September 10, 2021 – MENNO HOME OUTBREAK – New COVID positive = 0 (T=36 / E1)

COVID UPDATE – September 10, 2021 – Menno Home Outbreak


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = Menno Home E1: 36 (22 residents / 14 staff)

PASSED AWAY: TODAY = 0 (T = 2 residents on E1)

RECOVERED STAFF = 2 staff returned to work today (T=3 recovered)

There are no new COVID positives to report today and no deaths.
We continue to monitor the residents for symptoms and when there are symptoms, we swab for COVID.
There have been several instances of symptoms like a cough or diarrhea. All returned negative. Our care team are swabbing everyone even with the slightest symptom in order to ensure that we do not have COVID in any other resident or unit. We are grateful that all have been negative.
We continue to collect and gather results from the staff. This can be challenging as the staff’s COVID swabs are not reported directly to Menno Place. Instead, they are reported to the individual staff member who follows up with a call to Menno Place.
In total, over 450 swabs have been done to test residents and staff in Menno Home plus the 2nd round of point-prevalence testing for the E1 residents and staff.
Thank you to all of the nursing team who do the COVID swabbing and to the admin team who ensure that every sample has the correct identifiers for each person – and send them to the lab for analysis.
Thank you for your continued prayers for Menno Home – residents and staff. Today was a good day to see some of the initial COVID positive staff return to work.

September 9, 2021 – MENNO HOME OUTBREAK – New COVID positive = 2 (T=36 / E1)

COVID UPDATE – September 9, 2021 – Menno Home Outbreak

NEW COVID POSITIVE CASES = 2 (1 staff / 1 resident)

TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = Menno Home E1: 36 (22 residents / 14 staff)

PASSED AWAY:  1 death today, E1  (T = 2 residents on E1)

RECOVERED STAFF = 1 staff returned to work today

It is with saddness that we announce a 2nd death on Menno Home E1. Please continue to support, encourage and pray for the staff – they are very attached to the residents whom they care for and are taking these deaths very hard. There was also a death just prior to the outbreak, so they have lost 3 of their residents within the past several weeks. We are grateful for staff who are so present for the residents they serve and love.
We are now seeing the staff recovering and return to work. We welcome back to E1 Home one of the staff who was an original COVID positive reported on August 31st. We thank Fraser Health for providing staff to fill in when our staff were sick, contagious and unable to work. We are grateful for our daily call with Fraser Health. The COVID-Response Team
The only COVID positive results at this time are contained to Menno Home E1, Chalet side. See map below.
All swabs returned from the expanded point-prevalence testing on W1, W2, E2 are negative. There are some outstanding.
Menno Home E1 Map
Red = Chalet
Orange = Lounge

September 8, 2021 – MENNO HOME OUTBREAK – New COVID positive = 0 (T=34 / E1)

COVID UPDATE – September 8, 2021 – Menno Home Outbreak


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = Menno Home E1: 34 (21 residents / 13 staff)

PASSED AWAY: 1 resident E1 – this resident was palliative pre-outbreak

The only COVID positive results at this time are contained to the Menno Home E1 unit.
All staff and residents who tested negative in the first swabs done in Menno Home E1 are being tested again today.

September 7, 2021 – MENNO HOME OUTBREAK – New COVID positive = 1 (T=34 / E1)

COVID UPDATE – September 7, 2021 – Menno Home Outbreak


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = Menno Home E1: 34 (21 residents / 13 staff)

PASSED AWAY: 1 resident E1 – this resident was palliative pre-outbreak

We continue to wait for results from the point-prevalence testing.
The only COVID positive results at this time are contained to the Menno Home E1 unit.
Visits for Menno Home – E1, E2, W1, W2
Essential Visitors permitted with full PPE
Social visits are not permitted.
Staff are cohorted to work only on their specific unit within Menno Home and may not move from unit to unit.
Social Visitors for all other locations:
Social visits continue across the campus.
Masks are mandatory for all (regardless of immunization status) for the entire duration of your visit. Fully immunized no longer permitted to take off mask when alone with your loved one.

