Menno Place Staff Townhall Meeting – Wednesday, December 16 at 2pm via Zoom

All staff are invited to join the Menno Place Staff Townhall Meeting via Zoom – Wednesday, December 16th at 2pm

The Menno Place Staff Townhall Meeting will be recorded and available for you to watch afterward if you are not able to attend the live event.

Karen Biggs (CEO), Kathrin McMath (Executive Director, Finance & Operations), Kim Scott (Infection Control Lead & DOC) will be the panelists who will connect with you and answer questions.


Please ask your questions and vote for the questions you want answered using this link:

How can you watch the Zoom Townhall?

The Zoom link will be emailed to you shortly if you wish to join the live event. Following the live event, we will make the link and password to the recorded Staff Townhall available.

For this live event, you have permission from Leadership to use your own smartphone or tablet during your shift with the permission of your supervisor. Using your own equipment for this live event is a one-time permission and does not extend to watching the recorded version of the Staff Townhall.

The Zoom link may also work on your desktop computer. You will need sound in order to hear the event. Check your computer to see if it has sound. If not, please use an alternate piece of equipment. There are computers in the staff rooms.

Please check in with your supervisor if you are able to take a break or find the time to join the live event.

We are also coordinating with Recreation to use the Zoom equipment, if possible, to watch in a socially distanced cluster of max. 8 on your unit.




*UPDATE* DECEMBER 11 – HOME E2 – Total new positives = 0 (T=55)

A 7th resident has succumbed to COVID-19 in Menno Home E2. We pass along our condolences to the family.
COVID OUTBREAK UPDATE – December 11– 2020 – Menno Home E2
TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 55 (33 residents in Menno Home E2 & 22 staff Home E2)
TOTAL RECOVERED = 4 residents / 2+ staff returning to work
PASSED AWAY = Total = 7 residents
  • We cautiously share with you that there are 5 more recovered residents. The caution comes from the unpredictability of this virus and its effect on those it infects. This brings the total to 10 recovered residents. For this, we are grateful.
  • We are excited to see the return of staff to E2 Home and appreciate their hard work and love for the residents.
  • Thank you to Ingrid Schultz, our chaplain at Menno Home who spends time sharing the grief of the families – through cards, phone calls and a revised passing ceremony as we say our final good-byes to the resident.
  • Thank you to all who have poured out your gifts of love upon the staff of Menno Home E2. We will post this weekend ideas of how you can encourage the staff in the COVID positive unit (E2 Home) and all across our campus. We are grateful for the strength and vigilance of our amazing teams!

Thank you from the MBS Board

Note: Sylvia Robertson, (Vice-Chair, MBS Board) is well acquainted with the work of long-term care. She is an Occupational Therapist at Bradley Center in Chilliwack, a site that was declared on outbreak December 4, 2020.


To All Staff of Menno Place:

On behalf of the MBS Board of Directors, we would like to give you a huge “Thank you” and express our tremendous appreciation for your hard work and dedication to Menno Place, particularly in this time of a global pandemic. We couldn’t be prouder of your accomplishments in keeping our residents safe for the past 8-9 months, and for the grace with which you have been managing the current Covid-19 outbreak in the Home. You have all been giving your very best, pushing past your own fears, and rising to the occasion of truly being health care heroes.

Please know that our prayers are with you, for your own protection and safety, as much as for that of the residents for whom you care so faithfully and willingly every single day. We empathize with the anxiety many of you are feeling in these uncertain times, and the fear of this virus that sometimes threatens to overwhelm us.

We believe and trust in a loving God who is full of grace and mercy for each and every one of us, and who does not want us to be anxious or fearful.  We pray that these verses from Scripture might be an encouragement to you:

“The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?  The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” Psalm 27:1

“I sought the Lord and He answered me and delivered me from all my fears.”  Psalm 34:4

“You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock.” Isaiah 26:3-4

Finally, we wish you all a Merry Christmas and a joyful New Year!  May the Lord bless and keep you, may you find hope and peace in Him, may you and your loved ones have a safe and healthy holiday season.

