Oct 18th is Healthcare Aide Day!

October 18th is HealthCare Aide Day!

Menno Place will be doing a draw for prizes and sharing the winners here on the staff website!

On behalf of Menno Place leadership, we would like to acknowledge all Health Care Assistants and Health Career Access Program (HCAP) participants whether you have graduated, are attending post secondary school, or working as a health care support worker (HCSW). Today we celebrate you!

Congratulations to the HCAs and HCSWs who have embarked on their journey to become care aides. We appreciate your hard work and dedication as students and as health care support workers.  Your decision to become a health care assistant will have a positive impact on the health care team, residents and families. We value you!

The BC Care Aide & Community Health Care Registry, is offering a FREE online conference for health care assistants which runs from October 18-22, 2021. There are many prizes to be won including a scholarship valued at $3,500.

  • Choose one day or attend all 5 days; participation is less than an hour each day.
  • Use your smartphone (Android or iPhone), tablet, or computer to access the digital event.
  • The more you participate, the more chances you have to win a prize.
  • Register at  www.heartsandhands.ca or for further information on the BC Care Aide Registry click on the following link https://www.cachwr.bc.ca

Thank you for your dedication to your role as a health care assistant!

ShakeOut BC – Thurs Oct 21, 2021

On Thursday, October 21 at 10:21am, Menno Place will be participating in the annual Great British Columbia ShakeOut.

This will be a 10 minute Code Orange Earthquake Drill.

A 2 min audio/video announcement will broadcast via the overhead PA system, desk speaker phones and live streamed on Ch59 (Home/Hospital MennoTV) and Ch10 (PG/TE/TW)

Instructions for Staff:

When you hear the Drill announcement (2min):

•  Drop, Cover and Hold On where ever you are.
•  Here’s a how-to video if there’s a desk or table nearby.
•  Here’s a how-to video if there’s NO table or desk nearby.

After the drill (5min):

• Sign Attendance sheet at the nearest nurse station or with the Leadership Observers in your area.


•  Look around and think about what could fall or move in the event of an earthquake.
•  What utilities/services could fail?
•  What to do if you a caring for a resident?
•  Are you prepared? Your family? More resources can be found attached or at The Great British Columbia ShakeOut

Instructions for Leadership Team:

Leadership Team will be assigned to various locations as Observers and document participation of staff. All documentation should be forwarded to David Janzen.

For information about any of the Menno Place Code policies log into Surge Learning and search for “Code” in Courses Library.
Earthquake actions for Healthcare Providers and Patients
Earthquake actions for People with Disabilities

Congratulations to Viola Schierling on her Retirement from Menno Home

 Viola worked at Menno Home in the laundry area for almost 28 years! She always had a smile to share with her colleagues and at her retirement tea there were many stories of the fun the staff had working with Viola. We wish her all the best in her retirement.

September 23, 2021 – Menno Home W2 – OFF Enhanced Monitoring!!!!

COVID UPDATE – September 23, 2021 – Menno Home W2 Off Enhanced Monitoring!

We are so pleased to bring you the announcement today that the Medical Health Officer has called Menno Home W2 off Enhanced Monitoring – all visits, activities and resident movement returns to normal!

We welcome you back to visit your loved one!

Although the fully vaccinated visitors is allowed to take off their mask when alone with their loved one, we are asking that you exercise caution and do not do so. As you know, a COVID exposure on a unit puts all residents into isolation in their rooms until the Medical Health Officer is assured that COVID will not be transmitted. As COVID continues to grow in prevalence in our community, the possibility of being asymptomatic and COVID positive increases – even for the fully vaccinated.

We are asking you to continue to provide the safest visits for your loved one and their neighbours by keeping your ask on throughout your time in all of our buildings.

See you soon!

September 22, 2021 – MENNO HOME E1 – 3 additional residents have passed away

HOME E1 UPDATE – September 22, 2021

We are sad to report that 3 residents from Menno Home E1 Chalet have passed away since the outbreak has been called off on September 18th and one is palliative. There were also 2 residents who passed away during the outbreak and 1 just prior to the outbreak. We extend our condolences to all who are grieving the loss of their loved one. This is very difficult for the staff who love and care for the residents who live in Menno Home E1. Please be prayerful for the families and staff  who are grieving the loss of these residents.