September 6, 2021 – MENNO HOME OUTBREAK – New COVID positive = 1 (T=33 / E1)

COVID UPDATE – September 6, 2021 – Menno Home Outbreak


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = Menno Home E1: 33 (21 residents / 12 staff)

PASSED AWAY: 1 resident E1 – this resident was palliative pre-outbreak

We continue to wait for the results of the first expanded point-prevalence testing. 157 residents and 124 staff are included in this swabbing. We thank the staff who did the swabbing as well as those who have gone to get their COVID swab.
The only COVID positive results at this time are related to the Menno Home E1 unit.
Visits for Menno Home – E1, E2, W1, W2
Essential Visitors permitted with full PPE
Social visits are not permitted.
Staff are cohorted to work only on their specific unit within Menno Home and may not move from unit to unit.
Social Visitors for all other locations:
Social visits continue across the campus.
Masks are mandatory for all (regardless of immunization status) for the entire duration of your visit. Fully immunized no longer permitted to take off mask when alone with your loved one.


COVID UPDATE – September 3, 2021 – Menno Home All Units on Outbreak

We are sad to let you know that all units, effective immediately, at Menno Home have now been declared on outbreak by the Medical Health Officer. This decision has been made with an abundance of caution.
What does this mean?
  • Safe visits are closed for the duration of the outbreak.
  • All residents will be swabbed.
  • Any staff who worked in Menno Home from August 27th to current will be required to be swabbed for COVID.
  • Essential visitors connect with nurse for current update about visits.

September 3, 2021 – MENNO HOME E1 – OUTBREAK – New COVID positive – 21 residents, 8 staff (Total=29)

COVID UPDATE – September 3, 2021 – Home E1 Outbreak

NEW COVID POSITIVE CASES = 1 resident, 3 staff

TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 29 (21 residents / 8 staff)

All swabs have been returned for the E1 Home Lounge (see map below). There is only one positive resident. Three additional staff have tested positive. The lounge and the chalet are being cohorted to prevent cross-transmission. Family has been notified.
Testing for residents and staff throughout the campus of care is vigilant – we are testing at the first sign of any minor symptoms. Any additional COVID swabs for residents or staff have been returned as negative.
Fraser Health continues to support our needs by providing additional staff. Please welcome these additions to our team at this time. Help them navigate through the unit and understand the residents. We’re grateful to get their support!
Visitors and Staff for Home E1:
Essential Visitors are permitted to visit residents on Home E1 with full PPE.
Social visits are not permitted.
Staff are cohorted to work only on their specific unit within Menno Home and may not move from unit to unit.
Social Visitors for all other locations:
Social visits continue across the campus.
Masks are mandatory for all (regardless of immunization status) for the entire duration of your visit. Fully immunized no longer permitted to take off mask when alone with your loved one.

Menno Home E1 – Map

Orange = Lounge side of Home E1
Red = Chalet side of Home E1

Fraser Health Letter to Staff: Menno Home E1 Covid Exposure

September 1st, 2021

Dear Staff of Menno Home,

We are writing to notify you that an individual at Menno Home was diagnosed with COVID-19. The COVID-19 Prevention team in Fraser Health is working with the facility to identify anyone who may have been exposed and to take steps to protect the health of all residents and staff.

COVID-19 is a respiratory illness. It can spread through droplets when a person coughs or sneezes, or by touching the virus with your hands then touching your face before washing your hands. Symptoms of COVID-19 may be mild or severe. These may include low grade fever, cough, sneezing, and/or sore throat. More severe symptoms could include fever, difficulty breathing and/or chest pain. Most people will experience mild illness.

This exposure does not mean you are infected with COVID-19. Given the serious health risks of COVID-19 we have instituted outbreak control measures at the facility. We are asking all staff members at Menno Home self- monitor for symptoms until the outbreak is declared over. If you develop any symptoms, inform your supervisor, stop working, get tested and self-isolate until results are returned as negative and symptoms have resolved (whichever is longer).