With much gratitude,

Sylvia Robertson

Vice-Chair, MBS Board of Directors

DECEMBER 10 – HOME E2 – Total new positives = 0 (T=55)

Another resident has passed away from COVID-19. We grieve with the family of the 6th resident to succumb to COVID-19.
COVID OUTBREAK UPDATE – December 10– 2020 – Menno Home E2
TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 55 (33 residents in Menno Home E2 & 22 staff Home E2)
TOTAL RECOVERED = 4 residents / 2+ staff returning to work
PASSED AWAY = Total = 6 residents
  • We look forward to the return of staff who have recovered. We wait each day to see if they have any further symptoms. Fraser Health / Public Health works with each staff member to determine if they can return to work.
  • Thank you to our support from Fraser Health – today we offer a staff support session with the Mobile Response Team. Our staff in E2 Home are given an opportunity to have a 20 minute session one-on-one with a trained emergency response counselor. This is an opportunity for the staff to have confidential conversations about their state of mental health as they continue through this ongoing crisis.
  • We are excited about the staff returning to work – we thank God our staff!
  • There are numerous stories of our staff going above and beyond to meet the needs of residents and families while working in the COIVD unit. Thank you!

DECEMBER 9 – HOME E2 – Total new positives =3 (2 residents, 1 staff) (T=55)

One more resident has succumbed to COVID-19. Our condolences are with the family of the 5th resident to succumb to COVID-19.
COVID OUTBREAK UPDATE – December 9– 2020 – Menno Home E2
NEW COVID POSITIVE CASES = 3 (1 staff and 2 residents)
TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 55 (33 residents in Menno Home E2 & 22 staff Home E2)
TOTAL RECOVERED = 4 residents / 2 staff returning to work
PASSED AWAY = Total = 5 residents
  • Two staff return to work this coming week.
  • There are 45 residents in Menno Home E2.
  • Staff continue to provide excellent care as they work vigilantly to practice all of the infection control protocols.

DECEMBER 8 – HOME E2 – Total new positives = 5 (T=52)

COVID OUTBREAK UPDATE – December 8– 2020 – Menno Home E2
NEW COVID POSITIVE CASES = 1 staff and 4 residents
TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 52 (31 residents in Menno Home E2 & 21 staff Home E2)
TOTAL RECOVERED = 4 residents / staff are recovering and anticipating returning to work
PASSED AWAY = Total = 4 residents
  • Some staff are expected to return to work this coming week. Public Health guides this decision and allows recovered non-infectious staff to return to work. We are grateful for their service to our seniors.
  • All staff and residents were swabbed today.
  • Staff continue to provide excellent care as they work vigilantly to practice all of the infection control protocols.

DECEMBER 7 – HOME E2 – Total new positives = 5 (T=47)

COVID OUTBREAK UPDATE – December 7– 2020 – Menno Home E2
TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 47 (29 residents in Menno Home E2 & 18 staff Home E2)
TOTAL RECOVERED = 4 residents / staff are recovering and anticipating returning to work
PASSED AWAY = Total = 3 residents
  • Some staff are expected to return to work this coming week. Public Health guides this decision and allows recovered non-infectious staff to return to work. We are grateful for their service to our seniors.
  • All staff and residents were swabbed today.

DECEMBER 6– HOME E2 – Total new positives = 0 (T=42) Recovered=4 residents

We extend our sincerest condolences to the families of the 2 residents who succumbed to COVID-19 in the past day. We are deeply sorry with you and your families. It is difficult for our staff as we usually have a beautiful passing ceremony and spend time with the family members as they say good-bye. COVID-19 has changed everything and the losses are significant.
COVID OUTBREAK UPDATE – December 6– 2020 – Menno Home E2
PENDING SWABS – 2 residents
TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 42 (25 residents in Menno Home E2 & 17 staff Home E2)
TOTAL RECOVERED = 4 residents / staff are recovering and anticipating returning to work
PASSED AWAY = Total = 3 residents
  • We welcome the management support from Fraser Health to assist us with staffing the unit and supporting the staff as they come to work in the COVID-19 positive unit. Fraser Health also supports our staff as they recover from COVID and prepare to return to work.
  • Some staff are expected to return to work this coming week. Public Health guides this decision and allows recovered non-infectious staff to return to work. We are grateful for their service to our seniors.
  • We continue to swab residents and staff who have symptoms
  • All staff and residents to be swabbed again on Monday, Dec. 7
  • Please pray for the staff as they continue to strongly support each other and the residents on this unit.

