no cost. Pick one up for your workspace or your home.

They will be available until there are none left – we have about 150 available.

They come with a wonderful, interactive set of resources for you to enjoy each month – links to books, podcasts, music and apps that are curated for those who love and support seniors:


COVID Update – January 23, 2021


Menno Home E2 is officially declared OFF of outbreak!!!!
Tell the E2 Staff how much you appreciate them! We are so sorry for the losses brought by this COVID-19 outbreak. The 13 residents who succumbed to COVID are not forgotten. We are grieving. We are also so grateful that the outbreak was contained to only one unit.
We thank God that it is OVER!
We await word from Fraser Health on how the STEP-DOWN process will be rolled out.
Please fill out the above form and thank KAREN BIGGS, CEO and KIM SCOTT, Infection Control Lead and Director of Care.
Thank the whole team – they gave it their all – and it was a battle. We think of the 25 staff and 42 residents who battled this virus in their own bodies – and wish them a complete recovery.
Thank you, families, for your amazing support throughout the outbreak – you have faced the fear of this virus all the while without seeing your loved one. E2 Families – THANK YOU.
And now hug the people you can – and let yourself breathe a little lighter.
We did this together and we did the best we could.
Well done, TEAM!
It is OVER!

Do not come to work if you have any new or worsening symptoms

Do not come to work if you have ANY new or worsening symptoms:

If you have any of these symptoms, call STAFFING and do not come to work.

You will need to get a COVID-19 swab test and stay home while awaiting results.

Second dose COVID-19 vaccination – self-booking after 35 days

You can book your second dose appointment for COVID-19 vaccine online.

You will need to enter the date of your first dose of vaccine.
You will not be able to book until after 35 days from your first dose.

DO NOT BOOK with a co-worker if you both need to work and there is no coverage if you are off sick. You may have post-vaccination symptoms. Be wise about how you plan your second dose. If you can plan to have the 2nd dose before your days off, that will give you some recovery time without creating a shortage of staff on your unit. Your 2nd dose does not need to be EXACTLY 35 days after the first dose. Thanks for thinking of each other in this!

Starting immediately, you can get your 2nd dose of COVID-19 vaccine through the online booking system provided by Fraser Health.


Book your 2nd dose appointment, please CLICK HERE.

Home E2 – What happens after the outbreak is declared over?

Home E2 – What happens after the outbreak is declared over?

We continue to anticipate that Home E2 will have the outbreak declared over. When this happens, we will enter a Step-Down process that is a phased approach to return to activities, dining together, movement throughout the unit and safe visits.

This Phased approach continues to prioritize the safety of residents, the strict adherence to infection control protocols and the best practices of other care homes that have come off of outbreak. Phases take place over the 8 weeks following the outbreak being declared over.

We are excited that in the first phase, the unit can come off of droplet precautions!

Dining together and safe visits will be part of the 2nd phase of the Step-Down process.

Home E2 will have a Step-Down process in place that is specific to the needs of that location and in consideration of the nature of this outbreak. Fraser Health and the Medical Health Officer provide direction for us in all of these steps. Staff continue to be cohorted to work in only ONE unit.

We do not expect safe visits to begin for at least 4 more weeks depending on how the Step-Down process moves along.

If there is a COVID-19 positive of staff or resident, Home E2 will return immediately to outbreak.

We will keep you posted as we learn more about this process – and hope that this outbreak will be declared over in the next several days!

First dose COVID-19 vaccine drive-thru and hospital clinics

If you missed the first dose COVID-19 vaccine clinic, you can now get it – from your car!

Starting this Wednesday, January 20, you can get your first dose of COVID-19 vaccine through the drive-thru COVID-19 vaccine clinic in Surrey, open weekday evenings and Saturdays. You can also get your vaccine at these hospital sites: Surrey Memorial Hospital, Royal Columbian Hospital and Burnaby Hospital.

To book an appointment at the hospital site, please CLICK HERE.


Dear Residents of the Pavilion,
Great news! Isolation is over effective Midnight January 17, 2021. I know it has been a difficult 2 weeks. Please remember to wear your mask and keep 6 feet apart of each other. It is important to keep your hands clean and use the hand sanitizer that is at the Elevators and front door. If you must go to the hospital, I am asking that you or your family contact us before you are discharged. Reminder that the Dr. Henry has said that we are to stay within our own home until February the 5th, at which time we will let you know when it’s safe to resume visiting with Family, we are in this together.
Thank you so much for praying for Menno Place. We deeply appreciate it and we covet your continued prayers as we deal with this pandemic together.
Cheryl Dawes,
Manager of Community Enrichment

Support for Rehabilitation Self-Management after COVID-19 Related Illness

Please download this booklet for basic exercises and advice for adults who have been severely unwell with COVID-19. It provides information on the following areas:

  • Managing breathlessness
  • Exercising after leaving hospital
  • Managing problems with your voice
  • managing eating, drinking, and swallowing
  • Managing problems with attention, memory and thinking clearly
  • Managing activities of daily living
  • Managing stress and problems with mood
  • When to contact a healthcare professional


We are pleased to let you know that the daily updates will now become less frequent as we anticipate coming off droplet precautions and isolation. If there is news, it will be posted and emailed to you at 5am the following day if you subscribe to our staff news. If you need help with this, please email

Menno Place staff will begin receiving their 2nd dose vaccination January 18th, 35 days after their 1st dose. Residents to follow.



We are working with Fraser Health and the Medical Health Officer to determine the next steps. Great news – Menno Home E1 and Menno Home W2 are off of droplet precautions!

Next steps are to assess whether or not we can take residents in Menno Home E2 off of droplet precaution – and when we can call the outbreak OVER! Once all the residents are off of droplet precautions, we will work to re-start the Safe Visits program. Residents received their 1st dose of BioNTech Vaccine on January 13th. They will receive their 2nd dose 35 days later, around Feb. 19th. Essential visitors (what are the guidelines?) qualify for vaccination. Please contact for instruction if you are an essential visitor.


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 67 (42 residents in Menno Home E2 & 25 staff Home E2)
PASSED AWAY = Total = 13 residents


Safe-Visits continue. Residents received their 1st dose of BioNTech Vaccine on December 31st. They will receive their 2nd dose 35 days later, around February 4th. Essential visitors (what are the guidelines?) qualify for vaccination. Please contact for instruction if you are an essential visitor.


Terrace East residents were vaccinated on January 2, 2021. They will receive their 2nd dose 35 days later, around

Essential visitors (what are the guidelines?) qualify for vaccination. Please contact for instruction if you are an essential visitor.


Pavilion continues to be on isolation. Isolation will end on January 17th at midnight if there are no further COVID positive cases in the Pavilion.

We continue to anticipate that Independent Living residents will receive vaccination shortly. Please hand in your completed PARIS consents to Reception.

Be prepared for when it is your turn! Follow these steps – CLICK HERE