September 18, 2021 – MENNO HOME UPDATE

Menno Home Updates

There will not be daily updates for Menno Home unless there is a change.
W2 Home will remain on Enhanced Monitoring until the Medical Health Officer deems that it is safe to go to routine infection control protocols. At this time, we are expecting that if there are no further COVID cases or symptomatic residents/staff this will happen by September 27th.

September 17, 2021 – !!!!!MENNO HOME OFF OUTBREAK!!!!! – New COVID positive = 0 (T=38: 37/E1 : 1/W2 )

COVID UPDATE – September 17, 2021 – Menno Home Outbreak Called OVER!


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = Menno Home: 38 (22 residents / 16 staff) (37/E1: 1/W2)

PASSED AWAY: TODAY = 0  (T = 2 residents on E1)

RECOVERED STAFF =  (T=13 recovered)

RECOVERED RESIDENTS = all but 1 resident is off of isolation!

We are so pleased to bring you the announcement today that the Medical Health Officer has called the Menno Home Outbreak OVER!

Thank you for your incredible support, prayers and well wishes. Thank you to the amazing staff team that we have taking care of the elders in Menno Home! Thank you, especially, to the staff who worked to care for and support the COVID positive residents – we are grateful to you all!

As there was a COVID positive exposure in Menno Home W2, it remains on Enhanced Monitoring.

What happens now?

Menno Home E1, E2, W1

  • E1, E2 and W1 is off outbreak precautions.( one resident on E1 to stay on droplet until tomorrow)
  • Social visit may resume
  • Group activities and communal dining may resume.
  • Visitors must wear a medical masks (fully vaccinated visitors may take the masks off when they are with their loved ones, unvaccinated and partially vaccinated visitors must keep the mask at all times

Menno Home W2

  • On enhanced monitoring
  • Social visits may continue for VACCINATED VISITORS ONLY
  • Group activities and communal dining may resume
  • Essential visits as before
  • Residents with even mild symptoms will be swabbed

September 16, 2021 – MENNO HOME OUTBREAK – New COVID positive = 0 (T=38: 37/E1 : 1/W2 )

COVID UPDATE – September 16, 2021 – Menno Home Outbreak


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = Menno Home: 38 (22 residents / 16 staff) (37/E1: 1/W2)

PASSED AWAY: TODAY = 0  (T = 2 residents on E1)

RECOVERED STAFF =  (T=13 recovered)

We are pleased to report another day with no new COVID positives for either residents or staff. Thank you for your continued prayers and well wishes. We will get back to you on the recovered status of the residents as some have been asking. If you have a specific question about your loved one, please have the primary contact call the nurse. This is a good day. Hopeful! Thank you to our staff who are working vigilantly to keep this highly contagious virus from transmitting. Great work!

September 15, 2021 – MENNO HOME OUTBREAK – New COVID positive = 0 (T=38: 37/E1 : 1/W2 )

COVID UPDATE – September 15, 2021 – Menno Home Outbreak


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = Menno Home: 38 (22 residents / 16 staff) (37/E1: 1/W2)

PASSED AWAY: TODAY = 0  (T = 2 residents on E1)

RECOVERED STAFF = 3 more!  (T=13 recovered)

3 more staff have returned to work at Menno Home E1, recovered from COVID. We are grateful that there is no further spread of COVID to either residents or staff.

Thank you for your continued prayers and well-wishes.

September 11, 2021 – MENNO HOME OUTBREAK – New COVID positive = 1 (T=37 / E1)

COVID UPDATE – September 11, 2021 – Menno Home Outbreak


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = Menno Home E1: 37 (22 residents / 15 staff)

PASSED AWAY: TODAY = 0  (T = 2 residents on E1)

RECOVERED STAFF =  (T=3 recovered)