If you are a Fraser Health employee and had a Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) breach while working at the facility, please report the breach to Workplace Health at 1-866-922-9464 option #2.

Public Health will do a risk assessment, and based on the situation, may recommend that you get tested for COVID-19. Please await direction from Public Health before going for testing if you do not have symptoms.

We are taking steps to ensure that it is safe for you to continue to work at Menno Home. Fraser Health will be providing infection control support to the facility throughout this time. Residents are being closely monitored for symptoms and standard infection control measures are effective in protecting staff and residents from infection.

It is critical that you do not work in any other health care settings. The elderly are most at risk of severe outcomes related to COVID-19 and these steps are necessary to protect the health of residents living in other facilities.

Your health, and the health of your families is important. If you have concerns about the safety of your working environment please raise them with your manager, your union representative, or WorkSafeBC.

For general information about COVID-19, call 811, or visit HealthLinkBC:

Conic Cheung
Case Investigator
Fraser Health Public Health

PDF of Letter – CLICK HERE

Outdoor Gatherings for Residents and Visitors (Menno Home, Menno Hospital) under the large tent in the courtyard

Families and Friends can now book outdoor gatherings with their loved one from Menno Home or Menno Hospital. These gatherings are booked only by Reception in Home and Hospital. Nurses or other admin can transfer booking requests to the Reception phone. Receptionists are aware of the booking process.

The gatherings will follow the Public Health Orders for outdoor gatherings and will be assessed with each change we experience through the BC Restart Plan:

  • Up to 10 people may gather.
  • Visitors are allowed to touch their loved ones.
  • They are required to wear a mask and may not take it off for any reason.
  • Visitors may not eat or drink as they are required to wear a mask.
  • Residents may eat or drink.
  • The resident is NOT required to wear a mask.

Gatherings will take place under the large tent in the center courtyard for both Home and Hospital.
This is a bookable space for families to use. There will only be one booking at a time in this space.

  • Visitors will be admitted to the courtyard through the Visitation Host program.
  • One or two social visitors who are screened by the Visitation Host will gain access to the unit to transport their loved one to and from this location.
  • The remaining visitors will be screened but not permitted to enter any resident spaces.
  • Restrooms at the front lobby of Menno Hospital are available for their use as well as the porta-potty at the courtyard gate. They are informed of these restroom locations prior to their visit.
  • Visitors are asked to remain under the large tent rather than walking throughout the courtyard. This is resident space for W1 Home residents.
  • Garry Janzen will inform the nurses of any bookings so that the team is prepared
  • Bookings must be made 48 hours in advance

Please ensure that all of your actions within the courtyard follow Infection Control Protcols, including social distancing between staff members. We are excited to provide visitors with this opportunity and we know that they will be taking their cues on safety from the staff that they observe.

If you have questions, please direct them to

Welcome Jasdeep Diagon to support Infection Prevention and Control at Menno Home and Menno Hospital

Please welcome to Jasdeep Diogan, IPC Community Specialist, Fraser Health

Jasdeep Diogan is an Infection Prevention and Control Community Specialist with Fraser Health. She is assigned to Menno Home and Hospital to provide support. Jasdeep will be working in Home and Hospital one day per week.

Jasdeep believes that proper hand hygiene and environmental cleaning are key to preventing healthcare-associated infections.

Prior to joining the IPC team in 2020, Jasdeep worked as an Environmental Health Officer for nine years supporting communities in the Fraser East. Jasdeep has completed a Bachelor of Technology in Environmental Health at BCIT, Certificate in Environmental and Occupation Health at the University of Victoria and is currently in her last semester in UBC’s Master of Public Health program. She is also working towards a Certificate in Infection Control (CIC) and completing the IPC program through Queen’s University.

When not working, Jasdeep loves reading, snowboarding and exploring trails in the lower mainland. She looks forward to working in partnership with the Langley community and supporting sites in implementing evidence-based IPC strategies.