It’s Time to Get Your Flu Shot
/in Apartments, Daily Update, HOME, HOSPITAL, MainFeatureIt’s that time of year again. Flu season runs from Dec 1 – April 1, 2021. All staff are encouraged to get a flu shot. Shots will be available at flu clinics on campus on the following days:
Menno Home Staff Flu Clinic
Dec 9 14:15 – 16: 15 in the E2 Ed room.
Menno Hospital and Apartments Flu Clinic
Dec 10 14:15 – 16:15 in the Hospital Chapel.
Please bring your care card number with you! Don’t forget to wear short sleeves.
Please don’t walk through any units that are not the unit you work in.
Menno Place Parking for Staff
/in Apartments, HOME, HOSPITAL, NewsStaff may only park in STAFF or FLEX parking spots.
VISITOR parking is for VISITORS only.
Please be particularly aware in the parking spots off of Brundige Ave at Entrance A, Menno Home.
You can park at no-cost at the Lutheran Church on the corner of Ware and Marshall (2 blocks from Menno Place) as long as you have a pass. Passes are issued from HR. Cars that park at the church without a pass will be towed.
Christmas Crossword Puzzle
/in Apartments, HOME, HOSPITAL, News
For an easy-to-print version, download the crossword here. Answers will be posted next week.
Congratulations to Asia Geier – Future LPN!
/in Apartments, HOME, HOSPITAL, NewsCongratulations to Asia Geier – Future LPN!
Menno Place recognizes the importance of providing learning opportunities and funding to maximize the potential of our team members, through the Education Assistance Program. This program is funded by the Mennonite Benevolent Society. Asia has successfully applied and been granted funding through the Education Assistance Benefit to attend the Licensed Practical Nurse program. She starts January 2022 and we look forward to having her join our LPN team in 2024!
More information on the Education Assistance funding is found on Sharepoint under Policies: AP2.12 Continuing Education of Managers and Employees.
Congratulations to Asia on starting this exciting program!
Coping Through a Natural Disaster Emergency
/in Apartments, HOME, HOSPITAL, Mental Health, NewsThe rain and flooding over the past week has been devastating for many of our team members at Menno Place. Coping through a natural disaster can be very difficult. People are dealing with their own losses and may also be supporting other people such as their children, neighbours and friends. This Information sheet from the Canadian Mental Health Association has tips for sustaining your own mental health and helping others. You can download the sheet by clicking on the preview below.
Please remember to call our FSEAP if you need immediate support and/or counselling to help you through this time. They are available 24/7/365 by calling 1.800.667.0993.
Dress Up Day Fun!
/in Apartments, HOME, HOSPITAL, NewsThanks to all those who dressed up on Oct. 29th! There was great creativity and team spirit shown, even during these difficult days. Enjoy the costumes of those who took part.
And the Winners are:
- Group Costumes – Social Workers – Dan Janzen and Kim Wiebe
- Individual Costume – Tonya Neufeld
Congratulations to all!
Time Change Reminder – Nov 7 2021
/in Apartments, HOME, HOSPITAL, NewsTime Change Reminder – November 7, 2021 at 2am.
Remember to set your clocks BACK 1 hour. Standard time begins at 2am on Sunday.
Flu vaccinations at the Home and Hospital
/in Flu, HOME, HOSPITAL, NewsFlu vaccination for residents and staff on their designated units are as follows:
Menno Home West 1 on Friday, November 5th
Menno Home East 1 and 2 Tuesday, November 9th.
Menno Home West 2 on the Monday, November 8th
Menno Hospital East 1 and 2 Wednesday, November 10th
Menno Hospital West 2 Friday, November 12th.
Staff working the units on these dates can also receive their vaccination. If you are not working on the units during these dates, please obtain your vaccine in the community and please remember everyone will need to send to HR a copy of their vaccination information.
Thank you! Infection Control Committee
Flu shots sponsored by Apex Pharmacy
All materials available on the website are published for the sole purpose of keeping informed those individuals who work on the Menno Place campus. These materials may be shared with others who are also connected to the Menno Place campus in this same way. No content or material may be used or shared in any other context without the written permission of the Menno Place Director who oversees communications.