DECEMBER 5 – HOME E2 – Total new positives = 0 (T=42) Recovered=4 residents

COVID OUTBREAK UPDATE – December 5– 2020 – Menno Home E2
TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 42 (25 residents in Menno Home E2 & 17 staff Home E2)
TOTAL RECOVERED = 4 residents / 0 staff
PASSED AWAY = 1 resident
  • We continue to swab residents and staff who have symptoms
  • All staff and residents to be swabbed again on Monday, Dec. 7

Staff Return to Work Checklist

Menno Place – Infection Control / COVID-19 Return to Work Checklist

We look forward to having those staff who have been off with COVID recovered and back to work soon.  This is a time to celebrate their recovery and welcome them back to a safe, welcoming environment.

Mike Mutter, the Clinical Nurse Educator with Fraser Health, has provided the checklist (below) to review with returning staff to ensure they are prepared for the “new normal” in the COVID climate. This is also for staff who are currently working to review so that we all have the same, consistent message.

Return to Work Checklist

CLICK HERE FOR PDF – When returning to work, you will be provided with the following information – please ensure that you’ve had the opportunity to ask questions and know who to contact if you have further questions. You will be asked to initial beside each topic to indicate you’ve received the education.

  1. What is COVID-19? Overview of COVID. How it is spread, N95 use / AGPs.
  2. Back to the Basics: Remember to practice physical distancing, wash hands and good respiratory etiquette (eg. during your breaks, maintain a distance of 2m apart). Wipe down work surfaces and equipment (phone, etc.) before you start work and at the end of your shift.
  3. Screening process: Upon entering the building wash your hands, apply a procedure mask and eyewear and proceed to the screening area.
  4. Extended use of procedure mask / eyewear: Eyewear and procedure/surgical mask are to be worn in all patient areas or in areas where residents may have the potential to congregate.
  5. Process to follow if feeling unwell: If you are not feeling well, you should not come to work. Please use the established illness reporting process (phone staffing).
  6. Staff movement within the building: Cohorting of staff is important (including designated break rooms and bathrooms). Ensure you are aware of these practices in your unit.
  7. Proper hand hygiene – when to use ABHR (Alcohol based hand rub) and when to use Soap and Water: Use soap and water when your hands are visibly soiled. Use ABHR during donning/doffing PPE and during the 4 moments of hand hygiene.
  8. Glo-Germ Hand hygiene: Practice meticulous hand hygiene mechanics using glo-germ to reinforce proper technique and frequently missed areas.
  9. The 4 Moments of Hand Hygiene:
    1. Before initial patient / patient environment contact
    2. Before aseptic procedure
    3. After body fluid exposure risk
    4. After patient / patient environment contact
  10. Donning PPE (theory and return demonstration): After procedure mask and face protection applied (which will already be on) > wash hands > don gown (ensuring it is tied properly)> wash hands > don gloves ensuring coverage over gown. Have buddy check before entering a resident’s room. Also review completing donning and doffing of ALL PPE.
  11. Doffing PPE (theory and return demonstration): Before leaving room: remove gloves> wash hands using ABHR> remove gown > wash hands. dispose of PPE before leaving room. After leaving room wash hands again before moving to another task.
  12. Reporting a breech in PPE use: If you have not work your PPE correctly, please report this to your supervisor.

I, ______________, am confident that I havee been provided with adequate information related to COVID-19 infection control practices in order to do my job safely to protect myself, residents and my colleagues. I agree to abide by infection control best practices.